ITT: The best Linux distro

>Reliable and stable
>Easy to install
>Functions like Windows for former Windows fags
>Cinnamon is the best environment out there
Why is Sup Forums against this 10/10 distro?

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I non ironically like Mint.
I do use other distros on my main OS but mint and xubuntu are the distros I always recommend for people that wants something that just werks.

Couldn't get GRUB to work on it. Ubuntu just worked though. Wanted to dual boot Windows 10.

>>Functions like Windows for former Windows fags
If it is about a Windows-lookalike why not Zorin OS? I haven't tried it, but it seems to be exactly that.

I don't think you need a separate GRUB install because Mint offers the ability to dual boot alongside Windows during its installation

I did not have a separate GRUB install. Mint would detect my Windows 10 SSD when I installed it, but whenever I booted it went straight to Mint.

Not necessarily a Windows lookalike but a easy transition from Windows to Linux

Arch is really better. I use Arch Linux™, because knowing how to rollback pacman package updates makes me an EXPERT HACKER SYSADMIN.
Pic related, it's my desktop. Arch Linux™ master race.

>Doesn't install security updates by default.
uhh ok, that's probably not a very good sign.
>installs vulnerable codecs like java and flash and proudly enables them in the browser
well, so far this doesn't seem like something i would recommend to a newbie, and i doubt most experienced people want to use it.
>website got hacked
>mint developers make lots of crazy choices

>He doesn't use MATE...

>Putting words in my mouth

>Using a flat as fuck environment over sleek, comfy as fuck Cinnamon

Java is fine, but they'll probably remove flash player from all repos soon because in 2017 the 5 year support for flash 11 Linux npapi plugin is over.

I don't see the point when Ubuntu already exists.

What user said.

>Java is fine

>Wanting software to change itself without your explicit permission.

You're not being the person Mr. Stallman wanted you to be.

>I don't see the point when Ubuntu already exists.
Enjoy your shitty Unity. I highly doubt newfags of Linux would switch to a more better GUI

There is nothing wrong with Java, it's libre.

>Java is fine

>Java is bad meme

>Enjoy your shitty Unity

That's fucking gay dude. I would never use anything Canonical touches.
I switched to Arch after they FORCED Unity on us and gave us NO WAY TO REMOVE IT AT ALL EVER. It was a good decision, because now I'm a UNIX® expert

>Disregards Mint because of Ubuntu's existence
>Doesn't know what Unity is

>more better


Actually I use KDE or whatever I feel up to.

I know what unity is, and im not that poster.
'Enjoy your shitty unity though,' are you really that fucking stupid?
I'm not gonna say it. You cant possibly actually be that thick.

why does a desktop envionment alone warrant something as a completely seperate distro? mint is just Ubuntu. you can get it by installing Ubuntu and then installing Cinnamon desktop.

Is Manjaro good for a beginner?

>Use Cinnamon on Ubuntu
That's like saying you want OSX's GUI on Windows

It's only good for ratards. That's the problem with an OS like Manjaro - when you make an OS so easy retards can use it, only retards will want to use it.

Because they're separate distros with their own unique desktop environments. Cinnamon originated from Mint and I know many who associate Cinnamon with Mint.

Why does mint exist when we already have Ubuntu mate?
MATE > cinnamon

You're right, mint is a 2 year old version of Ubuntu with its own DE, making it a different, less secure and worse performing, distro :^)

No, don't go too far off upstream:

Not only will you experience a significant delay in updates, offstream distros such as Manjaro and Mint are making odd decisions in security.

>using cinnamon

xfce or mate tBh

I am past beginners distros but admit Mint is the best for newbies.

Man it is terrible they broke so much stuff. Media codecs are a pain on the live stick and they broke libimobiledevice. I cant mount my iphone anymore !!!!!!. I have had to delete and go back to 17.2. I am not happy

Gentus or Mandrake for newbs IMO.

Unity is piece of shit and you know it.

but user the desktop environments separates them from a marketing perspective. As for security, Mint is now secure after the hacking.

Prove me wrong. You can't.

>mint is best for newbies
>past beginner distros
Well would you look at that, it's one of them retards posting

Even for those who aren't newbies, I'd much rather use Mint over meme gentoo

fuck linux mint and everyone suggesting it

>prove me wrong
>you can't
Why should I prove anything to someone who contradicts himself?

>they are mixing their own binary packages with binary packages from Debian and Ubuntu without rebuilding the latter. This creates something that we in Debian call a "FrankenDebian" which results in system updates becoming unpredictable. With the result, that the Mint developers simply decided to blacklist certain packages from upgrades by default thus putting their users at risk because important security updates may not be installed.

There are people on g seriously recommending this piece of shit?

>contradicts himself
Sure I did, user. What's next on your list? Try to persuade me that Windows 10™ is a better OS than Mint? :^)

Drop your internet argument partisanship for one second and think about this, you fucking sub-moron.
>Ubuntu? Lol, enjoy your shitty unity
Contemplate this. I know you're beyond retarded, but even you should be able see whats wrong here, with some hard thinking.

Thanks, good info.

They're both shit, but windows 10 is slightly less shit than mint because it has better program compatibility and drivers.

Used it for about a year as my first long-term linux distro transitioning away from Windows. It started becoming sluggish and buggy after a while, so I decided to fall for the Arch meme, where I've been happy for half a year so far.

Mint is definitely a good entry point.

>Buying into lies

I don't think Arch Linux is trademarked.

>Sluggish and buggy
Stop trying to install your fucking Windows games, user

care to elaborate?
does crap like this happen on other distros too?

I'd like to interject the paid anti-Mint news for a special announcement from these Microsoft shills


linux is tho

Okay. *I don't see the point when Debian exists.

I don't understand how people don't understand that Debian already fills the Debian-based distro niche and we don't need more meme forks every day.

Mint and Ubuntu have been around for a while now. In terms of functionality and usability, they're like the Windows 7 of Debian, whereas Debian itself is still Windows 98

Personally I've had far less issues with Debian Testing than with Ubuntu. Sure it might take a bit to set up the way you like it, but then it's just as functional as Ubuntu, but things break less often, making it more usable

>like the windows 7
mint is like pre-sp1 win xp with third party "patches"
might work but no-one knows when it completely disintegrates on you

If you really must have an Arch-based distro, you might as well go with Arch. It is seriously not that hard to use. I should note that I started with Arch two years ago with absolutely no Linux experience whatsoever (inb4 xDddddd Android counts as Linux experience) and still use Linux as my main desktop OS, although I'm now on Gentoo, which is also not too hard to into (inb4 hur dur memes xd).

I should note that using Arch turns you into an elitist memer who does but unironically. I was that way for a little while. But there really isn't much that's actually wrong with Arch besides for the fact that people associate all Arch users with Archfags who come on the Ubuntu forums and say "hah this problem wouldnt exist if u used Arch ganoo plus larynx because u would know ur system xD im a hacker" because that's the most outspoken group of Arch users (whether it is the largest group of Arch users I'll leave up to you, but I'll say that within Sup Forums it's probably the largest group of Arch users).

this 2bh

>Using Linux.


I've been using it for a good year now and it never crashed or disintegrated on me. The only issue I'm noticing now with 18 is Firefox acting like a piece of shit. Other than that, it works.

Being libre doesn't make it not shit

Thread derail, why?

Debian is a solid OS

Probably because you booted in UEFI mode? I don't know, just a possibility.

>people have other needs than me

good 4 u mane

I hear Arch Linux is full of edgy 13 year olds who believe they're expert hax0rs, whereas Gentoo is for sophisticated gentlemen.

Not him but are you baiting or just autistic
Unity is one of the worst DEs

I'm pretty sure he wasn't implying Unity is good. He was implying something else my friend.

>sophisticated gentlemen
pls u make us look bad thx

Explain why Java is shit without memes

>Haha, unity is so shitty though!
>enjoy your shitty unity DE!
You can ask your retard wrangler for help if you REALLY cant manage this on your own.

I know this is ironic, but seriously, Gentoo users are generally pretty quiet. Occasionally you have Arch converts who need to scream about their new distro being the best but in general Gentoo users aren't elitist autists.

Debian master race reporting in

So Arch is the call of duty of Linux?

>10/10 distro

>Well, Linux Mint is generally very bad when it comes to security and quality.

>First of all, they don't issue any Security Advisories, so their users cannot - unlike users of most other mainstream distributions [1] - quickly lookup whether they are affected by a certain CVE.

>Secondly, they are mixing their own binary packages with binary packages from Debian and Ubuntu without rebuilding the latter. This creates something that we in Debian call a "FrankenDebian" which results in system updates becoming unpredictable [2]. With the result, that the Mint developers simply decided to blacklist certain packages from upgrades by default thus putting their users at risk because important security updates may not be installed.

>Thirdly, while they import packages from Ubuntu or Debian, they hi-jack package and binary names by re-using existing names. For example, they called their fork of gdm2 "mdm" which supposedly means "Mint Display Manager". However, the problem is that there already is a package "mdm" in Debian which are "Utilities for single-host parallel shell scripting". Thus, on Mint, the original "mdm" package cannot be installed.


Arch is for neck beards with no life that can spend their whole day troubleshooting

Father Debian pls help. make the haters get away from this thread ;_;

>Another example of such a hi-jack are their new "X apps" which are supposed to deliver common apps for all desktops which are available on Linux Mint. Their first app of this collection is an editor which they forked off the Mate editor "pluma". And they called it "xedit", ignoring the fact that there already is an "xedit" making the old "xedit" unusable by hi-jacking its namespace.

>Add to that, that they do not care about copyright and license issues and just ship their ISOs with pre-installed Oracle Java and Adobe Flash packages and several multimedia codec packages which infringe patents and may therefore not be distributed freely at all in countries like the US.

>To conclude, I do not think that the Mint developers deliver professional work. Their distribution is more a crude hack of existing Debian-based distributions. They make fundamental mistakes and put their users at risk, both in the sense of data security as well as licensing issues.

>I would therefore highly discourage anyone using Linux Mint until Mint developers have changed their fundamental philosophy and resolved these issues.


I run Manjaro and could care less what others run. Switched over as a born again newbie recently due to Win10 being garbage tier and GPU passthrough being doable. I used redhat (Wilco/webserver) in the 90's. Tried multiple distro's in the early 00's that were memes even BeOS. All kind of new to me again but just about any Linux distro is MUCH improved compared to how it was in the 90's. It's real easy to get into it these days.

Leave my autistic children alone!

That help?

mintbabbies #rekt

Your overusage of > is making these tough reads

Doesn't gentoo not verify the packages before compiling? Won't that makes it possible for a MITM attack?

y-you're so mean to me!

>I should note that using Arch turns you into an elitist memer who does but unironically.
You do realise he's actually a manchild wincuck, right? Are you new? He has to change his name/trip so he doesn't get filtered. IRL he lives in his mom's basement and he's a virgin 40+ BMI landwhale in his thirties.

I'm not actually kidding.

Ok, I laughed



topus kekus

One day I will wake up, check Sup Forums and find a thread that isn't bait.

One day ...


Are you stupid? It means that the kernel doesn't get updates and every script kiddie can hack your machine when a new vunerability is found.

Manjaro master race.

Enjoy delayed updates, nigger