70 years into the future...

>70 years into the future, robotics have improved to the point were all humans will occupy a cyborg body that is gender and race neutral. Your brain and thoughts will still be your own because science has not yet developed a brain like system to replace it. There will be no racism or sexism because everyone will have the same asexual, androgynous body. You will not be required to undertake the burden of coitus unless selected for breeding programs. The central committee will control all messaging to the world. You will not have any personal opinion or agenda. You will work the required hours and purchase the required items to maintain order in the global economy. Group think is encouraged, thought crimes are eradicated before anyone else even knows but the central committee will know because it will have access to your personal information and be able to control your body remotely should it need to. You will be assigned an appropriate, sustainable hobby that doesn't distract you from your employment and does not foster and feelings of prejudice or anger to anything else in existence. You will not be allowed to chose the colour of anything and your cyborg body will be a light tan colour as will everyone else in the world to prevent discrimination. You will never be able to die, even if you wish because that will be an illegal command and your CPU will inform the central committee of this desire. You will be referred to an educational facility for recalibration. Welcome to the endgame of technology.

See you there Sup Forums!

Are you retarded?

If the world was so advanced as to be able to insert human consciousness into a robotic device, one would think the world would be advanced enough to have gotten past material wealth aka money and property.

If everyone is the same, then everything else should be different.

See how that works? Probably not but, you'll get there someday, son.

Learn what a cyborg is and get back to me genius. You're so right though, technology has made people so much more generous and kind to each other. I feel like I'm literally living in eutopia

Money/Property/Material Wealth will never disappear. The whole Star Trek thing is a unicorn. It applies on this planet and others and there isn't a better system even in theory besides variations of what we've had already.

Too bad it's all proprietary.
We need to encode an AI that has an ego.
Get on this Sup Forumsuys.

>70 years into the future, robotics have improved to the point were all humans will occupy a cyborg body that is gender and race neutral.
Disgusting and never going to happen!
>Your brain and thoughts will still be your own because science has not yet developed a brain like system to replace it.
Really? This is the thing some are working hard at, instead of cyborg bodies.
>There will be no racism or sexism because everyone will have the same asexual, androgynous body.
Not happening.
>You will not be required to undertake the burden of coitus unless selected for breeding programs.
Burden of coitus? You're a tremendous faggot!
>The central committee will control all messaging to the world. You will not have any personal opinion or agenda.
So it isn't 1984, it's 2084?
>You will work the required hours and purchase the required items to maintain order in the global economy. Group think is encouraged, thought crimes are eradicated before anyone else even knows but the central committee will know because it will have access to your personal information and be able to control your body remotely should it need to. You will be assigned an appropriate, sustainable hobby that doesn't distract you from your employment and does not foster and feelings of prejudice or anger to anything else in existence. You will not be allowed to chose the colour of anything and your cyborg body will be a light tan colour as will everyone else in the world to prevent discrimination. You will never be able to die, even if you wish because that will be an illegal command and your CPU will inform the central committee of this desire. You will be referred to an educational facility for recalibration.
I was going to ask you 'What have you been smoking?' but...
Welcome to the endgame of technology.
You're retarded.


>cyborg body that is gender and race neutral
Fuck you, my cyborg body is going to be a Caucasian loli and anyone who tries to take that away from me is going to want to make sure their brain case can handle a series of 12 gauge tungsten slugs.

were will they get enough metal for all that

lol 20% of american men died from a stupid war over economics less than 200 years ago. we're doing fine, (a large portion of) everyone is just depressed and lazy because society has not yet adapted to mass social media usage and portable computers.

also your op post was a load of trash go post it on reddit

Nah you are dead right, America is going really well, no debt, some good presidential nominees, police and public relations good, it's all looking really good for you guys. Glad I'm not there though.

>70 years into the future
>See you there Sup Forums!
underage fag detected

Why are normalshits so active on Sup Forums now? This might be the most cringeworthy board and not in a good way

man and woman's brain lights up differently.

the committee for deciding the colors of cyborg parts will take 25 years for a decision that is non-obligatory

I'm 34, old enough to know how the world works, where it's going and how nothing any autists on this board do will be prevent 1984 occurring.

>You will work the required hours and purchase the required items to maintain order in the global economy.
>implying there wouldn't be communism where you work as much as you want and get as much as you need
What a dumbass you are.

If everyone is robots, rich robots can still show off by bragging about their Gold Exteriors since Gold is Undecaying after all and laugh at the robots that started Rusting.

You were born too soon to get a chance to escape this buggy inferior fleshy vessel you are currently living in.

>occupy a cyborg body that is gender and race neutral.
honestly, cover myself in fiberglass wool soaked in alcohol and light myself on fire and just walk around like the human torch

I'm okay with this, as long as my body uses free open source software, preferably licensed under the gnu public license

>See you there Sup Forums!
I'll be long dead by then ya dingus.

No way would robots be gender neutral.

The Japanese would never allow it.

Only America would be this cucked if they created gender neutral robots.

Meanwhile, Japan knows what the customer wants.

Maybe cryogenic technology will actually become good instead of just an expensive scammy meme.

>There will be no racism or sexism because everyone will have the same asexual, androgynous body
I will sure as fuck discriminate faggots built with inferior hardware.
Imagine if AMDrones would be physically different. Sure as fuck everyone would shit on their red interfaces.