Post your dank memes
Humor thread
Crab !
OHMYGOD too funny!!! XD
holy shit AMD is finnish and bankrupt!!!
is that chris chans china?
>this thread
Get the fuck out.
That's a really clever way to do hello world, why is it cs grad meme?
Also good luck getting a cs grad to come up with that shit.
Good post :^)
you've never programmed before, have you?
it's clunky and bloated and ultimately useless
Wow I must be really hard for news to compete with the (((news)))
> (((news)))
Anti-Semitism and racism are not allowed here, stormtard. It's literally against the global rules. Now be a good boy and skid back to your containment board.
> MUH triggered
Ah, no no no, my little stormfag, the only one that's triggered is you. Being a worthless basement-dwelling neckbeard, you get triggered by all normal people and blame your autism on Jews like a petulant little child. So pitiful.
gee I wonder who could be behind this particular post
That guy reminds me of my little brother
get your ass back to Sup Forums moron
Quality bait
>butthurt filled post
>no u triggered
It was obvious bait you imbecile
And of course all the poltards come out of the woodwork to voice their triggering at someone with a different opinion than them. So typical... so sad.
Haha okay schlomo.
Enough of the bait, user.
>using reflection when it is completely pointless is actually clever
At least the one that uses all popular Design patterns is funny
nice strawman
>muh manchild
You have it?
There is a lot of ableism and neurotypical privilege in this thread. Its very offensive I want it stopped and I demand an apology.
GNOME dev here. Can't say I agree with "beats all other GUI efforts in all of computing" - I still think webOS beats us in usability, and if it weren't for how far it fell, I wouldn't mind doing a mobile version of the DE :-D I'm glad people like GNOME, though - it may seem organized on the outside, but internally it plays out more like a fan project or something.
More to the point, however, I feel there's a bit of truth to this post. There's no real reason to use Linux other than "you like it" - sure, there are good aspects to it, but when it comes to OSes, there's no reason to use one over the other. We promote FOSS development because we believe in the philosophies behind it; however, imo it shouldn't be a dealbreaker when talking about software. I got to meet RMS a few years back, and while I appreciate his enthusiasm, I don't agree with him on this point.
HOWEVER, if there is a reason to use Linux, it's the headerbar concept. If you're not familiar with this, its a combined titlebar and menubar that GNOME uses on most of its core apps. It saves space for the actual content of the app to use and forces devs to focus on the core important pieces of their application when designing an interface. It's been copied in so many other OSes, but I feel only Linux users get the true, primal headerbar experience.
There's a user on DeviantArt I follow who does nothing but headerbar concept art, and I can say with certainty it truly shows the power of this amazing technology and its impact on society as a whole. We can do a lot with headerbars, and if we use them correctly, they can do a lot for us. too.
Why, my disabled wife wouldn't be able to use the computer to post her fanart if it wasn't for the simplified design of the GNOME Web browser, Epiphany. She's always found Chrome and Firefox's interfaces to be too unyieldy to use as a onehanded woman.
I hope I've done some good here, and please try GNOME!
nice try Isaac
Is he sponsored by that brand? wtf
3 4
>guaranteed replies
Nice try silverberg.
New wow expansion?
Don't even mention it.
Fuck off Chaim
Oven awaits, Schlomo!
>muh Oyy veyyyy
butthurt poltards ruined yet another board.
what is this thing of beauty?
listen here dumbasses you have the wrong meme
and here is the watermark to make sure you cant copy it.Just create a new one without the shitty typefont
>Disliking jews automatically makes you a Sup Forumsnigger
like this one was ok before.With all those "tips-fedora" manlets who make shitty memes out of shitty memes.Get your shit together or go to /po/
Yeah, fuck those origami loving fucks.
Sup Forums humor... not deranged /r9k/
Kys kike
PHP should be a plastic cup.
More like large hard-on collider
user what the fuck
RIP my nigga Harambe.