Is open source communism?

Is open source communism?

Yes, it's liberal communism that's why it's good.

b-but open source is meritocracy
gentoo wont just install itself for you just becouse you need it

Why is coming together as a COMMUNity have such a bad name?

Hello there! You seem to have used the term "open source".

This term was created by a group of people that did not want to be associated with the free software movement. When I say "free" software (one of the alternatives preferable to "open source"), it's not about price; in that case I would say "gratis", or "free as in free beer". It's about freedom! This is what the free software movement is fighting for.

So what is "free" software? Free software is any software that guarantees the user the four essential software freedoms:
> 0. Run the program as you wish.
> 1. Study the source code and change it so it does what you wish.
> 2. Redistribute exact copies of the program.
> 3. Distribute your modified version of the program.

Some people decided that they wanted to restrict the user; but being able to study and modify the "open source" code is not enough! This is directly hurting the cause of the free software movement because it takes away the sociological "freedom" aspect of free software and turns it into a technological issue.

So for those reasons I ask that, in the future, you use the terms "free", "free/libre" or, if necessary "FLOSS" (short for "free/libre and open source"), though the latter should still be avoided.

I have mixed feelings about open source. On the one hand, it's certain that Linux, being reasonably performant, free, and able to run on consumer-grade hardware, must have tremendously accelerated the growth of the Internet.

On the other hand, I think it's pretty obvious that it's devalued the work of software engineers (and anyone else involved in the software production chain). Some schmuck slaves away for hours every week to produce some top-shelf open source libraries, then countless companies turn around and exploit that for financial gain. That does NOT sit well with me.

Honestly, I think the entire programming world has eaten itself. Look at all the people on Sup Forums who endlessly talk shit about others on the basis of their choice of tech stack and platform. We're a bunch of infighting man-children competing for Internet popularity. Meanwhile, the middle managers are getting raises while they sit around laughing about how they're going to hire cheaper kids out of college next year, because they're switching stacks anyway.

No. GPL is communism.

people died

People die every day.

>Not using a capitalist American operating system like Windows 10 Mobile
What are you son? Some kinda godless communist?

Not really. The weird thing about software and source code is you can give it to someone else AND still have a copy for yourself. Marx's assumptions about capital and ownership don't really make any sense in his context.

Far less Chinks died under Mao then Pajeets under capitalism at the same time.

Good thing capitalism makes everyone immortal flying faggot

Because no one is allowed to succeed

Everyone had to live like peasants

Good riddance.
But seriously, nobody dies "because of" communism.

> everything belongs to the state
> world war starts
> state spends all monies on military
> gets fucked by war
> leaders become corrupt, kill all opposition and keep wealth for themselves
> blame communism instead of circumstances (war) and corruption (Stalin)

>Live in communist utopia
>Make chair
>Can't own the chair I made myself
Sure sounds like a good system.


>he uses BSD

>live in Communist utopia
>complain about white males on the Internet
>get a chair
Sounds like a good system to me.

But that's wrong, retard.
> live in communist utopia
> your chairmaking business is owned by the state
> don't have to worry about going bankrupt if nobody is buying chairs, get a different job if business is closed down because of lack of demand
> gubmint tells me how many chairs I have to make per month
> not many because there are tons of other chairmakers
> make X chairs, give to gubmint to spread amongst my comrades
> make some more chairs, pay government for the material cost
> own the chair
The idea isn't that personal property doesn't exist, but that factories, businesses etc. (the capital) belong to the state.

But i'm not running a chair making bussines.
I made a chair for myself exclusively, and that chair was very comfy and made people jelly.

>I made a chair for myself exclusively
Then you own it even under communist rule.
Of course, if there's a chair shortage you might be required to give it to someone who doesn't have chairs. Or more realistically, if there's a shortage on burnable things, you might be required to hack it up so the town hall has some heating for the evening.

There is no state in a communist system.

>Implying there will ever not be a shortage of things during communist rule
As I said,

China was prone to famines before Mao. In fact Mao's policies raised the life expectancy in the PRC from 38 to 71. As a Hoxaist i have no great love for Mao but come the fuck on. At least give valid criticisms instead of memeing cold war propaganda.

I meant

Substitute "state" with "collective" then.

> war breaks out
> military needs fuel
> ration fuel for civilians
> civilians don't get warm tap water or heating for 4 hours per day
> have to burn wood for warmth
> communism: everyone has to pitch in some burning material for the fireplace in the communal town hall
> that includes you
Don't have any other wood in the house? Goodbye, chair.
Of course, in a utopia there is no war. So in a gommunist utopia, nobody would try to take away your chair.

>muh wars
Soviet was a mess even before the second world war.
Also soviet isn't the only example of the horrible mess that is a communist system.

The USSR was a mess even before communism and there are tons of examples of horrible messes that are capitalist systems, what's your point?

> war breaks out
> military needs fuel
> ration fuel for civilians
> civilians don't get warm tap water or heating for 4 hours per day
> have to burn wood for warmth
> capitalism: everyone has to pitch in some burning material for the fireplace in the communal town hall
> that includes you
Don't have any other wood in the house? Goodbye, chair.
Of course, in a utopia there is no war. So in a capitalist utopia, nobody would try to take away your chair.

No is libertarianism.

It was more of a mess both before and after the USSR.

Like this never happens in a capitalist system, especially not it those less developed capitalist economies that are exploited by neoliberalism.


>> capitalism: everyone has to pitch in some burning material for the fireplace in the communal town hall
WRONG, in capitalism you can tell everyone to fuck off (and watch them pull your house apart and rape you because you're being a cunt, but technically you're allowed to say no).
>So in a capitalist utopia, nobody would try to take away your chair.
In a capitalist utopia, you would sell the chair to the highest bidder.

True, true, my friend

It's time to face the facts. Richard Stallman is nothing more than a whining, overly obese autistic manbaby who has not done anything beneficial for the computing OR technology world in the past 20 years. Seriously. Name something that RMS has done after 1995 besides bitching, crying, and moaning about bullshit that does not matter, or making some retarded, incomprehensible speech.

He demands that Linux be called GNU/Linux. That is fucking insane. The only reason GNU, GPL, and FSF are still a THING is because of Linus and the invention of Linux. He saved their sorry asses from being dug into the ground. If anything, it should be Linux/GNU, because without Linus, the GNU, GPL, and FSF would NOT BE A GOD DAMN THING ANYMORE.

Stallman still has the fucking gonads to act like he's superior to everyone else. Saying shit such as "I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone" right after Steve Jobs' death. What a fucking asshole. Stallman has not even programmed a single line of code since 2008, that was AFTER he essentially stopped in 1992.

He should be fucking grateful Linus stepped in to save his ass, and even allowing him to take partial credit for his achievements. If it wasn't for Linus, he would be nothing, he would probably be dead in a Burger King dumpster right now. Not to mention, he's a fucking fraud.

He claims to have written eMacs, but in reality he actually cloned gosmacs (the first eMacs that was made for UNIX). He didn't even write 50% of the code in eMacs.

You might say he wrote GCC and GDB, but the truth is that he initally wrote the C compiler, but now the vast majority for the same compiler is done by contributors.

He's a washed up, morbidly obese man who tries to stay relevant by having these retarded arguments that are similar to those found in the Soviet Union. Face it GNU/Freetards, Richard Stallman is a fat dickhead, and the only reason his name is still in the books is because of Linus. What a fucking faggot.

wtf I hate IT now

this desu senpai

its libertarianism, retard.

ok so it is communism

No, it's just cheap and easy way for corporations to appropriate community work.

Libertarianism is laissez-faire capitalism, not communism, user.

People don't understand FOSS post 08. It's not about you, the user, it's not about other developers either. My shit is too fucked up to reasonably care about either.

FOSS is about demonstrating your code and your style of programming without the risk that a potential employer will simply copy and paste your code then profiteer it without you. GPL stops this. You can't distribute GPL code without providing the entire source and you can't professionally have 90% of your codebase coming from a NEET without hiring them or paying them off.

FOSS is about the developer. It's about me. It's about showing the world I'm a damn good developer without sleazy corporate cunts not giving me what I deserve.

This is how bad unemployment has become and troglodytes like Stallman don't give a fuck, so he's still stuck with high minded ideas that devolve to no one working. I will work for free but not because I enjoy working, because I'd rather work doing what I do best for fee and (((they))) need to recognise my talent.

Unfortunately, (((they))) are sociology graduate HR who couldn't recognise good code if it were a good code detector in 4 lines. HR destroyed the STEM industry.

So this is how node.js hipsters think

>wage slave
I've probably contributed more to free software than you and I do it for free, not because I think it will get me hired.

I already have a job anyway, and it's not a job programming. (That would be a great way to suck the fun out of it)

>I don't like these ideas, so being an activist and working for an NGO is not a real contribution
>Let's talk about the worth of a human based on their technical achievements in a narrowly defined field of my choosing.
This is called fascism, friend.

Also, if weighed objectively, I'm completely certain you would lose, even on those criteria. Which, by the way, are bogus since you are at best trolling or at worst actually retarded and framing the debate in terms of your weird, extremist far-right views.

This is literally incoherent. Please proofread a little.

>hey guys is this thing left or right please tell me what to believe

8/10, you managed to sneak another Sup Forums thread in under the guise of on-topic discussion.

So you're saying you'd be a selfish son of a bitch and not help during a war? That's completely retarded.

Communists should be shot on the spot and buried in nameless graves.

Communism sounds like a system for lazy fags who dont want to succeed

So what do you do?

>have a skill
>don't use it for profit
>implying intelligence
>implying the intelligence to create artificial intelligence

Absolutely nothing in that post is incoherent, you're simply not a strong English writer. If you grew up in an English speaking country, you deserve to feel shame. Shame, that like a nigger exposed to English his whole life be simply can't do it.

>So what do you do?
linux sysadmin

>abusing your own people
That's exactly what's wrong with capitalism.

Intelligent people have skills
Greedy people use their skills solely for profit
Wise people do not

Open source is more communism than any of the "communist" governments ever were.

>believes being paid to program will suck the fun out of it
>states at black terminal screens daily and enters repetitive commands

I did an extra couple of years to get a bachelor so I didn't have to work like that. Nothing was more soul crushing than all the cisco courses I did, when you remember how to configure 4 interfaces and set up EIGRP by memory, you realise how little challenge such work is going to be for you.

Enlightened people use everything at their disposal.

How did you get that impression? I'm saying that communism supports helping your fellow comrades (which I think is a good thing) but capitalism allows you to be a selfish prick (which I wouldn't be).

Nothing to do with capitalism or communism.
> communism
> fag doesn't want to pitch in when it's needed
> gulag time
> capitalism
> fag doesn't want to pitch in when it's needed
> gets fucked by other citizens because he's being a cunt

That must be why it's so shitty.

A system that always fucked over the people wherever it was implemented, but even nowadays you keep defending it.

Pajeet, leave.

Alot of people who are for the "EVERYTHING SHOULD BE OPEN SOURCE" are pretty much stupid retarded communists who don't understand anything about economics. If they did, they would come to realizations. Mainly about how a product which is created in the name of profit will almost always be better functionally than one made for free.

It's similar to how healthcare that is driven for profit is always better in quality than healthcare that is free. And how private businesses are always better run and efficient than public ones.

Wasn't the system that fucked people over, it was the corrupt leaders that took all the power and wealth for themselves, effectively turning a communist system into a fascist one.

Capitalist retard spotted

Freedom zero makes free software apolitical.

>Android is free software


Free software is not political. It's a licensing model meant to influence software that is based on it. You are free not to use free software if you don't want to be bound by the free software model.

RMS: People should chose software which allows them to do what they want with it.
Communist: You, oh oppressed worker, should storm the offices of software companies, take their software and hand it over to the state, which I should be in charge of and if you don't agree your options are taking a bullet in the head now or being worked to death in a gulag over the span of a few years.

The vast majority of Linux developers are paid employees of for-profit companies.

In communism, the government controls everything and everything can be taken away in an instant.
In an open source or GPLv3 Libre project, once you have it, you can do anything and everything with it, as long as you reference the sources. There is very little control over it. This is the opposite of communism!

Nobody dies of AIDS neither, they die from the consequences of AIDS...

Except people died not because of the consequences of communism, but the consequences of paranoid power-hungry dickbags being paranoid power-hungry dickbags and going against the principles of communism, using it as an excuse to keep people down in a fascist system that they called a communist one.

Have we started the fire?

No...just GNU...and only ideological commies anyway.

There's a good fucking reason Linux is amazing in the server realm but shit at desktop.

>In communism, the government controls everything and everything can be taken away in an instant.
No it doesn't. There is no government or state under communism and your private personal property cannot be taken away from you at an instant.

Muh that's not real communism/socialism meme
Accept that the system is not appropriate to use if it is that easily fucked over and has been fucked over every time except for like Cuba

That's socialism not communism.

>made people jelly
This is what's wrong with capitalism.

As an Adornist-Leninist I must ask: How's life in your bunker?

And capitalism isn't?

Nope. Free software is about true Freedom, which is not achievable with either communism, capitalism or whatever 'isms you could come up with.

>It's the communism and capitalism are black and white concept episode.

Go ahead time how public domain, voluntary work, gift economic are communism.