
So how many have they made so far that they'll have to replace/bin?

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Even though Samshit deserves this. At least they have the decency to make these steps. Unlike Applel where my touch disease issue has been completely ignored by customer service. Ill prolly just get a oneplus or some shit

I like Mandelbrot wallpapers.

Didn't USB type-C have problems relating to this?

LOL sticking with my note 5 then

>acknowledges problem and offers a fix

yeah especially when they extend outside of the screen of the phone. trippy as fuck.



Bet my friend who proclaims doom for Apple every time there's some kind of bad press won't be sharing this bit of news to his Facebook timeline. Especially after fawning over the Note the other day.

Right, Steve?

They could say that only a few have had the issue, and the company doing recalls for customers is a good thing.
Still curious what the cause is.

If it was only a few, isolated incidents, they wouldn't be doing a world wide recall. They must've run the numbers, checked the part supplies, and determined a fuckton of these will be exploding sooner or later.

This. So how do we actually go about getting the phones replaced? Taking it back to the store where it was purchased?

Yes, the same company that funds the entire South Korea is bankrupt.


It will either be that or through the Samsung representative in your country.
Stay tuned for updates on your region's site.

Samsung is literally one of the biggest conglomerates in the world. They don't just make phones. Even if they did, this isn't the only phone that they make. They're the largest phone manufacturer in the world. A recall of a few thousand phones won't affect them hugely. They do so much other stuff. For example, they're the largest insurance provider in Korea.

>Revenue US$ 305 billion (2014)

>A recall of a few thousand phones won't affect them hugely.
Try 2.5 million.

>samsung in charge of industrial design

Fuck them. My S5 isn't getting Nougat and isn't supported by the new gear VR even though I bought it less than 2 year ago. Some flagship.

Meanwhile Xiaomi stills updates the Mi2 after 4 years of being released.





shibbolethed an assblasted gook and/or kshitter

samshills are on suicide watch

i doubt they've made 2.5 million of them. even so, they're such a huge company that it won't affect them. changing the battery in a phone isn't even that difficult

>removable batteries were the problem

thank u based chinese

but it's still old software like kitkat some of them are stuck on 4.4 5.0 but they using latest miui version 8.

note 7 gonna be doa isn't it ? iPhone 7 in a week and Sup Forums gonna have sticky thread live stream of apple keynote stream

>You'll never be this autistic


>In the coming weeks it will offer customers a new product for free to replace all 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7s that have been sold.

>you will never be this much of a damaging controlling cuck for samshit gooks

well thats fair enough, user. however, they can refurbish the phones with new batteries and resell so they don't lose so much money. it's a minor setback financially to them, but not much more than that.

Theyre recalling ALL phones?! Shieeet

you don't even own an iphone

it's just a joke bro

desu looks like the pics I've seen all have note 7's in cases. and this pic from china and the spic's video suggest high temperature environments as well.

nice home screen bro

>being so degenerate you actually walk around with this
wew my lad

Can someone make meme comic about Pajeet choosing weak and new battery over one which has been used before and is known to work.

Pic semi related

Damage is worth 1.5 billion dollars or more

>Samsung Galaxy
>exploding batteries
>big bang

Bazimbabwe, its all marketing man.


These people got Samsploded.

>"There was a tiny problem in the manufacturing process, so it was very difficult to figure out,'' the president of Samsung's mobile business Koh Dong-jin told reporters.

>"It will cost us so much it makes my heart ache. Nevertheless, the reason we made this decision is because what is most important is customer safety," he said.

>"It will cost us so much it makes my heart ache"

An almost literal 'oy vey'. You shouldn't say shit like this to the press, people's phones are becoming explosives in their own homes and you're whining about corporate profits. That's a terrible image. Are the Asians that autistic?


Samsung finished up to day despite the bad news.


I just got a replacement. Feels good man

Found the nigger

The korean market closed before the news hit.

found the faggot

I'll stick with my iphone

You're the autistic one here buddy, he obviously meant it as "we know this is going to cost a shitload of money, but we're going to do it anyways because We Care About Our Customers™"

Not necessarily. It's also possible they recalled them all because there's a "chance" more could this. I'm not defending Samsung this is extremely serious. It would be a little different if the battery just dies abruptly. This can cause physical harm or perhaps death. This is something you want to be 100% sure about.

>phones blow up because of bullshit from samsung so manufacturer replaces it
>somehow this makes them good guys

apple hater kiddies are dumb as hell

As an iFag, I don't see why people actually think this is the end of Samsung. You must be really dumb to think that.

The Note 7 is a nice phone, the software being a glaring exception. Once this gets worked out, it'll go on to sell like hotcakes, just like the iPhone does every year.

You guys get way too into your feelings over products.

So 35 phones have had this issue out of fucking millions and they're finished?
How hard are you sucking on Apples cock OP?

If you think this incident won't drastically impact their flag ship sales, you're sadly mistaken. Nobody genuinely believes Samsung is finished, but this definitely hurts them.

>So 35 phones have had this issue out of fucking millions and they're finished?
...so far.

I bought a Note 7 taking it back seems like such a fucking hassle

>amazon automatically cancelled my preorder


but it's not even out yet

but it is?

if it were I'd already have it


They are recalling 2.5 million Note 7, if you actually FUCKING READ

I'm literally posting from it right now

Makes sense, I was wrong, sorry


i literally just shared it and it's Stephen with a ph you fag

Where can I find the global recall information for iPhone 6 touch disease?

They sold more than 2 million Note 7 phones. But only part of them have that type of battery that fries the phone.

Objectively 800$ for a bomb with a curved screen is a good deal.

-Department of Pyrotechnics

The biggest problem is that this isn't an issue on every battery, Samsung has several battery manufacturers and it seems some of them have this issue.

But they can't just replace the phones with those batteries and hope that the issue doesn't crop up later in other ones, so they need to replace all 2.5 million they sold.

It's a recall on that number. The number of phones that have had this happen is 35. Samsung is being (financially) responsible because the lawsuits of any further issues would push their shit in. You're the one who's a fucking retard here friend. Learn to fucking read

>recall millions of phones

didn't applel have to do this with the iphone 5

Reminder that if Samsung would have used removable batteries they would only have to replace those, not the whole fucking phone

Yeah, but not because the phones were literally going to kill you.

How bad is this for Samsung? Having to recall all your flagship phones because they're fucking exploding seems like an absolute disaster

Sometimes I'm wondering if some corporations have agents who work for them and go to other manufacturers and manipulate the products. I mean, Samsung and Apple are wealthier and more powerful than many countries in the world and every fucking country has intelligence agents.

What does Sup Forums think? Are cases of such things known?

please answer

Sorry, Stephe.


How brave of Samsung to send out phones with exploding batteries and then recall them

I'm gonna get so much shit for this tomorrow from my iFag friends.
God damn it.

I'm posting from my Galaxy Note 7 right now and everythi

they say buy a new one or trade it in since it is a old manufacture bug that happens over time.

now this is good

I use a galaxy s6 should I be worried?

So when are the memes about Samsung actually causing house fires going to start

Apple ignores all their hardware issues until most machines have been thrown out by their owners.

>have customer pre-order
>get recall news
>call customer to inform of the situation
>"You guys are useless, I'm going to your competitor"

>people are stupid
Who would've thought?

Sup Forums is confirmed having a paid samshills

Ain't a Samshill. I'm a Sonyshill. Pick up the new Xperia XZ, guys.

Samsung contracted with several battery manufacturers.

Some of those battery manufacturer's batteries caused these problems not all of them but Samsung decided to just recall everything just to be on the safe side.

Most iSheep think Samsung only makes phones but unlike Apple, Samsung doesn't put all its eggs in one basket.

Samsung has so many different kinds of businesses like hotels, insurance, construction, chips, SSDs, etc that Apple can't even compete.

>phones blow up because of some bullshit from apple so the manufacturer denies it
>somehow makes them not the bad guys
I'm sorry, you what?

>Sup Forums is confirmed having a paid samshills
Nah, they aren't paid. They do it to feel important.
And to defend their dubious decisions in product choice.

Did it exploded?