What went wrong?
What went wrong?
No competition + the fact 14nm is a really fucking hard node to fab chips at.
everything, it's literally haswell refresh refresh in terms of price/perf/power eff
the 5820k was the same price
you were born
you came here
What's the problem? Thinking about getting this for my next build.
>When there is competition they fuck them out of the game.
If no competion is a problem then Intel is the problem for creating the problem.
>paying extra for the ability to stunt the lifespan of your cpu
>When there is competition
There hasn't been worthy competition for 15 years
If good competition comes along people will still buy it even if Intel tries to fuck them.
The pins on the motherboard can be shorted by the tears of AMD fanboys
5% improvement over 4790k
I too have been thinking about getting this for my next build...
Should I get the 6700k i7 Skylake or
i5 6500
I dunno, Phenom II was a pretty good shot. Yeah it wasn't better, but it was certainly close enough and cheaper enough that most of the time K10 derived chips were a viable option.
Aaaaaaand? Still the best. Add in new instruction sets and so on. Power consumpion. Or go buy yourself a new 4790k with a decent mobo and ddr3 (good luck).
I did
not upgrading for at least 5 years from this
then in like 2020 we might have something that is at least 50% better than it I will upgrade
Are you saying good luck because the price on the i5 4690k and 4790k have jumped?
I feel pretty smug knowing my processor's value has jumped £40.
my bro still sits on i7 960, but mobo has not aged well. :( Slow sata and not enough pcie. And new mobo is like 200$
Does it heat up a lot less though? I've noticed that 4790k has like 10C higher max heat.
And the 6700K costs less in most places...
For someone building a new rig from scratch there's really no problem.
doesnt work like that newposter
I have an i7 4770.
Are the new i7 processors a big upgrade over what I have?
I have a intel 2.3 ghz core 2 quad. With 4 gigs ram and a 5770. I don't understand why people would get i7s other than to compensate for a small dick..
Intel is now pre-overclocking i7 for performance.
Kaby-lake i7-7700k will be 4.5ghz at turbo for stock, and you can probably squeeze a measly 300mhz more out of it by overclocking, which is 6.7%. Compare to C2D or early i-core era when you can squeeze 50% out of a CPU. The overclocking era is over.
>tfw still /comfy/ with my i5-2500k
The new CPUs aren't even that massive of an upgrade from i7-2600.
It would be a complete waste of money to upgrade from the 4770 to the current processors.
>degrees celsius
>max heat
>mfw still on LGA1366
Realistically is it worth overclocking higher than 4.4 if I'm just playing wow?
Inb4 single core
Skylake is complete shit.
1. There is a huge gap between the silicon and the heatspreader, filled with cheap chinese thermal compound, that dries out after a year.
2. The heatspreader itself is horribly manufactured and 99% of cases uneven.
These 2 thing are the reason delidding and lapping is so popular now.
3. Cheap paper-thin PCB, which breaks under coolers. Admitted by intel, but no fucks given. The cooler manufacturers had to change their mounting systems. They still break if you apply a tad too much force tho.
4. 5% performance increase.
5. More hardware backdoors.
How in God's name can 3 years later Intel is selling i7 processors that aren't faster but are in some cases slower?!
Good God. AMD really really needs to introduce a decent CPU because Intel is fucking phoning it in.
Smokes my Haswell in every benchmark