Why does Sup Forums still use ReCaptcha when it's proven that it deanonymizes its users? Aren't there any alternatives?

Why does Sup Forums still use ReCaptcha when it's proven that it deanonymizes its users? Aren't there any alternatives?

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moot was never really about anonymity, it was all an act to get hired by Google. This was the his little hobby project to get the Google job.

Sup Forums isn't and has never been anonymous in such way that you're anonymous to everyone. You're only anonymous to other users of the website.

Buy a Sup Forums pass with bitcoin then dumbass

good luck buying bitcoin anonymously.

>You're only anonymous to other users of the website.

Not to another user who wanted to deanonymize me and had the skill to do it. The way they'd do it would be through that Google captcha.

who the fuck is moot?

I hope you're trolling.


I think he blocked tor nodes after 2 days.

>He doesn't know how to do it

Then literally youtube is "anonymous if you call yourself by a false name

>deanonymize someone else through Captcha
Holy shit don't forget your tinfoil hat against gubment rays

ye ye.

You sound like a Windows user.

that's called pseudonymous

being anonymous is for pussays.

You aren't anonymous to those people with or without captcha.

Because m00t and chinkm00t do not give a fuck about you or your anonymity.

Stop being retarded. I don't know why people still think that Sup Forums and Google don't keep logs and identifying information. It's called data retention laws and warrants. It's not even supposed to be a secret.

I'm well aware. I was calling that user who said other users can deanonymize you through Captcha a retard.

You're the retard if you think a skilled hacker can't deanonymize you when Google is deanonymizing you through http. Fucking Windows users these days.



1.opentodiscussionordebate;debatable; doubtful:

2.oflittleornopracticalvalue,meaning,or relevance;purelyacademic:

Here's a link for you, Windows user.




>windows users dont make conspiracies abouthow eveil google wants their balls


>got rekt
>ignored the proof a hacker can deanonymize you through Google captcha

Not even that, the worst is that they fell for the new CAPTCHA system. The old one was just an image Google served. But the new system requires JavaScript and allows Google to track you much better.

The promise was that it would be the 'no CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA', that you wouldn't have to solve a CAPTCHA the majority of the time. But really, how often does that happen? Almost never. Always you have to select some bullshit squares. Google lied. They tricked people into implementing this new system by claiming that it would be better for users, too, since there would be no need to solve a CAPTCHA, just click the box and that's it :^). But now they are using it to refining their image recognition software and most likely to track users even more.

It's one thing if gookmoot and the nsa knows, google is another.

This. Read up on what moot said about anonymity.
This isn't some darknet site for illegal operations. It's a social site with no names so you're not currying e-peen and censoring yourself due to social stigma. We can be our true selves here. Real anonymity is beside the point. If you backtrace an user to his pseudonymous accounts or to his IRL identity, all you've got is, "HE POSTS ON Sup Forums!" Which means absolutely nothing because millions of us do. This is an open site and anyone can post.

Sup Forums isn't about giving anyone protections from legal consequences for illegal activities, it's just about taking the social filters off as we practice our Freedom of Speech. If your country doesn't have Freedom of Speech, don't come here thinking Sup Forums is giving it to you. This is site for American weebs to talk about weeb stuff, not site for Chinese dissidents to plot their overthrow of the government.

step 1. disable cookies

Some guy who named himself after a character in the final episode of Law & Order.

>people legitimately believe they are anonymous on the interbutt

>bypass Captcha if you ALREADY HAVE THE COOKIE somehow deanonymizes you
Can't make this shit up, Windows user :^).

Usually happens the first time you post, sometimes. Then never after that. The fact that you're helping an image recognition system improve isn't bad either. Tracking I'd an issue though.

>be on Sup Forums
>don't know who moot is