>Sup Forums
>lewd nsfw pics
Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums
>mods that give a fuck
Pick one
I'll just go to >>>/plebbit/
Which one of those are nsfw?
I'm confused.
Maybe that's because you're a basement dweller and don't have an actual job
I work retail to help pay for university fees, I still don't see how that's nsfw. They're not exposing nipples or vagina.
Are you gay?
It's sometimes a culture shock going to Sup Forums and seeing a board that actually has moderation to it. It's why Sup Forums will always be the best board.
>post is informative
>response corrects previous poster
Why was this poster banned? Calling someone a "fucking retard" on Sup Forums?
>skimpy clothing
>I don't see how this is nsfw
He pissed a mod off, that's why he got banned.
user probably corrected a janitor or mod, and the mod got upset by it.
>moderators on Sup Forums doesn't know basic algorithms and data structures
Now that shit is cary
The Sup Forums moderator doesn't even watch or really like anime and has been known to talk about MLP from the IRC logs, current mod team doesn't even know or even care about the subject of the boards they moderate. Hiro needs to fire his entire mod team and get new ones.
>women should wear burkas
lewd clothing is only NSFW if you're an prude conservative.
Fucking this.
The mod on g used to be fun, he stickied the Christmas and cloud computing threads, but lately it's been a different mod probably who just deletes shit he doesn't like it disagrees with
Wow, no wonder Sup Forums is shit
Kek, this has been my experience with that faggot too, I made a thread a few weeks ago and then left it, twenty minutes later I go to post in some thread on /news/ and find out I'm banned for spamming
>I made a thread [...] and got banned for spamming
What was the thread about?
Nothing, I left it for user to fill with their waste
>It's why Sup Forums will always be the best board.
Not with the new mods, They're banning sad panda threads.
Also every anime/manga consumption related threads are purged as well.
I had that happen to me with a thread about java
That concorde sure is sexy, but NSFW? nah
It's a flying phallus, how is it not NSFW?
>Not Safe For Work
>Not Safe
>For Work
Do you get it now, retard?
How is any of that nsfw though? Do you work in a church?
Stop trying to be so fucking edgy, memeboy
Maybe you should be working instead of shitposting.
Not him, but if I'm flipping through thumbnails on my phone and someone in the next cubicle pops his head in and sees a bunch of "jailbait in bikinis" images, it doesn't look good
If you can't understand this, you are clearly not an adult
I am working and shitposting from my phone at the same time :^)
>Browsing Sup Forums in public
Dunno where you live but in real countries fuck you
we all risk the ban by posting in this thread, but yeah, these mods are fucking terrible
they deleted the thread about this slut two weeks ago when it first happened
they also deleted the rick astley linux thread, something done for fun, they fucking deleted it
>not browsing Sup Forums in public
It's like you want to be a normie
>browsing Sup Forums in a workplace that'll frown on you for looking at women in a bikini
>women in bikini
>literally Sup Forums tier shit being posted on Sup Forums as you say this
I took the bait, didn't I?
Meanwhile I get banned for pic related
>being """"""" guy
i am seeing your posts everywhere
you browse Sup Forums just as much as me
want to be friends?
No, I got banned because I reported that guy
>tfw """"" guys is a mod
>a 13 year old girl is a "woman"
Go back to jail, Subway guy
All threads are still g related.
>User was banned for this post.
do you want to be friends then?
Nice, that was also my ban some years ago
Got it for posting the iphone is waterproof troll picture
Remind me again what happened with that incident.
>juding what a woman is or isn't
Nice high horse, cis scum.
I'm moving to the infinity chan I think
>Warning: Due to recent information leaked, use of 8ch is strongly discouraged. More information can be found in various threads across a variety of chans such as LIBREchn, including here, here, and more links to come soon. UPDATE: Hotwheels was fired, and Jim and his son now own the site. They're banning BO and VOs and causing many to leave.
>In April, it was discovered that the 8ch server logs all incoming and outgoing IP addresses due to a PHP error, even if the user does not post. This was claimed to be patched by the 2channel system "Alacrity". This did nothing, however. It was discovered that in blatant defiance of their own privacy policy, IP logs were stored that date back as far as 2013 when the site had its beginnings. Most notably, there was a long list of poster IPs stored in plain text from the board // from 2014. Next, it was discovered that the Tor site was purposefully broken to discourage users from using it. Finally, it was discovered that Hotwheels was working with Jim on implementing a pay-service that allows posting over tor, no longer allowing tor access to everyone. It is obvious this is a honeypot. The IP logging was fully documented Here
lain channel is the only place that is safe, but it doesn't have many users and the site is a little too niche
I haven't been in that place for a while, Jesus what a shitfest, kek
>IP addresses due to a PHP error
Hotwheels is doing business with An Hiro's ex business partner. The guy who stole 2ch and is selling data.