do it!
Do it!
Other urls found in this thread:
no. go away.
Does it blur the account number? seems cool but what if you want it for some reason?
use a much less secure browser like firecucks or chromebots. those browser don't care if your personal info gets hacked, they just want dat advertising revenue you generate.
>Thinking someone on Sup Forums would be dumb enough to install plebdows 10, KEK
Wait, doesnt it have to send the screenshot through microsofts servers or something in order to do that?
>he's not running LTSB 2015
>he thinks he can avoid the spyware by pirating the enterprise edition
you now have FSB and NSA botnets in your computer, how does it feel?
Wait, what?? I am not near a Wang blows currently, can someone splain in clear Sup Forums what's going on?
>Firefox and chrome don't care if your info gets exposed
>meanwhile windows 10 steals all your data, including any passwords and bank info, making this print screen blur only a redundant placebo filter
If Microsoft ever gets hacked all you idiots using Windows 10 are fucked
LTSB has more bugs than CBB.
It even runs slower.
This. Wtf is going on?
not bad, not bad. maybe m$ aint so evil after all. at least they;re protecting your ass from thief's.
Aahhhhhh, so
I get it now, thanks for nothing, faggots
Citation required. Sounds like bullshit to me.
Thanks ;
... Says the guy using botnet OS
Are you fucking retarded?
That's that I did too.
Damn OP played us like a fiddle.
maurice, what the fuck are you doing?
>Thinking you can do anything related to money in the website without the PIN code.
Front Side Bus?
HAHAHA you were ultimate hax0red
I'm hacking your html bro, already found your amazon dragon dildos history.
>he thinks websites can't be hacked, accounts can't be stolen, that information gathering doesn't count, or that social engineering isn't a thing
k m8
Am I missing something here?
>he doesn't know that the dots contain the pin number through steganography
Well done, Maurice
Why does this bank website look like Dominos
Why the fuck doesn't Amazon give the option to delete stuff from our purchase history.
ok, what now?
not using windows ten only for netflix and steam
This. Sup Forums prefers using a broken OS with no support.
>everything working out of the box
Kill yourself, Windows users.
hey can I have 10 grand?
paypal [email protected]
Sent ;
>scribble scribble scribble
>scribble scribble scribble scribble
>scribble scribble
>scribble scribble scribble
liar :(
Because Bank of America.
In my country banking sites look like some mid-2000s shit
>embrace diversity
>bank of america is a proud supporter of love has no labels
why the fuck is this allowed? this is just advertising.
in my country we have to tollerate an extremely annoying duck.
Free Software Bureau
>windows 10 steals all your data, including any passwords and bank info
what tinfoil hat wearing autistic freetards truly believe
stay cuked
>I didn't read the agreement I made with Microsoft so I'll just say it doesn't exist and everyone who read it is a tinfoil autist
t. freetard
because if you purchase something using your personal account then why would you get upset when it reminds you? the only reason you'd need to delete something from your order history is to hide it from the account owner, which is pointless unless your ordering off a hacked account or illegaly using your mums account to build a collection of dragon dildos.
>windows 10 steals all your data, including any passwords and bank info
because Google hasn't already stolen all your data?
data mining
This. It has to be parsed to be blurred.
Sent ;^)
t. pajeet
not an argument.
So who wrote that?
poor triggered user
Well I figured that if you, pajeet, wasn't going to give a valid argument, why wouldn't I offer the same in return?
Source? Thinking that LTSB is lighter it must run better, specially because the kernel build is the exact same.
How is any of that not a valid argument
>he thinks everybody lives in 'Murrica
>he thinks Microcock would not have been sued into the ground already if theid spy on Enterprises
Real neato, give Trump a kiss on his cock for me, will ya?
That's because Bulgarian-owned banks never update their sites, знaeш
>t. freetard
How is not this anything but an invalid argument?
How is anything not written in that image an argument, you mong?
Didn't expect more from a freetard desu. You probably have an AMD CPU as well
>he thinks the US govt only spies domedtically
>he thinks the data collection methods developed by US intelligence agencies isn't shared amongst allies
>he thinks physical borders contain a digital cancer
Sorry boi u dun guffed
And you'll do all of that with a screenshot of the front page for Bank of America's website!
Reminder that diversity is never and has never been a strength in any way in any place.
Your bank looks like a pirate bay ad.
"Hello I'm Steve, and I'm going to teach you how you can become a multi-millionaire with no experience using the all new Wealth Method."
>he still sees ads
I use ad block but pop ups are treated differently.
Try also modifying your hosts file. If any pages pop up in background at least they'll be blank.
>not using pipelight or chrome for netflix and vm w/ gpu passthrough for steam
Alright I'll check it out.
Why do you keep those quantities of money just sitting in a bank account. I was always taught that cash loses value.
Where else am I supposed to put it? Just leave it at the house and hope nothing happens to it?
Or buy a house and watch your capital grow.
Don't worry. Microsoft has all your info if you ever need it. But you have to buy it before it's sold to advertisers.
>And you'll do
not me, I wouldn't care. but some people actually can, and do, find and exploit vulnerabilities in websites, and every bit of data helps
Hi Maurice :^)
that's public information bro tell me something we don't know
>What's the matter bro, u gonna hack me?
>N-no... b-b-but somebody will!
Okay pussy. Keep talking.
>banca transilvania
>nu bcr
Ești pleb
Someone would have to pull off some Mr. Robot tier shit to hack Microsoft.
really cant make this shit up
buy dragon dildos duh, dummy
Ok...I don't understand what the game is here.....
Cross-script fag
>mfw Sup Forums doesn't even have SSL certs
>tfw you realize nothing on Sup Forums is private
I don't work at Microsoft but i'm guessing there shit is locked down.
MS probably has there own hash algorithm along with an AES encryption. shit.. just knowing how big that company is it probably has a higher than 256 bit standard.
hashes are perfect for keystrokes because not one value has the same hash value on the same algorithm
>username MauriceJ
>password 10 characters long
a simple fag like you would put the capital letter in front and the numbers in back. I hope you didn't use a word in the dictionary. those numbers better not be in involved in a birthdate, or anniversary.
kesucede ctm