"Youtube's censoring it's users" discussion thread

youtube's new policy is about demonetizing videos for not being 'Advertiser friendly'. However, everything on this list, you have seen in a TV show, the news, or even a fucking ad.

This is bullshit on a new level. What does Sup Forums think of this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rip filthyfrank

Not approving for monetization is not censorship.

>Sup Forumseddit

>jewgle trying to get out of paying people

Sounds about right

>Not paying you for your work isn't slavery

2016... still using youtube


Private businesses have every right to decide what to broadcast.
You're free to post your videos elsewhere.

>promotion of drugs and regulated substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
Does that mean that (c)Rapcan't make money on YouTube anymore?

yeah I watched the h3h3 video too

Youtubers have no obligation to produce content and were never given a guarantee of it being rewarded.
If someone walks up to my car and pours some soap water on the windscreen and I don't give them money afterwards, I'm not enslaving them.

A lot of people use Youtube as their livelihood. because Youtube is the most popular site for video making, YT doesn't have any competition.

>A lot of people use Youtube as their livelihood.
Mistake #1

Well then this is a chance for competition to arise, to host videos of edgy teens with potty mouths and drug-peddling rap artists.

You don't own Youtube. It's theirs to do what they want. If you don't like it, simply stop going there.

>I am entitled to be paid for my content that others host for me for free

This guy is probably one of those "ad blocking is theft" wankers.

>You don't own Youtube.
As a millennial I have to disagree. I'm entitled to anything I want.

>monetizing youtube
Get a real job.

I'm happy about this, no more retards making money off the works of others.

>What does Sup Forums think of this?
It's JewTube, who gives a fuck? What did you expect from the jew?

You seem to misunderstand who is affected by this.

Videos that take no effort to do, like play video games or comment on drama are not affected by this.

Videos that are about reporting wars or professional critics will see no reason to mirror their work on Youtube.

Good. Then they post it elsewhere and the Internet gets a bit more decentralized again.

It's their fucking website and they can do whatever they want with it, if you don't like it, then don't use it, as simple as that.

>Implying any of the content on YouTube is good enough you deserve to be paid for it.
Get a real job. Making shitty YouTube videos isn't a real job.

or they will do what they did for 10years prior and not make internet content at all.

poor youtubers :(

>what think
I think YouTube is a private company that is allowed to place whatever restrictions on whatever they want, that's what I think. If you don't like it, stop using it.

>muh censorship w-wah
Last time I checked, refusing monetization isn't censoring anything. Get a job other then turning memes into video content, you aren't owed anything.

Is youtube breaking even yet? They've been losing money this entire time. I am excited to see if they destroy themselves in pursuit of that black.

Allahu' Ackbar.

Oh yes, GOOD goy, YouTube is losing money big time, I think we need the government to step in and help them out! Wouldn't want YouTube to go down now would we? Just a few billion sheckels is all we need!

Does this mean that every stupid prank video that uses teenage sex appeal click bait will no longer be monetized?

Youtube in its current form is non profitable.

From the way they talk with monotization being a pain and addblock killing it why dont they abandon the youtube cash stream. Just use it to host as well as elsewhere. Then do their own adds mid video to make money.

does anyone know if they are bothering hitchock45 again?

Nope there still being moneterized

YouTube sucks. I hope it fucking dies.

>I am excited to see if they destroy themselves in pursuit of that black.

>Google fucks up a product but people refuse to leave it
I'm shocked

If you don't like it find another site. These crybaby youtube fuckwads have been whining about youtube for years.



Private companies that allow you to use their platform after agreeing to terms of service cannot commit "censorship." It's ironic that so many of you neckbeards think private companies should be able to refuse service to a gay person or force trans people to use the men's bathroom, but if they demonetize content they don't like it's CENSORSHIP REEE.

Fuck y'all.

>boo hoo I can't earn as much money as I used to with doing my hobby anymore my life is so fucking bad :'(
He's not the only one but YouTubers like h3h3 became annoying as fuck with their drama shit.

am i the only one scared about it ? I like swear words and sexual humor.

Nobody gets to complain about this after a decade of promoting the Jewtube monopoly.

Problem solved.


It's like those censored "FUCK" in mr robot. I hate it, just so 12years old can watch it.

and desu youtube is stupid and not jewtube anymore. Look, pornhub found a lot of advertiser so wtf. Are they THAT lazy to not match advertising ? If a video is tag with 'vulgar language' they should find appropriate ads to run on it. Not taking the monetization away.

Those videos will still exist, but ad-providers can just choose not to show their ads. It doesn't say your videos will be barred from ALL ads, just that not ALL advertisers will have to play their ads over your video. Honestly, people didn't even read this shit. They're getting butthurt about nothing. There's literally nothing preventing people from making those videos.

for now.

So imagine if YouTube decided to delete all videos uploaded by black people. Would that sound fair since they are a private business and can decide what they want to broadcast?


>hurr why does youtube not pay me for my shitty videos

1. Video makers have no right to monetization. If they don't like it, they can leave.
2. If they leave, Youtube is dead. Youtube is alive only through its content. Creators are the only reason Youtube makes any money at all. Social video has already been taken by other channels.

Calm down dad. Jk who the fuck would wanna have your kids lmao

yes that would be fair. it would be unfair if they weren't allowed to do it.

Dad stop shitposting on my threads.

Of course.

It would simply not be possible since it would cause a massive society uproar, regardless of your opinion.

They aren't.

>since it would cause a massive society uproar, regardless of your opinion.
They'd be a big hit with the white nationalists.

>It would simply not be possible since it would cause a massive society uproar, regardless of your opinion.

but it would still be fair AND possible, it would be less likely to happen because that would be a publicity nightmare but they still could if they wanted to.

>They aren't.

can you please show me the law that says it is illegal for a website to decline service to certain people?

youtube has ALWAYS had the ability to delete whatever videos they've wanted. It's a private website, not a public forum where you have a government-protected right to post whatever you want to.

enjoy your 3 videos on dailymotion :^)

They are providing a service to people, so laws regarding offering such services and customer rights still apply.

>google "h3h3"
>find unfunny video blogger with edgy memes
>omg there are a million of similar video bloggers
>tfw they're not getting any more money

Pretty much why it's so easy to abuse their community service guidelines.
I never use this meme, but you have to be at least 18 to use this site.

What's there to discuss?

It's THEIR website and they can do whatever the fuck they want.

>b-b-but muh source of income

Fuck off and get a real job.
Youtube doesn't owe shit to anyone.

I'm actually glad they did this. Hopefully Youtube will get less cancerous, because boy did it get cancerous.

Anti-discrimination laws don't apply, or at least never have been successfully applied, to protect failed millennial stand-up """comedians""" who stir up drama over YouTube.

Allowing ad networks to choose their clients based on what content those clients choose to post isn't censorship, and it isn't violating your rights.

>all these people on Sup Forums crying about how this is going to ruin their lives
Who knew Sup Forums had so many wannabe tech-reviewer millionaires on here? Get a real job, faggots. No, reviewing Android phones on the internet with your webcam is not a "real job".

A few years ago Sup Forums tried to make a youtube alternative but nothing came of it.

Just like every other project Sup Forums came up with.

I'm actually surprised it got past the logo phase, because that's where Sup Forums projects usually stop.

but it is still their service, what makes you think that they are allowed to block regions but not people?

>If they don't like it, they can leave
Unless you're highly successful, you really can't. People get so riled up about YouTube because they effectively have a monopoly for user-made Internet videos.

>If they leave, Youtube is dead.
No one wants to sacrifice years of accomplishment in some revenge hit on YouTube. There's nowhere else to go. People aren't concerned about YouTube's policies from a legal standpoint, mostly an ethical one. You would think Sup Forums, where Stallman is deified, would sympathize more than any other site online.

>There's nowhere else to go.

Is this that site where all those tumblr hentai artists and yiff femninists get crowdfunds from? xxDD Wew edgy.

I'll make the logo

But it all comes down to Youtube not owing anyone anything. Being a succesful 'Youtuber' doesn't mean you're entitled to money.

There's nothing to sympathize with. Please go back to >>>/reddit/, where you can complain about how youtube is a bunch of meanies for NOT showing advertisements on your videos and giving you pennies for adding them to your videos. Maybe you'll be able to get a real job now dude.

>guilt by association

Yeah, who needs fan support when you can make zero money from ads because all of your viewers are using uBlock Origin?

Also, not all Patreon users (or even most) are Tumblr-esque feminists, they just appear to be the loudest demographic if you frequent Sup Forums or similar.

Somebody doesn't know what the word "monopoly" means.

I'd rather pay the artist than watch cancerous advertisements.

Pic related, to OP, to you, to anyone who disagrees with me because fuck you

If producing a video for youtube entitles the creator to money, I think we should be paid by Sup Forums, imgur, and reddit for all the dank memes we create. Where's my check.

So with YT burning we need a new site, because I would rather deal with some shit thrown together by basement dwellers than have to consume the worlds largest live crowd sourced advertisement.

This is 2016, where people think you can literally sue someone for hurting your feelings and think that if you get more than 20 views on some clickbait you deserve cash in your hand for all your "hard work". Is it any surprise that people are stupidly butthurt about this?

This is all Moot's fault.


Get a job lad.

Do you have unwatermarked Jermabucks by chance?

>implying you never watch youtube

No, "we" don't. Only shitheads like you who thought that they could go the rest of their lives making money off ads on YouTube videos do.

>youtube blocks some videos in different countries due to copyright holder notices or governments
>youtube needs you to log in to watch some videos
>it's totally k boiis :^)

>youtube introduces different advertising payments policy
>rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee censorship!!!!!!

Cant get the unwatermarked stock photo.
Yet again assuming I have a channel on YouTube and implying that you don't watch any YouTube videos.



fail to see the issue here

get a real job

If you don't run a youtube channel then the decision to let advertisers choose their clients doesn't change anything at all for you.

you do realise that youtube takes large cut of that right?

And by demonitization meaning you lose the money and youtube takes the entire ad revenue.

So no, they are paying for the hosting of their content in an indirect way.

>t. Former YouTuber that got a real job and escaped google slavery

No, I _deserve_ YouTube Internet money!

>n-no I don't have yt channel at all, I don't make any money off of jewtube
>btw Sup Forums pls make a new jewtube for people like me to use b/c jewtube won't let me put ads on my vidyer game LP's anymore.
kek. Get a fucking job.


Thanks for the pic, perfectly suited to this situation.

How's YouTube red doing? Genuinely curious.

Yes it does, because it affects the content that I consume. Is it really that hard to understand, if people need to censor themselves and tame their videos down to continue supporting their incomes then the quality drops drastically having an effect on my enjoyment of the site.

Fucking Christ the google shills are in full fucking force in this thread.