Virtual Desktops

How much do you use virtual desktops on your computer?

none on windows. 3 on os x

Ive tried using them but they've mostly just resulted in me forgetting I moved something to a different desktop and wishing I hadn't.
I'm sure they're necessary if you tile your windows, but they're pretty useless if you just keep a big heap of them and navigate them with the tray.

2 desktops:
1. General use
2. Windows VM for work

I usually average around four, but if I'm using my laptop all day I can get to eight without really trying.


I've gotten used to using four, have a little widget in the panel that shows the outlines of the windows on each workspace so I know roughly what's where.

At home I usually reserve #1 for email and torrent client or other background stuff that I want to look at once in a while. #2 is the active one most of the time, with the browser open. #3 and #4 are video playback, music playback (if ncmpcpp isn't running in TTY6 instead), stuff I'm reading etc. I like reading my lecture notes in fullscreen and being able to have Libreoffice in another workspace, then maybe Pinta behind the Libreoffice window for editing screenshots ...
At work I use them even more. #1 is email, monitoring (How long have I been at work? How's the database?) and work-related browsing. #2 is non-work related browsing, music player (alternatively TTY6 for this one) and supertuxkart during breaks. #3 is all terminal windows for grid engine access, ssh into work server, file manager with results etc. #4 is IDE and programming-related shit (text editor, file manager with source directory, terminal with ipython for quick calculations).

I love using them and I get annoyed when I'm forced to use Windows 7 at uni.
> open file browser on prof's server
> open pdf file with lecture notes
> open another pdf with lab assignment
> open file browser in my personal directory
> open IDE for lab assignment
> open web browser to look something up
> spend minutes alt-tabbing until I find the window I want

One for web and shit. Another one for atom + tmux. Last one for music player. Working without workspaces is gay.

Same with basic tiling windows software like

I can't imagine me working on windows and switching all windows with alt tab.

VDs are essential for me.


Same as me bro. It's idiotic to not use them same as working with waterfall methodology not the scrum way.

I also hate when I'm forced to use Windows. It's so unfriendly when you have more than 3 windows open.

It's funny how bad window management can be in an OS that NAMED ITSELF WINDOWS.

2 on Windows. One for general use, and one for programming.

Windows 10 natively supports virtual desktops.

Thank you for your valuable input, Rasheed. Here are 10 rupees.

desu I haven't had any problems since 10 came out. Virtual desktops are easy to use, and while the WM can only handle 4 windows without getting tedious, I've never used more than 4 on any OS with any hardware set-up. If you have more than 4 windows up at all times, use virtual desktops. It's pretty intuitive. Win-Right moves a window right, Win-Up moves it up. So Win-Right then Win-Up makes a window occupy the upper-right corner, and you can push other windows to its sides with similar commands.

Never used them because the task bar is shared between all desktops, making it kinda pointless imo. If not for that I'd use them a lot more

>more than 4 windows up at all times
Even one Windows can't stay up for more than a couple days, let alone 4. #shitserveradminssay

It's nice Win10 does at least that. Better late than never I guess. If only it wasn't a complete clusterfuck in other regards.

Not at all because in reality it's just a way to minimize and maximize a group of windows. And the workflow isn't natural with virtual desktops. I have 3 monitors instead.

When working I have the middle display for vim. The left one for references/google. The right one program output/logging and other tools.

When lazying around I have browser in main windows or videoplayer. On the left screen I have a few twitch windows open. On the right I often a few more browser windows.


Okay? And?

It's shit, I don't use them.

literally all the time

desktop 1: web browser
desktop 2: all my terminals in a screen
desktop 3: discord chat
desktop 4: a gaym

this is on linux but on windows its completely useless because there are no hotkeys to hop between each one except going left and right
>having to move each window to each desktop on boot on windows when on linux a script can do that

All the time. I've got it set at 4 but usually 2 is enough.
I mostly navigate with keyboard shortcuts, and just use the taskbar applet when I forget what desktop an application is on, or whether I closed something or not.

Fuck off.

I use them a lot in Ubuntu, It really helps you to organize and multitask.
I'ts nice that Win10 finally implemented them (took them a good 25 years) but I hate that you can't see the program in the taskbar if it's on another desktop.

I have Qubes OS so everything I do is in a VM

daily reminder even Snowden praised Qubes OS and called you all "drones in a botnet" for not using it