dedicated SCREENFETCH (not desktop, for u lame anime-liking ppl) THREAD
Screenfetch thread
btw here is my screenfetch
could this be the start of an epic new desktop thread?
hello here is my screenfetch
literally why i don;t get it why would u ever use manjaro can some1 pls explain
u can't even handle how many screens i'm fetching rn
maybe their big NIN fans
i want to lick those thighs
>anime-liking ppl
wow, is it 2003 again? fuck off out of here faggot, this is a Japanime website.
Too stupid to install arch the regular way
where2cop sweet PS1
You will end up being beheaded user, don't let anyone find out about maki-chan.
calle calle
Never heard of Void... Tell us about it..
Desktop threads are not allowed.
Is this the desktop thread
Maki is pure enough to be one of my multiple waifus.
Nico is a disgusting ぶた。
use the -t flag to truncate your screenfetch to the size of your terminal
Rolling release, very lightweight, runit for init, LibreSSL, excellent package manager and build system that supports alternate c libraries like musl.
The repositories are decent, it has a lot of obscure software enthusiasts might like, but I still end up compiling a lot. the non-free repo needs to be explicitly enabled, which is good for maintaining a free system.
I use it as my laptop distro because this machine is getting somewhat old and Void/Runit are very slim.
maki is gross like you are
get out Nico, you're a shit. りいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい。
>black on white
you cant like maki without liking nico thats not right at all
>terminal colors made for a gay pride parade
>ugly skeuomorphic gradient background
>i3 (just because I like awesome better)
There are so many arch installers though
Arch-anywhere works just fine
This actually looks really nice for a weeb desktop
install gentoo
uhh is this where i post my wallpapers or something
install macbook
>most websites
This Sup Forumsuy Sup Forumsets it.
Still disgusting