>15 hours in
>nowhere near done
Can virus scans really take this long, or does my hard drive just suck?
>15 hours in
>nowhere near done
Can virus scans really take this long, or does my hard drive just suck?
This shit is upload all your data to NSA
>scanning for viruses
Bruh, it's 2016
What CPU do you have?
Depends how much data is has to go through. I've found that especially having hundreds of thousands of tiny files slows it down to a crawl.
op using hdd, that's causing long ass time to scan.
>Windows "Defender"
There's your problem. Get a real anti-malware program.
Post specs of your pc faggot!
windows defender is good enough, stop shilling crapware
But it's free :(
Muh Speccy
>Get a real anti-malware program.
like common sense 2016?
congrats, you have the worst rig on Sup Forums
>Not using MSE over WinDefender
>Not using BitDefender Free
>Muh common sense huh huh autism
The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
idk man, mine might be worse
Your computer has an i3 and an HDD, which means that scans will take quite a bit of time. Consider upgrading to a solid state drive.
AV invented quick scans for a reason. There's almost no point in checking every single file on the hard drive when certain locations are enough.
I have 2 4TB HDD and it doesn't take 1 hour to scan everything. His CPU should be able to churn through pretty quick though so that's not it. He definitely needs to get a better heatsink because 81C is too hot.
could also be the fact that the thermal paste is nearly gone. happened to me. temps gradually rised to 94C. I applied some paste and it was back to 40C.
>anniversary update
Is the scan moving forward?
Is there any way to see which file it's stuck on, if it's not moving on?
I had the weirdest thing. All my AV programs would get stuck of Xiaomi PC Suite files. I uninstalled it and could finish the scan.
Perhaps you have something like that going on?
Virus scans are a meme. The only thing you need to actually scan for is malware and shit of the likes. Trojans, worms, virus, all of them access memory to do their shit, and any antivirus worth its weight will catch up on their action on the spot, and follow up by blocking and containing it.
Odds are, even if the scan does detect something that the active protection didn't detect, that something wasn't doing anything at all anyway, such as a crack or something that needs to be run by yourself, and even then, if it tries to run malicious code, the antivirus should catch it beforehand too.
Unless you're browsing shit riddled with cutting edge trojans and the likes, the odds of getting infected are slim if you're not retarded.
Meh, it's an HP laptop from 2012. It's probably time for it to go anyway. The warranty's expired and I recently found out they aren't offering support of any kind for it anymore.
Install Common Sense
Globed on thermal paste could be part of it, but I've worked on many HP machines. They use garbage heat sinks. Some lady had a Phenom CPU hitting 85+C max. I pulled HP's heatsink, cleaned the paste off the CPU, and put a coolermaster on there. The max temps dropped down to the mid 50's. HP also mounts the HDD vertically instead of horizontally. I know people say it doesn't matter, but it triggers me. His drive could have issues.
it's not.
Okay, it's "free-of-charge," Dr. Stallman.
Isnt that temp the default for when it cant read the thermometer? Ive seen that before.
Unfragmented 10GB video files on a modern desktop drive are a long ways from a bunch of fragmented program files on a laptop one.
It scanned my 640GB media drive in 30 seconds and my 2TB in 70.
My SSD, which is only 65GB used (25GB of which is pagefile and hiberfil) is now sitting at 4 minutes and not even 33% done.
>virus scan
is this 2003 ?
Common sense can't protect you against compromised 'official' download sites.
>Sandy Bridge
He has Windows, which means what he has is better than anyone who's running Linux.
Don't fall for the SSD meme OP, it will make it even slower.
It can. Just verify the checksum,
>windows defender
99% chance that's the problem
lol this kid
Just like you did when Mint was hacked.. OH RIGHT!
15 hours into Windows Defender n Chill
>shitty mobile CPU, probably throttles to fuck
>5400 RPM 2.5" turn table rotary rust disk
>is complaining that a scan process takes less than a week
Kys poorfag
Wut? you clearly have a defragged as fuck disk and that cause the shit to take so long, or some other process is hogging all your cpu, when i scanned my mom pc (shit full of mail virus and crap) it took 4 hours to do a complete scan, even with heuristic scan, and that pc is a 2.26ghz pentium4 478, 768mb ram and a 80gb 5200 IDE HDD....your shit can't be more slow than that.
wtf is mint? install gentoo like a real man, user.
I'm not OP, schizo
I dno senpai