>video games are more important than freedom
Video games are more important than freedom
Living in constant paranoia is true freedom
This desu
Autistic weebs are cancer
I fully admit that I care more about playing Dark Souls in HD than I care about avoiding proprietary software. The alternative is literally missing out on tons of games, or experiencing a shittier version of the game on an already proprietary console, or through a virtual machine (full of performance & compatibility issues). Also this thread is Sup Forums territory.
Without freedom vidya games would be pc and extremely dull.
cant play all the 2hus on debian since i get about 3 fps on SA with wine
What are you running on, I can play all 2hu games fine on arch and gentoo with wine. The only games I have problems with are HM and ULiL but those aren't main series games
Living under a rock is freedom
that was done on some 2011 intel i5 cpu i cant remember the exact model and i havent tested it on my on pc
>playing video games over the age of 18
>playing video games after 2005
just lol
>he actually cares about what OS i use
Fuck off weeb cuck
What use is freedom if I can't use it to do the things I enjoy?
what freedom?
this senpai baka baka
You not being here
>I don't care if Microsoft and the NSA are violating my constitutional rights as long as I get to keep my proprietary video games
>Making shitty threads are more important than doing something with your life
>playing video games after 2005
yeah because you have to play games from your current year, amarate?