Why do people do this? A recent example, PS Vita Vitamin release.
>all good
>team freek announce a game dumper
>some asshole leak it
>team turns out to be the best hackers in vita scene
>they all leave the scene
>vita scene fucked
Software Leaks
Why do they care that someone leaked it?
They could of asked for donations for the files or maybe they wanted to be the ones to release their work
It was the first of it's kind and they worked like 5 hours a day for a month, no breaks.
>5 hours a day for a month, no breaks.
It's their word, not mine. Ask them.
I still don't understand why they care though. Are they mad that they're not getting credit for it?
Nah, it's more like the leaker leaked a non-complete, broken build.
That's even less reason to be mad about it.
No, if I understand them correctly, it actually makes some sense. Think, what if your 3 month work (1 month with 3 men, 3 month for one man) got leaked by a tester which you gave the non-complete, broken build. I'd be mad too.
they should have kept it to themselves if they're so afraid of leaks
Either that or implemented some sort of DRM for testing
yifan was the best hacker though. Well major tom is alright too
Yifan is a godly hacker but a bit Sup Forums guy.
That kind of DRM wasn't avaible until 1-2 days ago.
>but a bit Sup Forums guy
how so? all he did was not want to be the one to allow piracy. Sure he was autistic about it and backtracks now but henkaku source is imminent now that all thats left is phase 3
Not that, we had some arguments back in the day.
you and him? go into more detail please.
only thing worse than vidya is handheld vidya
are you 12?
posts like these used to get banned
No. Absolute proprietary to identify myself.
Not vidya, homebrews. Wouldn't a PS2 emu on the go be absolute perfectness?
>not vidya, homebrews*
>*homebrews that run vidya
>No. Absolute proprietary to identify myself.
are you a member in the scene or something? what would your id being known do?
Not exactly. I meant running PS2 homebrew on PSV. There were some godly ones.
absolute proprietary
I remember when people weren't such drama queens back in the good old days. I don't know shit about hacking anything, but I always had respect for crackers, especially those in the scene. I had a friend and former classmate that was in Paradox in the PS1 days, good times...
Games and software didn't have DRM back in PS1 days (beginning of it at least). Good times.
scene became monetised thats what