Is apple pushing the industry forward?
>thinner phones
>double sided connector
>Retina displays
>no more shitty 3.5mm
How long until they make a completely waterproof phone with no ports?
Is apple pushing the industry forward?
>thinner phones
>double sided connector
>Retina displays
>no more shitty 3.5mm
How long until they make a completely waterproof phone with no ports?
>Proprietary and single purposed = retarded
>Overpriced bullshit
>Fucking idiotic
They'll do it when you suicide.
Salty lagdroid fag detected
Not an argument.
Neither was your reply MOM
I made points.
You said salt lag which is not an argument.
>>no more shitty 3.5mm
But it isn't shitty?
Yes it is, lel
My favorite part about apple hardware is that you have to buy adapters that convert there ports to the common ports. Example being that weird slot that gives video out, i need an adapter to make it a DVI port. The adapter is also sold by apple.
aside from the memebook with the usb-c connector, everything else has offered mini displayport for the last few years
laptops from the last few years all have hdmi too (aside from the memebook with its one port)
inb4 Sup Forums calls her fat
>bad quality, 1440p is better
1/10 made me reply
>completely waterproof with no ports
Now that's an interesting idea, but I fail to see how they'd get rid of the speakers and even then water could get in via the screen
What a fatty!
Yeah, it turns out people don't want a shitty phone that functions as a shitty computer.
They would rather buy a phone that works as a phone, and a computer that works like a computer. Who would have thought?
Is that why iPhone is more popular where it matters?
Who is this?
Then why have a smartphone? Feature phones from 2008 were "just phones". Mobile email was even possible on them. Honestly this just reinforces my view that iphones even today are nothing more than warmed over touch-screen feature phones. Just today I saw some post about how iOS doest have a way to clear app cache without uninstalling and reinstalling the offending app, this person has a 16Gb iPhone with a full storage warning of course. Like damn, its the little things like that that keep me on Android.
>removal of 3.5mm jack being a good thing
Fuck right off. I hate Bluetooth headsets because I wear regular ones often. The very thought of them dying on me mid way through something is what gets to me so anyone supporting the death of 3.5mm jacks can eat shit.
I get almost 8 hours on my chink in ears, and then there's the on ear ones that get 40 hours headphones that I'm going to order soon.
Just plug it in at the end of the day, no sane person would listen to more than 7 hours a day.
Mine last me 2 days per charge
Because Apple said it is
Until someone starts pushing battery life outside of aliexpress memephones the industry isn't going anywhere.
Aren't """"retina"""" displays still sub-1080p? Every time I see an IPhone screenshot it's some hilarious budget laptop tier resolution.
>I'm replying to bait
This is not /fit/
people are going to bitch about apple killing the 3.5mm jack as a symbol of them pushing proprietary shit, etc... until about a year or two from now, when they'll start insisting that motorola was actually the innovative one, since they were the first to do it with the Moto Z.
Retina is 326ppi.
IPhone 6 plus is 1080p.
My redmi 3 pro is 720p 294ppi, it looks great when I don't hold my screen 2cm from my face
>Aren't "retina" displays still sub-1080p
are you dumb or just unfathomably unaware of apple products as far back as 2012? apple's been making "retina" tablets, laptops, and desktops for more than 4 years now.
at its most abstract, the word just means some function of usage distance and eye acuity yielding a pixel density, which applies to smartphones, tablets, etc... literally anything with a display. i prefer to use the term "high pixel density", but it's essentially pixel doubling for whatever the "normal" pixel density you use is.
>paid Apple shilling
No one is this dumb.
So yeah the IPhone 6s has a shittier screen than my HTC from three years ago
c u t t i n g
e d g e
You can keep your marketing term semantics thanks.
>resolution is everything
Enjoy your 4 inch 5k android screen with inaccurate colors and 2 hours battery life :^)
Did you miss the part where we were talking about resolution?
>iphone has RETIBA!!!! eat shit android
>that's actually worse than android flagships from three years ago
>r-resolution isn't important
Ditching the 3.5mm jack is going backwards to fucking 2000-2007 standards.
The only cool thing on your list is a double sided connector.
retina display was just how they advertised their really high res phones. All the competitors were coming out with similar display about the same time.
>get LG feature phone in 2008, LG Env 2 I think
>has micro sd slot, can now ditch mp3 player
>but wait, it has a fucking 2.5 jack wtf
>have to by speshul snowflake 2.5mm headphones that were unreasonably expensive
I hope it all blows up in Apple's face, but of course people will buy anything with an Apple logo. I can't beleive the number of people with an Apple watch that literally never do anything with it.
Yeah, but will it be champagne-proof?
>>iphone has RETIBA!!!! eat shit android
This was an argument in 2009 user...
Are you still so upset that the Galaxy S was so shit?
Goddamn, to hold a grudge for 7 years.
Nah, cause wireless exists
Why do people keep asking this?
cause they want to find more to jerk off to?
>Paying almost $1000 for a telephone... a fucking telephone
>Spending half your day staring a tiny screen and "socialising" on social media
>Not having a red-pilled texting/calling device that costs $10/month
The best thing about them is they retain a lot of resale value compared to Android trash
The only thing worse than apple fags are the poor apple fag wannabes who drive up the resale value of garbage.
>Who is this Semen Demon?
she's flat
>How long until they make a completely waterproof phone with no ports?
Never, because you need sound to come out somehow and a SIM card to go in.
>paying 10$ a month for making calls
>you could also just go to the person you want to talk to
>all this frivolous spending man
>shitty bait thread
>30 idiots reply seriously
That's the problem with bait threads. If you post, it's shit, if you don't post, the entire board becomes shit.
Absolute truth right here...
Apple fucked us all over and your normie
fucks let them.
Apple hasn't done anything since Jobs died, they're screwed when iphone sales decline.
The problem is the knowledgeable people in any sector are not the ones who have insanely huge ROIs, that is the normies.
>Apple hasn't done anything since the iPad
because its completely useless port on a phone. imagine if we never abandon CDs, coz hurr durr why would we when its werks
>>thinner phones
That's not a good thing. Samsung made the galaxy s7 thicker and the public responded by buying it as fast as it could be produced.
>>double sided connector
Not that big of a deal, there are other features of the lightning connector that were important but they're shared with micro USB.
>>Retina displays
Thoroughly mediocre. I hope they switch to OLED next round.
>>no more shitty 3.5mm
This is a terrible idea.
>Retina displays
don't use big words if you don't know what they mean. Virtually any screen ever is a "retina display" if you're just far enough away.
Retarded apple fag.
Not him but you didn't answer the question. As for getting rid of the 3.5mm port, you'll need a replacement as most people listen to music on their phones one way or another. Either you need a dongle, which would be a hilarious step backwards, or you use Bluetooth which will kill sound quality and battery life.
>Just plug it in at the end of the day, no sane person would listen to more than 7 hours a day.
I'm on the move 50% of the time, I don't always have the luxury to charge everything every night.
>I made points
no you made stupid assertions based on nothing, because Sup Forums told you to think like that
They were. The new Mac Pro sucks balls while the old one was like any other high-end Xeon workstation but specialized for OS X. The iPad Pro is an abortion and the new MacBook makes me scream in agony. It was deliberately designed to stop people on iFixIt from tearing it down because Jony Ive is a nutcase.
The used to be leaders, though. So are some other companies, there's no single leader.
I'm glad someone said it. Retina doesn't mean shit.
Marketing more than tech: creating an artificially closed space to generate (controlled) freedom.
The average user is too weak and vulnerable to direct his own user experience.
That's the genius of Jobs, inspired from monks.
>no blastprocessing
Wether you like apple or not, there is no doubt they pushed the industry for decades.
Apple made a lot of things that Microsoft (and leter on Linux) adopted, many things that seem common today. But without apple computers would be total shit today.
Apple introduced concepts as the mouse or the paper bin toward the masses. Sometimes technologies were already there (the Xexox mouse), but if apple didn't pushed them they would not have been interesting for anybody.
Apple build the iPod - everybody has one.
Then apple build the iPhone - and suddenly everybody wants to ride the smartphone train.
Then apple build the iPad - suddenly everybody makes his own tablet.
Without Apple we wouldn't have HTML5 as it is today, instead a wierd XML standard nobody uses and plenty of broken websites.
Without apple we would still ahve the shitty 960px design instead of flexible boxes. Half of the things we use everyday are heaily influenced by apple.
Of course there's a difference:
Retina display means you have a different amount of pixels in width and heidth.
For example before the iPhone 4 you had usually a width of 320 px, retina has 640 px width.
>type c
>retina is a coined term, androids have had this "feature" for years
>nothing wrong with 3.5mm
have fun charging your shitty battery powered headphones with signal interference.
>thinner phones
This means smaller batteries and shitty battery life.
>double sided connector
>Retina displays
Literally a fucking meme, Iphone 6s is not even on 1080p yet, which is fucking disgusting. And the difference between 720p and 1080 is definately noticable on a phone that big.
>no more shitty 3.5mm
How is the 3.5mm jack shitty?
where did you find the hi res pic of this?
>Virtually any screen ever is a "retina display" if you're just far enough away.
this is exactly why apple uses that term
Products are just end-user experiences stemmed from an organism. It all starts in owning the source, in a language geared to own the formulation of ideas that aren't always original but refined; without any credence to hard data, science, design as science efficiency.
Products are a complex organism of their own.
The "hard code" is not even that important. You can build a product on differnt architectures and it still stays the same product. Or like Steve Jobs put it: Design is the "how it works" od a product.
The code is nto really important. you can implement rubber bounding in a thousand different ways, but the deign of rubber bounding is unique.
Code it like matter, atoms: of course it's how everything works, but would you judge a person by "hey, you are 4.7*10^27 hydrogen protons and.."
No, that is misleading. Important are not the singe parts, improtant is the emergent behaviour from the parts.
Oh my fucking god. Kill yourself. How can one be this autistic. Research before shitposting.
thank god it wasn't like the top picture. wtf get a umpc if you want computer sane not autistic people wants a platform that ""just werks"" to socialize
Am waiting for apple to release a computer with no ports.
Not even for charging or usb.
The machine will not even have a harddrive, the OS will be streamed over the web and it have wireless charge, Bluetooth if you want to connect stuff, an emoji keyboard and you can play all the latest games (streamed).
>Is apple pushing the industry forward?
>thinner phones
They're not the only ones who are making thinner phones.
>double sided connector
>Retina displays
Overpriced and nothing special compared to other high quality displays.
Oh, and regarding the 3.5mm jack.
Getting rid of duchy widely used standard like that (not only used on phones and computers) is just stupid.
It's a good standard for a reason.
Having to either replace your high end headphones or get a tacky converter makes no sense.
Clover trail phone running desktop windows when
Just use Bluetooth you retard
>iShoes won't let me cross street
Good thing we have helicopters now
Maybe you should inform yourself, faglord?
Sure, people can do that or they want.
I spend a lot of time listening to music while traveling by train though, so they wouldn't suit me.
I'm happy with my good quality, corded, noise canceling headphones.
That is a good point. I'd like a wireless charging, Bluetooth only phone, that I can use and put under water.
> Apple made a lot of things that Microsoft (and leter on Linux) adopted, many things that seem common today.
They copied everything from someone else. Including Linux and Windows. Virtually nothing at all was invented at Apple, ever.
> Apple build the iPod - everybody has one.
> Then apple build the iPhone - and suddenly everybody wants to ride the smartphone train.
The only invention is that you call them "smartphones". Everyone already wanted better phones with more computing capabilities, flat screen, media playback, games and shit before.
> Without Apple we wouldn't have HTML5 as it is today, instead a wierd XML standard nobody uses and plenty of broken websites.
No. Just no. And what defines the web today is JS. The updates to HTML exist, but they're nothing particularly revolutionary.
> Without apple we would still ahve the shitty 960px design
> Half of the things we use everyday are heaily influenced by apple.
No. Apple had an influence on some things, but overall their effect is marketing and mainly just following trends that were already happening, and more efficiently peddling someone else's inventions that already were being sold at inflated prices.
best phone incoming:
>no ports
>no volume buttons
>internal sim provisioned through software
>captive buttons with a physical home button
>top positioned lock button doubles as ir blaster
>front and back camera
>no proximity sensor bullshit
It's just an attempt at forcibly obsoleting a perfectly adequate standard to peddle more expensive shit.
Apple has been trying this many times, and it paid for them (even in cases where they couldn't keep the feature removed for multiple device generations due to market pressure, there were still suckers that bought the Apple-sanctioned workarounds).
Of course, whoever is still Applefag at this point probably won't be convinced. They already were okay with sliding along and throwing money at new problems that didn't even have a reason to become problems.
or shit why not make the home button a captive button as well.
fuck it jam a captive lock button somewhere and have a button-less phone.
then we can really seal that shit up.
make it sub $200 so people can afford a new one every 2 years when the battery dies
Code is just an allegory/metaphor of language which is proprietary, unified under one experience which is the monolithic brand.
You could expand atoms to galaxies under the same known laws, yet divesting a natural law under a proprietary one is a fallacy.
Behavior is data, saying Apple created data is nothing new. Apple created an experience which is a core element in marketing but it isn't fundamentally technology if it doesn't contribute to the science. Drawing any relation between science and code is far-fatched but you're missing the point that products don't exist ex-nihilo, it's the fundamental philosophy which guide them.
Do you even fucking have a brain?
Every single phone with anything higher than 1080p is HiDPI, and you are just full of shit.
The problem isn't that "HURR DURR MUH THRI PUNT FIV JACK", but the fact that aplel has a restricted bluetooth stack that limits who can connect to their technology, therefore this move makes apple a whole lot richer in licensing fees
But are they retina?
Do you even fucking know what retina is?
>Retina Display (marketed by Apple with a lowercase 'D' as Retina display) is a brand name used by Apple for screens that have a higher pixel density than their previous models
>The displays are manufactured worldwide by different suppliers. Currently, the iPad's display comes from Samsung,[11] while the MacBook Pro, iPhone, and iPod Touch displays are made by LG[12] and Japan Display Inc.[13] There was a shift of display technology from twisted nematic (TN) liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) to in-plane switching (IPS) LCDs starting with the iPhone 4 models in June 2010.
In the end they are just HiDPI screens, the iPhone 6s has 401 PPI, whereas the Galaxy S6 has 571 PPI, the LEL/G/ G4 and G3 has 538 PPI, the nexus 6p is 515 PPI, the nexus 6 is 493 PPI etc
Look at
Stupid bait replier.
>muh ppi
How's that battery life holding up.
>1440p g3 with 3000mAh battery and 3GB ram
>iPhone 6 plus
Honestly I have bluetooth headphones for working out and they sound pretty good. That said, I don't want them to get rid of the 3.5mm jack because if they go purely digital they can now fully enforce DRM
>£60 for a USB C to HDMI adapter
>innacurate colors
Kek, every 5/5s I ever seen got a yellowish white
>all old phones
I don't know what I expected