>First day of CS class
>expect it to be full of fedora's, neckbeards, and other outcasts (basically an irl Sup Forums)
>instead it's full of normies
RREEEEE normies are ruining everything
>First day of CS class
>expect it to be full of fedora's, neckbeards, and other outcasts (basically an irl Sup Forums)
>instead it's full of normies
RREEEEE normies are ruining everything
How old are you exactly?
Assuming his CS class is in a college, he is probably in the 17-22 range.
Switch to Philosophy
more robots there
>being older than 18 as a freshman
How does it feel to be a failure at life?
also smarter ppl
If your goal is to become a 30 year old NEET, major in philosophy
Some faggot was wearing a mothers spaghetti shirt in my Java class
>If your goal is to become a 30 year old NEET, major in philosophy
My former boss was a software developer with a degree in philosophy.
Philosophy is a logic based subject that can prepare you for other logic based subjects.
>tfw CS degree ten years ago
>tfw room full of social outcast weebs and mall ninjas
Shit was lit
If you want to be a software developer, maybe major in a relevant field, I don't know, programming or something
Software development is not congruent with programming.
don't worry op, they will eventually leave or be stuck at first year exams.
Also don't be a fucking gentooman in public, try to meet new people with your same passion for technology.
I was in your same boat and after a week i had already figured out who to befriend and who to ignore
You're one of the normalfags
and you are a frog
facebook is a must if you go to university or college, otherwise even professors will make fun of you, true story
>Six months away from graduation now
>Never used or got asked for any facebook
fell for the memes
then your university is a pond full of frogs, good for you user
Lol found the privileged kid that grew up in the suburbs who's parents provided him with everything
You're lucky
I was in one of these classes and because normies are fucking stupid, my no effort 85 got curved to 98
Yeah, ive seen just one or two others with non-windows or osx computers.
Dont get me started on all the indians and chinese either.
>First day of last semester
>Classes are usual lot
>Some spergs, some normies, but mostly just Asians
>They ask questions that halt lecture longer than they should because quiet and accent
The only major autist I've seen is in GameDev club. We are doing some icebreaker thing to make teams and he would comment non-stop on what people said about themselves, in a group of like 30 people.
>Philosophy teaches you how to express your love of unemployment in the form of an expressive dance routine... to the sound of one-hand-clapping.
Are you going to blow him for a sports car?
Philosophy has the 3rd highest average IQ among students, after physics and maths
Engineering is lower than economics and code monkeys are lower than finance (econs version of codemonkeys)
>his parents were a failure at life
It's ok. Let the codemonkeys act in bad faith, it makes them feel authentic.
awesome. Really makes the degree worth more, amiright?
My suspicions confirmed.
Be thankful that you can get to college when you did, or at all. Ungrateful little shit.
Would you rather have a high IQ or a well paying job though?
>My OS design class in a nutshell
Everybody incapable of performing simple paging algorithms on paper. Why are you even here...?
FoB muslims send out "hacks" that don't work in order to cheat on online assignments... to the entire class list, which includes prof and TAs.
give it time lad, they will eventually dissapear/become neckbeards, just like you
>people going into college at 18 now were just getting out of elementary school when I graduated
>they don't remember life before 9/11 and the freedoms people gave away after it happened
>they likely don't remember the internet before it went to shit
>that sinking feeling when you realize that there will be countless numbers of these little shits flooding the internet for the rest of your natural life making it shittier and shittier
At least this answers my question of why some many fucktards can no longer use a god damn search engine to find what they're looking for and instead resort to asking others online.
CS has always been normie central, computer engineering is where the autists are.
>tfw professor is the autist
>walks into the room
>plugs his t420 into a projector/display
>is on windows xp desktop
>"I don't like using Windows or proprietary software but I'm forced to for parts of the lecture today"
I wish I was joking
I don't see a problem here, other than running XP in 2016.
Wait a few semesters
If you haven't dropped out by then, all the normies will have
The meme is stronger than their commitment.
Would make friends with thus guy, most of my teachers couldn't care less or have mega accents or both.
If you made it through 4 years and never had a girl ask for your fb, you literally failed college.
i actually switched a yr ago, only the other way around. philosophy to CE. very happy with my choice so far.
t.dr: philosophy_was_a mistake.png