Tell me what is wrong with Manjaro. Planning on using it as my daily OS
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Its maintainers can't maintain a website.
It's a useless distro based on another useless distro.
It's better than Arch, I don't really see anything wrong with it user, it's pretty good.
I still like xubuntu more and I use it as my main OS with win 7 on a VM.
Pls don't kill me.
- Steals packages from arch and passes them off as their own.
- Steals album artwork from edgy teenager bands to use as a logo because they cant even do what Sup Forums can and make orinal logo.
- Users in the forum appear to be seriously mentally retarded
Its beelding edge and stable, as well as having access to the AUR. Im not sure I see a problem with it
its arch for people with life. it just werks.
btw it has benn just updated
antergos is a much better implementation of "idiot-proof arch"
> Doesn't know the difference between a developer and a webmaster
>Open source
>Steals packages
Pick one user
>Mfw I knew this from the start and I liked it more because of it.
Even so, in FOSS it is still bad manners to take others work not only without accreditation but even further to constantly talk shit about the hand that feeds all of your work when they call you out on poor security that reflects bad on them by association.
Really says a lot about the character of Manjaro developers and its users.
fuck off cocksucker
>>Even so, in FOSS it is still bad manners to take others work not only without accreditation but even further to constantly talk shit about the hand that feeds all of your work
Well then it's a good thing that that doesn't happen with Manjaro, right?
I like Manjaro's repo structure much more desu. Just today I broke Xorg with an overdue update, all it took was switching to a more stable repo, pacman -Suu and everything was working again. If this happened on Arch stable, I imagine it'd be a lot bigger pain in the ass to fix.
it's great. i've tried kde and xfce and both just werk
For some reason my wireless isn't though.
Keep in mind that manjaro is not arch and packages break there not because they break on arch, but because the ~5 maintainers do a poor job testing the 15000 packages when they try to "stabilize" arch repos. If something like that happened on arch, all hell would break loose.
+2 years using manjaro without single break
This. The whole stability thing with Manjaro is a fucking joke anyways. I've only experienced two issues with Arch in the three and a half years I've been using it, one was nvidia related and the other was when Gnome rolled out a huge update.Both were minor and the Gnome thing was straightened out within days.
>but because the ~5 maintainers do a poor job testing the 15000 packages when they try to "stabilize" arch repos
But the break happened on Manjaro unstable repos, which are literally unaltered clones from Arch. And it related to a lightdm update reported to be buggy even on Debian.
From my experience so far with both, the differences between Manjaro and Arch seem to be greatly overstated; there are very few issues with Manjaro that I've solved any differently than on my Arch VM. on the Arch IRC I pretend I'm having troubles with Arch and all of their solutions work on Manjaro.
so do you recommend arch? what about antergos?
>which are literally unaltered clones from Arch
What's the point of using manjaro then? Unless you're mixing some "unstable" packages from arch with some "stablized" packages from manjaro, which would be exactly what breaks things.
I'm not using lightdm, but I was unable to find any such bug reports on the arch bug tracker or their mailing lists. I think if there was a bug that broke Xorg, somebody would have reported it.
>What's the point of using manjaro then?
You're not supposed to do like this retard, you're supposed to grab everything from stable and get what you absolutely need from aur/unstable repos instead of the other way around.
Nobody reports arch bugs that break X anymore because every other update breaks X.
>What's the point of using manjaro then? Unless you're mixing some "unstable" packages from arch with some "stablized" packages from manjaro, which would be exactly what breaks things.
I actually installed Manjaro because it had preconfigured wifi tools, I wanted to install from wifi and wpa_supplicant on Arch for some reason refused to accept my wifi password.
But I feel no need to change, everything one would want from Arch like AUR is already available, and all the fixes work as intended. Mhwd-kernel is a much less painful way of kernel troubleshooting than semi-randomly switching linux packages in Arch, and there are always the stable repos to comfortably fall back upon whenever some kind of breakage occurs with the unstable ones.
Arch or Antergos is fine if the installer works for you. I used to Architect to install Arch, but I've since moved on to Arch Anywhere. It's really quick and easy. No need to use a derivative distro anymore.
Awesome, has never failed me in over a year.
I grew tired of having to rebuild my whole system every two weeks because of bulky Arch updates.
holy words
>you're supposed to grab everything from stable and get what you absolutely need from aur/unstable repos
So I was right. You're basically doing partial upgrades which are explicitly unsupported. And when things inevitably break, you blame arch.
>lightdm 1.18.2-1 breaks D-BUS unless dbus-user-session is installed
I don't see why that would affect arch, this is not an optional package that you could uninstall even if you wanted to.
i'm still relatively new to linux and after maybe a year with mint (cinnamon, then mate) i want to try something new. was thinking between antergos and manjaro. tried both in VM and both worked well, antergos installer was a bit glitchy at the language/keyboard selection part, but installed without any errors
mint mate is pretty comfy but i wanna try something less bloated
Archfags everybody
>if your x doesn't break once a day, your os isn't worth using!
>every other update breaks x
It's like you don't use Arch, and if you use unstable there's a reason why it would break. That's one of the inherent risks of using anything unstable, regardless of distro.
Nothing I use it daily on desktop
"Oh nuuu stop oppressing muh arch!"
Nobody except memekeks blames any distro, turboautist.
>Its beelding edge and stable
It doesn't work like that.
Nice reading comprehension.
What would you call it then?
>manjaro never breaks, except all the time, but that's because of the packages from arch which are sooo unstable
Use whatever you like, really. I happen to like Arch, but I'm not getting paid to recruit so I could care less. Ultimately, it's easier to just use Arch because the info in the Wiki pertains specificly to Arch. Antergos has a couple of gui tweaks that make it very slightly different, and Manjaro is messed with alot. None of the three are horrible though.
t. paid shill
>>>manjaro never breaks, except all the time
>hyperbole is perfectly fine except when it's about my distro!
Antergos and Manjaro interest me as this Arch seems too hardcore for me but these appear to be based on it but more user friendly?
Just looking to change from Wangblows.
It isn't as much of an issue as you would think. We're dealing with Linux here, not nitroglycerine.
>but I'm not getting paid to recruit
go mint/ubuntu/fedora first, then try some of the edgy ones
I've used Ubuntu for some time now, or Xubuntu to be exact.
Unless you want to swim in bugs, consider GNU/Linux hardcore as a whole. Try out Ubuntu/Mint for 15 minutes to get a feel for it, you can try replicating it with Debian or Arch and then splintering into whatever interests you. Don't stop reading and troubleshooting via your own research.
Are you that autistic guy from that autistic blog?
Just stay with xubuntu or try fedora.
You want an OS or something to play with btw?