If you're posting more than your terminal emulator, you're doing it wrong. Pic related.
Screenfetch Thread
>terminal emulator
hello here is my screenfetch
ahah MS knows you like lolis :^^^^^)
enjoy your botnet!
Fuck off you pieces of shit
Report pedophile threads
What in Davy Jones’ locker did ye just bark at me, ye scurvy bilgerat? I’ll have ye know I be the meanest cutthroat on the seven seas, and I’ve led numerous raids on fishing villages, and raped over 300 wenches. I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. Ye be nothing to me but another source o’ swag. I’ll have yer guts for garters and keel haul ye like never been done before, hear me true. You think ye can hide behind your newfangled computing device? Think twice on that, scallywag. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o’ pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. The kind o’ monsoon that’ll wipe ye off the map. You’re sharkbait, fool. I can sail anywhere, in any waters, and can kill ye in o’er seven hundred ways, and that be just with me hook and fist. Not only do I be top o’ the line with a cutlass, but I have an entire pirate fleet at my beck and call and I’ll damned sure use it all to wipe yer arse off o’ the world, ye dog. If only ye had had the foresight to know what devilish wrath your jibe was about to incur, ye might have belayed the comment. But ye couldn’t, ye didn’t, and now ye’ll pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. I’ll shit fury all over ye and ye’ll drown in the depths o’ it. You’re fish food now.
can you give me the wallpaper senpai
This isn't a desktop thread, dumbass.
I'm totally not showing off my desktop
>He should be grateful Linus stepped in to save his ass, allowing him to take credit for his achievements. If it wasn't for Linus, he would be nothing
Linus writes beautiful code. He has published some side projects that he wrote all on his own and the code is just wonderful. He also lives in the real world while still maintaining his open source ideals and supporting himself through his work.
RMS is basically a homeless loser who hasn't made any real contributions in the last 20 years. He is still super butthurt that Linux beet HURD (but hey, HURD just got basic sound support in 2016!) and basically tries to claim Linux because Linus used GCC and the GNU coreutils. He survives on the charity of others and speaking engagements where he spouts his insane, paranoid, philosophy. Basically he won't be happy until all the programmers are homeless hackers like him and all the companies are shut down. How people are supposed to support themselves and their families in that scenario aren't things he has to deal with because he is basically a permanent grad student. He does make some good points about privacy, but for him, there is no middle ground. Anything that may reduce your privacy even the slightest bit (like movie recommendations on Netflix) is evil according to him, and must be destroyed. In a lot of ways he show classic signs of mental splitting, which is a classic symptom of mental illness. To top it off, when he does write code, he does so in the style of the awful GNU style guide which is a crime against humanity IMHO.
So, in a nutshell:
He's a bird-fucking, self-absorbed, power hungry, toe jam eating pedophile that thinks everything should be free and everyone should be forced to share, who looks like he hasn't showered in years so as to create a static shield around his body to protect from aliens. He also created an OS without a kernel because he's basically Steve Jobs gone communist. Oh, and he calls himself doctor though he holds no PhD.
This is a screenfetch thread, you fucking mong.
is this the new desktop thread?
Fuck off, you goddamned shitposter.
hello is this where i post my screenfetch
Eat a dick you goddamned shitstain
desktop threads are no-bully zones
Good thing this isn't a fucking desktop thread, asswipe.
reminder to report bullies
Bullying's not against the rules, shitposting is though.
Reminder to report the desktop thread faggots.
is this the new desktop thread?
>stealing my old trip
Now you've gone too far, motherfucker.
what kind of nerd names their computer """""fancy""""" names lmbo
>but weebs aren't annoying shitposters!
I fail to see the issue.
u should name them after cute anime girls
I'm not a weeb.
Quit with this lol he doesn't get my yous bullshit.
No. 56334156
>not a weeb
>posts on a weeb site
I'm posting on the technology board. You'd have an argument if I was on Sup Forums
> mac
> shit
pick one, also, are you too poor to afford a Mac?
Wtf? Talk like normal person ffs
I riced my terminal for max comfy and max Maki.
Dear Mr. 56334177,
anime website
It's an anime website, not a weeb site
Get it right next time, retard
this is why your chat room threads got fucked
fuck off to twitter with your cancerous nigger posting
Don't you fucking start this nonsense.
thanks for the (You)s
not a desktop thread
here's some more (You)s because for some reason it's an ultimate badge of honor for newfags who think replies = epic trole
how does it feel when even /w/ wants to move your banal safe spaces to ?
Desktop threads are banned.
No. 56334200
they were perfectly civil and 90% ontopic before some trumped up VOLUNTEER moderator with a stick up his ass and his legion of ass kissers came to ruin it
Not a desktop thread, you fucking dumbass.
Also announcing reports is against the rules.
wew lad. semi serious user btfo the volunteers
discussing rules and moderation practicies is against the rules LOL
reported for swearing
Fuck off predator
I haven't broken any rules. If we weren't allowed to discuss rules whatsoever I wouldn't be able to link you to them.
Not against the rules.
You seem to have me confused with someone else.
there was no topic
because there was no content
all you did was blog and invade threads like this when they hurt your fee fees because you act like you don't care but literally every time someone talks shit about your faggy rice you spend hours shitposting it to death with niggertext until it hits the bump limit or dies when everyone leaves
autosaging wasn't enough, if the blue palm tree man was halfway competent he would smart filter your tacky shit board-wide
ITT: autism fight
It specifically says complaining. I'm not. I'm alerting you that you've broken a rule.
wtf do you seriously expect me to read this
get back to me when the moderators all get fired and we get some transparency like REDDDITTT and mod communication like REDDDDDITTTT ANd THEN ill read your garbo post
the site would be way better if they added an upvote button too
yeah then desktop threads would always be at the top without ever having to be bumped
and the cutest animes
hiro should get on this
let's not delude ourselves, we both know you read it and it really hit a nerve because you're trying really, really fucking hard right now
Always need that little reminder that Sup Forums is truly shit.
Thanks, here's a bump to spread the message.
lol i didnt read this one either stupid
is that ur bf
It's amazing how cancerous the desktop thread faggots are
oh shit
It's not a one-way street user-kun
The fuck are you on about?
desktop thread posters are like the stereotypical misunderstood genius, their posting is just too high level for your average user
good to see it's sinking in
the rate you're going with confirming the mods' bias, maybe desktop threads will make the final jump to in record time
people who watch anime have a higher average intelligence, better sense of colour, superior spacial awareness, higher twitch-fiber counts in major muscle groups, better emotional intelligence, and a higher left right brain sync ratio
lol dummy
No. 56334387
why r u talking to urself is it because ur a idiot???
a-arigatou autist
now my fellow Anonymous, notice how at this point they're so frustrated that they're rambling incoherently in IRC niggerspeak in a vain effort to block out the reality that they're such pieces of shit that even Sup Forums's consumer water cooler hates them
one may even be convinced that they're some kind of reddit/NSA plant to make the site tear itself apart by making people think that every weeb is as much of a pathetic tool as the typical desktop blogger
HAHAHAHAHAHA. You are inoverted, little-girl liking, manchildren virgins who can't handle common things in normal life. You belong to those fags on this board, who recommend using Macbooks and use C for common applications, which by the way is completely autistic. If you were intelligent and actually grown up, you would fucking lay aside those little girl pics and comics because for fucks sake you're supposed to be a grown up. Thank god I'm not your father, I would have to beat the shit out of you and burn all these shitty comics.
wow dae not read the last couple posts
help me figure out what to put on the top-right terminal
this is now a own zone
Not a desktop thread
somebody get these hotheads outta here
here's another round of (You)s because it seems to be the only thing you look forward to in life
lmbo autist spazzing out again
thats looks nice
it makes me want pink milk
nice keyboard desu
this is mine
is this the new mechanical keyboard thread?
mr anal on the internet much?
sorry officer how many hail mary's do i get
is that a cute girls feet?
ugly font on those keys
haha i should get mine with aliased font
>is that a cute girls feet?
you've never been to the /mkg/ or /bst/ threads, have you?
its full of cute girls??!??