What the fuck is happening here
What the fuck is happening here
Time traveling
flying through time zones
kyouma pls
You were on a plane, turned the phone off and charged it a little, then took that screenshot
No, I took the bus to work and that's all the traveling I've done today.
you were abducted by aliens.
Nerve gas
Photoshop, Paint, or Gimp
Which one did you use?
None, it's an unedited screenshot, I promise.
What could it mean?
The time zone might have switched
This is clearly a message of some sort.
Rate me
>Status bar hangs over information
What the fuck user.
What form of autism is this
What info can't you see
The only clear answer if OP has not been timezone hopping.
Looks like a screenshot and he's viewing it in the gallery?
Lmao dumdass
I'm telling my mom on you!!!
it means android did a poor job of loading the data points and or clearing out the old ones and you got a silly graphic as a result.
my 5 y/o battery doesn't old the charge properly
what to do
>google play music
Get out
Did bus go tunnel as far who goes what do and see the end today in the far?
You have to be posting bait. Only way.
Why would it be bait?
I can't. Please user. Stop.
What's wrong?
What's bad about it?
>String music
>from google none the less
Did you travel backward in time?
My first thought.
Fucking hell it's still there
If I could travel through time I'd fix a lot of mistakes I've made, not post on Sup Forums
Then it could just be that your phone re-synchronized with the network and corrected itself.
heavy user here
How ate you rendering on your phone?
scream -_-
You first
You're moving faster than light
I promise, didn't edit
Why did you draw a nose on your battery graph?
Cause I'm a little nosey fuck, why?