Best java IDE for linux? Eclipse sucks
Best java IDE for linux? Eclipse sucks
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notepad.exe through wine
or just use netbeans
1. Open Windows 10 through wine
2. Open Ubuntu through Windows 10
3. Open Eclipse
4. Lag gone
5. Stop bitching and use Intelilj Community Edition like the rest of the normies, who think they are somehow better because they use a different IDE.
Stop being a pajeet and run away from Java
Want to learn it just for moblie apps dev
Why an IDE if Emacs exist?
Then Android Studio was made just for that. It is based on Intellij, a fork by Google
Or Intellij + Android Plugin
The market is saturated though. Unless you are a god, your application won't last. Even if it gets popular, the army of pajeets are going to copy it and destroy you.
> This really is embarrassing
Kek. It's faster to just retype the line.
VIM: yyp
Checkmate, emacs faggots
Virtual Machine with windows in it and visual studio
Eclipse is gud
never understood the need for such shortcuts anyway. how often does this happen? often if your in a deadend crud job maybe...
>What is evil mode?
>Relying on heavy extensions to do basic stuff
If you can't use jetbrains or visual studio use emacs or vim.
IntelliJ or gedit with Java text highlighter
Netbeans has always been a better Java IDE. I quit using Java a couple years ago, though.
If you have
rect.x = x_coord;
and want to do this again for some y coordinate. You could retype the line or just "yypfxryfxry" for "copy line; paste line; find x; replace with y; find x; replace with y". That might be just a toy example and only save 6 keystrokes in this case, but you can do it pretty much completely on muscle memory.
IntelliJ, by far.
I'm retarded, "yypfxryfxry" should have been shortened to "yypfxry;."
At least it's not as bad as Eclipse.