ITT: Operating Systems on the Political Compass
ITT: Operating Systems on the Political Compass
Other urls found in this thread:
Authoritarian left: Apple
Authoritarian right: Microshaft
Libertarian left: GNU
Libertarian right: BSD
Linux right on the middle.
top left gentoo, top right windows,
bottom left BSD, bottom right OSX
how is linux anything but economic left?
apple is in the center on the X and to the right on the Y.
anything using the GPL is on the left.
You know what an OS is right?
AL: OS/2
AR: Windows
LL: GNU Linux
LR: Android
fixed for u
>ultra capitalist corporations
we're talking about the policies they publicly support, not how they act. i can plot that too ifuliek
"libertarian left"
Hahaha.... Who the fuck wrote this?
Literally do not know what this compass means, but I took the test once.
if you're from the US
lmao, only cucks vote.
my hand is bleeding from that edginess
cuck cuck cuck
h o t m e m e s
gentleman :---)
[YouTube] YouTube Poop - Gary - nigga nigga nigga (embed)
[YouTube] YouTube Poop - Gary - nigga nigga nigga (embed)
[YouTube] YouTube Poop - Gary - nigga nigga nigga (embed)
le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
*unsheathes katana*
wellllllllll m’goodsir, I think u thought u had me beat, but wacht this !!!!
*charges up energy*
*goes super sainant*
*raises paw*
xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
[YouTube] YouTube Poop - Gary - nigga nigga nigga (embed)
le epic so ebin dae le epin win xD pwn’d ftw le bacon narwhale xP
le epin troll i coax youed int o al e ruxze xD D D tfw no gf xD ayy lmao! :p
upboated good sir i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men have class xD real human bean!!1 dae cake is a lie lel
epic fail!!!!!!!! ;p for YOU!! :DDD XD we r :)
epic simply epic :^) i tip my hat to u sir
*tips fedora*
lol cool 1 bro i almost piss mystlelf in lafter xD
gud joke man
my sides r in space :)
>le maymay arrow
is this a le new epic meme? screen kapped for dat sweet karma xD. FUS ROH DAH!!!!!1 i used to be a christmas but then i took an arrow 2 da knee :^(
BAZINGA BAZINGA ZIMBABWE. top kek, toppest of keks. le rick from ut* smoke some of that good 420 shit :)
*rips a bong* AHH YES!
Firefox User
Winamp User
Anime Watcher
Breaking Bad Watcher
Geek inside
You don't need some one to complete you, you just need someone to accept you completely...
Libertarianism originated on the left
>three of the most valuable, profitable companies in the history of mankind
>economic left
Are we placing the entities that make the operating systems or the average userbase?
using Fedora right now
There's no politics to Operating Systems.
There is politics to licenses.
Anarchist/communist: BSD
Socialist (bordering on fascist): GNU/Linux
Fascist: Windows and Mac OS X
Libertarian: ????
>we're talking about what they say, not what they do
Hitler would've been a saint in your mind right?
google is free though, and it's based af. google = freedom
Top right: Apple OS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Gentoo, Android
Top left: none
Bottom right: none
Bottom left: none
>Socialist (bordering on fascist): GNU/Linux
Someone who actually knows about politics unlike you.
That one image of dads as software licences seems relevant
The right answer. You can't put all the Linux systems in the same place.
But if you just call it Linux, you're a cool dude
I like this shitpost tbqh
Holy shit, none of you fags actually know what Authoritarian Left is. AL is stuff like Stalinism and Maoism. There really isn't an OS that can fit into there. Maybe OpenBSD, since it's "open" and controlled with an iron fist by De Raadt.
Apple pretends to be a progressive and ethical company, just like Stalin and Mao pretended to fight for the workers of the world while implementing and maintaining what their detractors call state capitalism, so I think OSX is a pretty good fit for the authoritarian left.
It's not left you idiot. They're almost a symbol of capitalism, which puts them on the right. It would be left if their shit was 10 times cheaper and OS and software was free (as in free™, not "free software").
you really showed him!!
Debian here.
Stop parroting Stallman you disgusting fatass greasy neckbeard.
Think for yourself, if you can.
>burgerland education
>he doesn't know what communism is
>being this retarded
Sorry, I don't go there.
Free-market libertarian here.
Same :^)
Welp libertarian here and settled on fedora. Makes a lot of sense.
Here's your (You) for entertaining me.
>implying Hitler did anything wrong
Delete this thread.
i use os x and am centrist-libertarian
arch linux here
libertarian-centrist-right, to clarify.
Libertarian left and fedora user here.
(You) can *tip* me on my way out
Tfw i quoted the wrong post
I have about the same and I use windows. Those political compass questions are formulated so that any people with a bit of sense will end up left of the bar, it's ridiculous.
Linux Mint Debian Edition
the german translation is even worse.
I'm about .5mm off from the center towards libertarian left.
I use Gentoo on desktop, Debian on servers and Mac on my laptop
GPL people always brag about how they can force people to pay for their software. This doesn't happen with MIT-style licences.
Even the "world's smallest political quiz" is more accurate. There used to be a more detailed quiz but I can't find it.
people probably hate me
could not be more correct
Im more on the free software and libertarian side of things, or more anarcho-capitalism (im not arguing with edgy teens on the internet about my views sorry Sup Forums) and I use the GNU system, GNU attracts many different political views to it because of what they can make out of it and what they think it is
but im a GNU user and am more right leaning :( I do use OpenBSD for servers though
No, you're a phone user. Kill yourself kudasai.
I use Android and GNU (Debian to be specific)
>I use phones
Stopped reading right there.
No, I just think you're stupid.
I'm a meme and I know it.
Fuck the corporation's freedoms, but the individual should be granted the most freedoms.
Corporations =! People
I love you.
you idiots