Random picture for the hell of it

Random picture for the hell of it.
Anyways I recently installed Arch Linux, and cannot for the fucking life of me get WiFi to work. Any user have a clean howto for me? I've tried all kinds of fucking tut's to no avail.

Other urls found in this thread:


You've probably tried all this, but:
Find the model of your wireless card (use lspci | grep -i net or something) and look for the driver name for it on somewhere like wireless.wiki.kernel.org. Use stuff like lsmod and insmod to see if that driver is loaded, and if you don't have it at all, you can probably install it.

Often wireless drivers require nonfree firmware blobs, but I imagine that'd come with the driver or the kernel on Arch, unlike say Parabola or even Debian.

If you have a way I can Teamviewer to your computer, I can get it going.

Or follow the beginner's guide: web.archive.org/web/20140528163920/https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners'_guide

drop your Skype, or if you would like XMPP and I could give you TV details.

>he fell for the linux meme

Install the non-libre drivers.

>dem feet tho

use NetworkManager
it's perfect for retards like you

sudo pacman -S gentoo

If that doesn't work, install NetworkManager and nm-applet. Use the latter to connect.

I have Network manager up, it does not show my wireless network. I've not had this issue on previous distros. Only Arch.

Literally iwlwifi

Use NetworkManager like the rest of the cucks


Does it show other wireless networks?

tsk, alpha males like me use netctl

Nope. Only "Wired Network 1"

all as root:
systemctl disable dhcpcd
systemctl stop dhcpcd
rm -rf /etc
systemctl enable netctl
systemctl start netctl
then select your network from the list, name it something (my-network)
should automatically be enabled and started (I think) but just in case
netctl enable my-network
netctl start my-network
ping google.com
to make sure it's working.

But make sure you know what each of these commands is doing before running because you'd be an idiot to run a bunch of commands you found on an alt right wall building discussion group without verifying none of them do anything malicious.

Not OP but worked for me, thanks.

This worked for me.

sudo wifi-menu
Invalid interface specification
Usage: wifi-menu [-h | --help] [-0 | --obscure ] [INTERFACE]

ip link
what's the output? something like wlp3s0? find the one that looks like your wireless device, then run "wifi-menu wlp3s0", replacing wlp3s0 with whatever your wireless device is

two loops and one "enp1s0"

post feets

looks like it's not detecting your wifi card at all. enp is ethernet. So... that's somewhere to start. Once the card is detected, try the advice I gave above again. I don't know what to do about it not being detected, and I gotta go to sleep. Might reply in the morning if this thread is still alive

She has sort of flat arches.

I beg to differ

>rm -rf /etc

That reminds me of a friend who chmoded recursively whole /etc on a shared hosting server.
Fun times.

Also if you paste commands from Sup Forums on your actual PC you deserve it.