Sup Forums I'm being a faggot

I built my PC a while back and I just wanted to know, are these classic PCI expansion ports? If so, what would I even use them for at this point of time?

Other urls found in this thread: led


okay, but what would I even use them for anymore? I don't plan on having a RAID system till I'm out of school

>a while back
Can this meme stop already? I know that you anglocucks are too stupid to speak your own language properly, but you don't have to keep inventing new ways to do it wrong.

i use mine for a raid card because my motherboard does have that many sata ports

Anything other than Serial Ports and RAID?

DVB card.

>ERP ready
get yourself into some chat rooms son

> all Jap capacitors
Go fuck yourself fucking weeaboo faggot

No point unless you want ancient PCI cards.

The PC I'm typing this from doesn't even have traditional PCI slots.

I really didn't give a shit about
>all jpn capacitors
like who tf gives a shit?

fuck that furry shit

should I just get this? led

WiFi, sound card, ethernet, etc.
There are still cards made in both PCI and PCIe, just not the video cards that gaymers care about.

conventional pci is the new isa

You guys obviously don't know about the shitty Chinese caps that failed 100% of the time thanks to being made with stolen info that was missing an ingredient on purpose.

Nothing. Modern boards don't have them, so new expansion cards are not made for that format.

>Modern boards don't have them
*Some modern boards don't have them.


Only if you want to be a total fucking faggot.

I/O expansion, what else???

Those are Dragon PCI E 3.0 Slots dude, ScaleForm technology.

>like who tf gives a shit?

Anyone who cares about their products lasting.

Nipponm Chemicon is the gold standard for capacitors, anything without them isn't worth buying.

You know what makes the difference between a SeaSonic power supply and some Antec non-Earthwatt piece of shit premade PSU exploding?

The capacitors.

You should photoshop anime on the capacitors since it's Japanese