Does anybody else here just love the simplicity and overall "aesthetic" of Windows 95, and classic themes in general...

Does anybody else here just love the simplicity and overall "aesthetic" of Windows 95, and classic themes in general? I fell for the Windows 10 meme so I can't have anything look even remotely similar, but I would fucking kill if we can get something like this again some day.

Another one. I wish I could have something like this with the performance and updates of modern day computers.

wow ur really differant man

makes you think..

yea dog

me 2 but it ded boi

In case you didn't know
Not all the
>a e s t h e t i c
of it, but there's some good changes.

No, I don't, because I actually grew up with it. It was disgusting back then and it still is now.

>but mah retro look
Not even good retro

I don't use instashit so I have no need for that, windows as accepted it's fate it will never make wholesome products again

Agreed with that. I've been using Windows 10 for a little bit but I really despise it. I have no real experience with any other operating systems though other than what Microsoft puts out, so I'm currently looking around for alternatives.

>Does anybody else here just love the simplicity and overall "aesthetic" of Windows 95
Yes, I always use the classic theme back then on Windows XP and Windows 7. They are really simple and easy on the eyes.

I enjoy it but wish there was a "dark" alternative. At night all the gray boxes & white spaces is hell on my eyeballs.

Thats one the few things I actually enjoy about Windows 10

Get xubuntu or lubuntu and get a win95/8 theme.

>Windows 95 UI is good because its simple
>Windows 10 UI is bad because its simple

windows 10 = simple to navigate/use

windows 95 = simple to look at

It was a very functional OS, but it looks garbage tier imho

Even the Aesthetic is functional.
Very little was purely white so your eyes didn't get raped as hard.

totally agree

>Be microsoft
>"Okay guys, lets really innovate this time. Let's get a refresher to this outdated method of computing. we'll re-implement the start menu. We'll revamp it with a modern design that powerusers and consumers will both love, the only thing is, there will be a slight learning curb, but nobody complained about that when we implemented the start button back in windows NT! Even the people working on Chicago loved that shit. They will only have to learn to use the winkey"


>"Okay, y'know what? fuck them. We'll give them back their fucking start button and we'll spy on their asses too. We'll leave a start menu option for the poor powerusers, but they'll be on Enterprise platforms, so they can disable it."

But in all seriousness Windows 8.1 Is and was the peak of Microsoft Design.

You can change classic mode colors on Win7 if you spend five minutes.

Flatshit is a perfectly fine design language if you make it usable, which Win 8/8.1/10 barely are.

How is flat design a "language"?

8.1 Is just fine in my experience. I use Ubuntu now though, except for when i touch my tiny Windows partition which holds my Photoshop and Premiere copies.

>No, I don't, because I actually grew up with it. It was disgusting back then and it still is now.

Ah, this thread's contrarian douchbag. There's always one.

You would like f.lux.

>windows 10 = simple to navigate/use
I couldn't even find the control panel when I was using it once.

thats because youre an idiot