>Comey: FBI Wants 'Adult Conversation' on Device Encryption

>FBI Director James Comey warned again Tuesday about the bureau's inability to access digital devices because of encryption and said investigators were collecting information about the challenge in preparation for an "adult conversation" next year.

>Widespread encryption built into smartphones is "making more and more of the room that we are charged to investigate dark," Comey said in a cybersecurity symposium.

>The remarks reiterated points that Comey has made repeatedly in the last two years, before Congress and in other settings, about the growing collision between electronic privacy and national security.

>The Justice Department decided within the last year to not seek a legislative resolution, and some of the public debate surrounding the FBI's legal fight with Apple Inc. has subsided in the last few months since federal authorities were able to access a locked phone in a terror case without the help of the technology giant.

What do you think, Sup Forums? Are you ready to have an adult conversation on your encryption habits?

go fuck yourself Comey

Hate to rip a comment from slashdot but this was the best riposte I saw

>Yes, Director, the room you're charged with exploring is dark. It's dark not just for you but for everyone. This include people who want to steal our identities or the contents of our bank accounts, who want to take personal pictures or conversations and broadcast them to the world without our consent, who want to perform corporate espionage, who want to see us to prey upon us and our children. Turning on the light may let you see, but you're outnumbered by the criminals in the darkness who are begging you to flip that switch so they too can see.

>If you're willing to step it up and protect us from all those monsters in the dark, then tell us exactly how you plan to protect us and MAYBE we'll let you flip that switch. But somehow I don't think you want to commit the massive amount of resources that will be needed to protect us. If you don't, we want the light to stay off.

why do we still pretend to have """debates""" on these issues? Everyone knows by now that they listen to everything, legally or not. If they feel it's not easy enough they'll push through the "American children defense act" or something

If anyone has the resources to break consumer grade encryption it's the US gov. They're just being lazy and cheap about it.

>adult conversation = some asshole talking down to other, more useful, people
>And they're just supposed to bend over and agree

That's not how it works. And we already know these useless shitheads can't or won't do anything positive with the data anyway. Somebody can post

>Death to America. I will build a bomb and explode it in Times Square as soon as I return from training in Derkaderkistsan.

on fagbook, and government putzes wouldn't care. Then Tractor Supply could call the FBI and ask why a derkaderk just bought 10,000lbs of fertilizer, and they would just sit on their hands. Then the cops would catch the guy with a Unabombx1000 truck, and the ACLU would sue for having his 2nd amendment rights violated.

>waaah I didn't get my way
>give up your liberties or I will call you immature!!!!1

> huur duuur
> let's ban math
wew lad

hey is that James "me, Lynch and Hillary have BBQs every other Friday so there was no criminal intent" Comey?

Sounds like someone needs to git gud.

why did the FBI whine for like 2 weeks about that phone and then just hacked it in a day? Do they just want a precedent where corporations do their jobs for them?

Today's national security is tomorrow's state sanctioned crook trying to give you a life sentence for reading a book without giving him money for the right to read a book he didn't write

Oh wait, not believing that the law, regardless of what it is, is morally right, is not adult

disregard this post, having your own principles is for children

yeah, basically

FBI can only afford scrubs and skids at 70k a year

Plus your government also somehow always wants everyone abroads to have even less privacy.

Lately it's pretty much official policy based on really retarded justifications.

also they have to pass a drug test.

Yep. Doing work is hard work and you have to pay people to do it and you have to keep on top of them to make sure they're not slacking and then you have to make sure you hire smart people instead of stupid people and smart people want more money.

And there goes half of the talented scrubs

>but drugs are still for hippies, niggers, and coons
>we have to make those people unhappy until they adopt our whisky-drinkin nine to five lifestyle

>adult conservation
>has a child's idea of what encryption is and where of is used.
WêW lad

This is honestly the best reply on the matter.

I would be happy in a world where everyone could be free to do anything without the fear of being bombed or identity stolen, where we could share unlimited and unbounded.

But we can't. There are shit people out there that will take advantage of that. Both legally and illegally.

There will likely always be this situation, even if humans come together for a common cause. (defending against alien attack, building spaceships to get off a dying world, go go find aliens or whatever)
Humans are just dicks. Period.

Absolutely, but my stance in adamant. I shall take whatever course I can to ensure my data is private. In my view the adult conversation would be towards criminalising unsecure storage of data. Along with discrediting the idea of ownership of data, and hence associative evidence. Add email evidence to that too.

Why is everyone in power a 50+ yo boomer looking white guy?

Why is the most technology illiterate generation allowed to have a say in anything?

These people should be eating applesauce in a fucking nursing home.

In view of the FBI's failure to investigate the evidence in regard to Hilary Clinton leaking classified emails, Trump will fire the FBI, so really you won't have to worry about the FBI after 2016.

Many people wanted an "adults conversation" about Hillary being arrested for all the terrible crap she has done, but you can't always get what you want. Sad!

Because the constitution totally doesn't protect against unreasonable searches and seizures, right Comey?


Give us your data goyim, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear!

>adult conversation

Translation: we will jail anyone who dares to use encryption.
The government is your God now.

Brought to you by the same agency who brought you previous platinum hits such as trying intimidate MLK with violence and planning to kill financial crisis protesters with snipers.

have you not heard of the patriot act?

If you use mainstream technology you have no reason to complain.

I like my Cryptsetup, my GNUPG, my GNUTLS, my OpenSSL (SSLv3 sploits disabled) my XMPP, my OTR, my TOX and all my encryption, Comey is so full of shit, they are gonna advocate for MUH SPLIT KEY ENCRYPTION!!! Meaning they have all your keys and can backdoor in when they want (i.e all the fucking time) and your data is "safe"

Not to mention that everything's fucked if someone steals their backdoor keys (which happened pretty recently IIRC).

This, it's actually a really big problem for their recruitment, especially since a lot of the potential hacker pool is from California.

Okay, how's this? Encryption stays how it is and he can fuck himself with the wide end of a rusty garden trowel.

>Do they just want a precedent where corporations do their jobs for them?
Exactly that, and with that precedent they'd be able to turn Intel's IME which is on every Intel motherboard since 2008 or 2009 and AMD's PSP which is in all of their processors post Piledriver into hardware backdoors.

Yep. And apple's answer was completely wrong, strategically. They should have accepted because the person was a known terrorist, and then refused the pirateking. This would have given them the best market share combined with the fact everyone knows google are faggots with privacy.

>Whaa why can't we go back to the glory days where encryption was banned?
>I should be able to backdoor everything
>fuck hard work and ethics, the entire world should be prostrated for the US government

Fuck you Comey. You're a disgrace for not recommending charges against Hillary, you're a disgrace for trying to force American corporations to put your interests above their own, and their customers. You're a disgrace for trying to ruin the cryptographic integrity of modern technology.

Imagine a world where niggers like Comey got their way. It'd be like Ghost in the Shell, backdooring into peoples brains, making them see things that aren't there, making them not see things that are. The entire worlds banking system just one terrorist away from salami slicing trillions

Preferably with a cactus.

>Give us more power!
>So we can not use it when it actually matters
>*licks hillary's feet*

It would be hypocritical for him to charge Hillary then turn around and support encryption. At least he's consistent.

>the correct answer would be to give the government a backdoor that could be used on any of their phones for any reason
No, that's retarded.


All this faggotry while crying about the supposed "evil Russian Hackers". You're sounding like a hypocrite, Comey.

>Why is everyone in power a 50+ yo boomer looking white guy?
Who are Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch?

With every passing minute, my hatred for mobile devices grows. These things have started to destroy everything.

so, when does he get eaten by a grue?

>my hatred for mobile devices grows. These things have started to destroy everything.
Not all mobile devices right, just smartphones? Imagine how the world would be if they weren't able to make inexpensive devices smaller than old UMPCs and netbooks.

t. inbred

Yeah, I meant smartphones and all the cancerous shit that came with them, social media, shit security, ad based business models, the cost of data, everything has turned to shit because of them.
