Based Corbyn Calls for Mandatory Libre Software

As part of his new platform for technology, Jeremy Corbyn says he wants to require all publicly-funded software AND hardware to be released under an open source license. Further proof that libre software = communism. Richard Stallman says, "Support Jeremy Corbyn for leader of the UK Labour Party."

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Pity he's an unelectable nutjob who'll never be in a position to put this or any of his other ideas into action.

>Further proof that libre software = communism.

The only thing that can help you is assisted suicide.

good also all governments should move to open source so they can stop wasting money on windows licences and microsoft office.
and they could have a custom distro specific to their needs instead of spending a fuck ton on software just to make windows work.

They tried that in the Munich government and horribly failed, because no one could figure it out, so they switched back to Windows and Office in the end

Quitting microsoft isn't that simple it will require a great IT department. Most morons have trouble using ms office and the goverments is a bunch of morons.
Munich is still freetardland

This would be amazing if it were proposed by ANYBODY other than fucking Jeremy Corbyn. Now if the idea ever gets brought up again they'll just say "isn't that what that fucking retard Corbyn suggested?". RIP

Good, get a job hippie communists, proprietary software is the only workable sisters.

fuck off bourgeois Microsoft shill.

Corbyn is based as fuck and the hero brexit needed but he's got one foot so entrenched in the 'muh unions' past that everything he says gets smeared with miners dirt.

get a job commie

You know tech workers can unionize too, right?

Good idea comrade.

>country so backasswords that Corbyn is perceived as leftist

Who gives this fat American fuck the right to interfere with UK politics?

what is he then

S- stop it you stupid prol- I mean fellow workers! If we made everything libre software, how would you get paid??? You need proprietary licenses to live!

Labour is a raging dumpster fire right now, and le scruffy train man isn't fucking helping things. Literally for every good idea he has is followed up by three ridiculous ones.

Can we please have anyone the fuck else besides Conservatives or Labour for a change instead of idiots who want to ban encryption.

No senpai, we just gotta purge all the Blairites outta labour and then embrace the golden age that will follow when he's elected in 2020

Centrist, to centre left at most if we count the few socialist drops he sprinkles over his rhetoric.

>Microsoft licenses an operating system to the government in exchange for money.
>Microsoft's OS is now publicly funded, therefore Microsoft's OS must be open sourced.

Yes but the guy is obsessed with union problems from 30 years ago. His first question to May was about a union issue from the fucking 90s

All that shit is still relevant comrade.

This is obviously good, since MS won't agree to it. The Brit govt. would have to switch to a FOSS OS.

>t. assmad commie

his digital manifesto has some really good ideas in it, shame those good ideas will be buried with the labour party come 2020

Labor is only doing bad in polls right now because they're in the process of purging the Blairites. They have plenty of time to recover.

>being so cucked you think corbyn is a centrist



Labour can no longer win any election because of the fucking scots

nobody cares about your shitty Yuro politics in the real world




Keep up

because of Corbyn and Miliband Labour are no longer a viable political party. The first party in the UK is now the conservatives, and now the second is the fucking SNP.

actually we voted leave

England has always been conservative.
Scotland and Wales were the only thing that got Labour elected.

And he also promised to bring in 'Digital Citizen Passports'. There's no point trusting socialist whackjobs like Jeremy Corbyn and his American counterpart Bernie Sanders.

I like what this guy's trying to do but he's going at it the wrong. More freedom is great, but stripping the freedom of people being able to license their own software the way they want to just isn't fine.

>fuck off bourgeois Microsoft shill.

Absolutely not true, Everytime Labour has won a General Election, Scotlands vote could have been removed and they still would have won.

>UK is the fifth biggest world economy
>EU is the 1st world economy if you consider it as a country.
>nobody cares

>what is the north
>what are cities

>>EU is the 1st world economy if you consider it as a country.

he's not really stripping the freedom of you being able to license your own software, it's simply stipulating that software developed for the government by private companies getting lucrative gov't contracts must be open source, if they don't like the idea of that and want to keep their software proprietary, there is absolutely nothing forcing them to renew their contract

Oh. In that case then yeah I agree. I mean most of the government already use open source software anyway.

ITT: Comnunism makes wealthy people nervous.

No, no it doesn't, "the government" is so entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem switching to alternatives is literally impossible at this point.

The DWP's entire fucking system is built around Microsoft's Dynamics.