He's still using Windows 7

>He's still using Windows 7
>He upgraded to Windows 10
>He's not using Windows 8.1
>He's not using Start8
>He's not enjoying the speed of Windows 10 with the functionality and stability of Windows 7

Why is that Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>using a bad version of windows


I use linux

Because your taste in OS is as shit as your taste in girls, marika a shit

>he uses windows

and this is coming from a winfag that migrated to linux last week

Well yeah, I like aero


>buying a non shit metro replacer

is it worth

>he thinks windows 8 is fast

8 is just as much of a botnet as 10 though

you were probably too young to be on Sup Forums when it was released so you missed the shitstorm

>he thinks c code is fast


Lol windows

>Windows 10


Go for it!


>He is a winbabby

Is this the new desktop thread?

No there's not enough anime for it to be a good one.


Why would I install an OS that I have zero control over? 7 is fine and will be with me forever

>with the functionality and stability of Windows 7

>not Classic Shell




you too :3

Marika is the best girl


>He fell for the Sup Forums program memes

>hes not using OSX while his bf pounds his boipussi

>He's not using Start8

why did it take up until Windows 10 update whatever for Microsoft to add clocks on both taskbars in dualmonitor displays?

But I'm using GNU/Linux.

Marika a shit and you know it.

Sauce the background kudasai


Thunderbird is literally better than Outlook. You probably use uTorrent and Gimp.

I would use 8.1 but I face compatibility issues with the games I play, which are all from the early to mid 2000s. And considering that these games are all that I boot into Windows for in the first place, it's kind of pointless to use any other version of Windows but 7.

there's already start 10. windows 10 is snappy af on my 850 evo ssd. fuck off

I do use it desu, I just use classic shell instead

>loonix sekret club


>the speed of Windows 10

OP is a Start8 shill

no she's not

>the speed of Windows 10

Why would I want something slower?

You should teach op about having good taste in waifus

Windows 10 is not faster, nor is it more functional as most things require more clicks to access and the search functionality is nowhere near as fast and efficient as it is with Windows 7.

Also, the only new thing Windows 10 really brings to the party is DX12 and there's barely anything using it at this point and even so the games can still use DX11 just fucking fine anyway.

Windows 7 is still the best operating system Microsoft ever created and that's not going to ever change at this point considering how shitty Windows 8/8.1 and now 10 actually are in real-world use.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

who are you quoting

n-no bully

trips confirms truth, justice and glory for Win 7
amen brother

Why should I use Start8 instead of Classic Shell?

>functionality and stability of Windows 7
What functionality does Windows 7 have that Windows 10 doesn't? And I've never experienced instability with Windows 10. Just stop being a whiny Windows 8 shill
