We pretend that it is 2003

Hey fa/g/s, what do you think about the 64 bit AMD meme?

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It's shit compared to the 4 R16ks in my Tezro :^)

Javascript in Backend? hahahahahahaha
Better stick with PHP, kiddo.

Guys did you hear bout the PSP coming out out next year, seems like a huge flop to be honest

Oh that's great, thanks for breathing new life into the outdated and obsolete x86 architecture, AMD! That's all our industry really needed, instead of taking advantage of the jump to 64-bit to also upgrade to a decent RISC architecture and get rid of Wintel, you've made us get stuck with this piece of shit from the 70s! Thanks a lot, you bastards!

With KDE 3, this year will finally be the year of the Linux desktop!

I'm still on w98...

>Not ME
Stop living in the DOS era, faggot.

Will intel ever recover from making netburst housefires?




Has anyone else 100%ed the Undersea Temple in Jak and Daxter yet?

I can't get all the orbs on the way down the slide. And all the lurkers scare the shit out of me.

Don't worry, AMD64 will never take off. It's just a meme. PowerPC is the way of the future. In 10 years, all personal computers will have PPC architecture CPUs.

Made me laugh at apple propaganda all over again.

Did anyone fall for the FX5800 meme? Glad I picked up a 9800 instead.

Opteron is lyfe


>not having a leafblower in your PC

Haha nice try, AMD shill, but no one will ever use that for anything serious! PA-RISC, ITANIUM, PPC and MIPS will dominate the Top500 supercomputer charts for the next half-century!

My dad bought a custom PC, but I did not get to customise it (damn, dad). My GPU is a TNT RIVA 2 32MB. What's the best bang-for-buck gpu to get? I just want to play Max Payne 2 on high settings.

just wait you guys, Itanium sales will soon take off like a rocket

radeon 9600 pro

For sure, they just had a slow start. Soon it will be completely dominant just like intel predicted.

Itaniums and Hyper-Threading will revolutionize computing. Trust me, I'm Carly Fiorina.

My friend just shed a ton of money on one of those shitty lcd screens. It looks oily/shiny as fuck. My CTR might be huge and heavy, but I get excellent image out of it.

Even SGI is backing them!

SGI is one of those tech manufacturers that will last forever.

Yea, them and Sun. My Ultra 60 is quite the machine.

tfw you fell for the geforce 4 mx 440 meme

It doesn't even run Battlefield 1942 well.

What's a meme?

Ask Jeeves faggot.

Finally 1 mbit! I will never have to upgrade my internet connection now!

And I have a 120 gig hard drive, way too much space to ever fill up.

What is this shit, where's the fucking Sup Forumsuro newfags


Why is RDRAM so fucking expensive?

What's a meme?

Post your rare Linux demotivationals.

>Hey fa/g/s, what do you think about the 64 bit AMD meme?
My GNU/Linux distribution is already 100% 64-bit in the current year 2003.

Anyone know of a good tracker community where I can torrent Japanimation? Googling gives me many uncensored results, but all these public trackers have are VHS rips.

Voodoo 2 SLI

Just ordered a DFI Lanparty Ultra-D and a Venice 3200+

Can't wait to put some UV cathodes over that baby
