/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Old thread: >New to /ptg/? Have an inquiry? Consult the wiki or the PDF before asking redundant questions

>If you have a question check Google and if you can't find an adequate answer, ask here.

>What.CD interview info:
whatinterviewprep.com/ and the wiki

>Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup:

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>sneaky bastards will try to convince you into believing that cheating can be evaded, it can't and you will be banned with those bastards laughing at you
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview at What.cd

Other urls found in this thread:


What are the requirements to get an invite to PTP from AHD?

>le kissless virgin wizard hdb man

>its easy to get into hdb just make a friend :^)

hdb irl

Go away, samefag.


curries and jews aren't allowed on hdb

Reminder that there are peasants in this very thread unable to make it on HDB

meanwhile I have enough buffers and bonus points to last forever

Stay bitter you retarded losers.

Why the hell does what have an 8 week requirements for user classes like Elite Torrent Master? I mean seriously, who gets an account and manages to upload 500 perfect FLACs and 500GB upload in 8 fuckin weeks?

Go away samefag.

i just want in emp for kilxen videos ;_;


Why would anyone want to get onto HDB?

It's worse than PTP for movies. It's worse than What for music. It's worse than BTN for TV. It's worse than Bib/MAM for books.


so how does one get into emp now that you cant get in from pb?

Are you serious? I could become torrent master in like 2 days if you gave me diapers and food...

Hint: A perfect FLAC doesn't mean 100% log.

So you can lord over losers on /ptg/.

Bluray quality theatrical cut of Dumb & Dumber


non hdb user spotted, "worse than what for music," "what than bib for books"

alrightyyyy then

how hard/easy would it be to start my own private tracker?

I have some basic Linux skills.

>Hint: A perfect FLAC doesn't mean 100% log.
Cheating WEB babby detected

>using the smiley with a carat nose

let me guess, you complain about the WCD community's seeding behavior as well?

HDBits recruitment on BTN Guru+? Do they recruit in future? ;_;

Try it and find out

sent ;)

I do

>HDBits recruitment on BTN Guru+?
heh, it's a meme

user, does HDB recruits from BTN?

SENTTTTT ;)))))))

312c is the worst and PTP staff are bearing him because they don't have any other hardcore developer.

Kuzeth is fucking bitch you will ever see on PTP, no idea why they bear him.

nigga I just said it's a meme, rank higher on ptp/ahd instead for hdbits

Not sure if this is a joke, but see I didn't know he was a dev, I thought he just liked to watch the other staff have sex with his ex-wife. You can catch her on the social forum where she's roleplaying with the username queen_of_spades

Are you guru?

hdpro+, 6months old

no, master

Fuck so there is nothing worth while past PU then huh

Anyone use twilightsdreams.com?
someone posted this site to /t/. Apparently open registration for another few days, but, I've never heard of this before. thoughts?

Why is taking so God damn long for my torrents to get checked in PTP? Lately, checking is horrible even for popular releases

Nice try, Twilightdreams mod.

Can someone who is on PTP check if it has a film called 'Camera Buff' by Krzysztof Kieślowski.

I haven't found a single place where it's available.


depends brah, it's waste to hope for hdb but good for some shit discussions keeps poking now and then

popular releases are kept on hold if staff see there are encodes yet to be release from some reputated group, don't worry though they will give GP to some sh*t bloated encode.
hint: hdb encodes ;) (no matter how others encoders try, most of the ptp torrent checkers are plebs)

Damn. I will wait 4 months to get in. Wait for me. KEEP SEEDING PLS.

Awesome, now check your inbox on PTP. I have a surprise for you.



Fuck you and your /marked/ meme, ptg has gone to shit since you guys started to use that shit.


>let me guess, you complain about the WCD community's seeding behavior as well?
No, just saying that getting to Elite TM via WEB FLACs is lame af and you know it

>get to guru
>no hdb
>get to tm on wcd
>no hdb
Not even gonna try anymore desu senpai

Guys, lets play a game. Post how many torrents you're seeding on PTP and how many bp/per day you earn. It's just for fun, guys.

I don't join non-comfy trackers.

95184 per day

Whats a good porn tracker these days? I got out of jail and found that fux0r was down, so need something new

I'm kinda sorta motivated to get to tm..
Are the exclusives dank?

Nothing good. Not even pedros

The thread's on PTP

Have you considered trying a movie tracker?

>upload 50 movies

Anything is possible, the only limit is yourself

Are there any comfy trackers besides the ones in the wiki (SHD, AB, AHD)?


TSH mods are chill and it's decent for finding stuff to cross-seed.

Hey /ptg/.
I have two questions. How do I work out the JAV code of a JAV?
And what would be the best private tracker for JAVs?

Why is AHD comfy? It's like the only comfy tracker I've experienced. Weird.

Very nice. Very nice, my friend. I hope you're gonna have a nice day tomorrow.

Any anime fags here? I got into AB and downloaded my first anime film. It was The Wind Rises. I enjoyed it but hated the cheesy romance part. Is this typical in all anime films?

Also, recommend me stuff plos. No romance.

I'm on AHD and PTP and I don't see how PTP could be not comfy. Then again, I don't have pleb ratio issues.

okay pham. I finally finished season 4 of POI. Im ready for season 5. Since its the last season idc about room. All i see on btn p2p encode wise is viethd 720p-- should i download remux, scene 1080p (for DTS) and remux the two together so i can watch on plex?

or should i just not use plex change input on my reciever to my PC and play the remux off mpc hc and use wireless keyboard and mouse. It wont be as comf but I'll get the dtshdma

or is dimension good enough, i know their backhaul source is amazing even if it's just crf 17 and slower x264 presets

You'll do nuttin with that info, get da fuck outta herrre

Is it reallh on ptp elite? I have 30 uploads and 30 more i bothered with. I was away from my computer this summer. My ptp account is over a year old

It's been moved back to PTP TM

Only one way to find out ;)
And no one is gonna tell you anything about the exact process hdb recruits coz when they do, that pathway will cease to exist.

So only one way to find out, don't be lazy!

>fell for weak b8
>im rusty
well fuck that then. I can get in if i actually wanted too. Just wasnt going to ask a favor if i could have pm'd a recruiter.

Answer me here pls

>that idiot in #feral who just burnt my source

How many private trackers is too many? Just hit 10 but I only use like 3 or 4

What's the TV tracker. Been climbing the period but I'm not seeing it

I had a lot. Disabled on a bunch. Idk how many. But ptp ahd btn accounts work. Havent bothered checking any others. Forgot to click the bib email to activate my account a few months ago. Summer turns me into a normie

this desu. i chose pokemon go over staying active in the autism pyramid

Anyone with a seedbox, let's find public directories.
This could be interesting.

SSH into your box,
ps -eo euser > dump.txt
Send to [email protected]
We'll trade lists.
Make sure you include what seedbox/server,
For example:

If I have an unencrypted version of something that a tracker has split up into archive files is there a way I could archive it so that the sfv matches those files?

Sorry (Hello for my bad English)

3 lists so far, come on boys.
I have 100~ public directories.
Might release, add to it!

Wait what is this? We'd ghostleech off of seedies in such large numbers they couldn't just get rid of them all?


What's the deal w/exigo? Pedro's is meme for FLAC, but what is exigo all about? It seems MUCH harder to get into, but for what?

CAPTCHA: Select popcorn

My plan:
1.) dump list of usernames from server
2.) check if they have a public directory where you can see all of the files
3.) take whatever you want, check for cross-seeds and cool contnet
4.) ????
5.) Profit!
Nothing against the rules and they have to set it up to be public manually.

I don't think seedboxes have DHT enabled by default but, just ping the server, get IP range, add to peers.
If they do have DHT, it should work desu.

Better yet, check what IP range the seedbox is using, scan for torrent ports with something like nmap?
But that's not what I was talking about.

>seedboxes get banned for reporting weird upload

>dumping usernames

Why is GGn so comfy?

its not jarvis007, now gtfo
bcg :^)

Post a screenshot of what's available

It's on the package

>TSH mods are chill and it's decent for finding stuff to cross-seed.

The best part is that they mirror every new episode from BTN.

go away quickly

No. TSH is based for mirroring BTN.



Archive your files, maybe they'll be the same.

No torrents and no users is not comfy

youre caring too much about a curry. No good trackers allow archived files. baka tbqvhwf

GGn has an archived version of a game I have :/