How does Sup Forums feel about static webms?
Pic related is 1.03MB PNG I got from the web. I will make a static webm from it and then a JPG of similar size for comparison.
How does Sup Forums feel about static webms?
Pic related is 1.03MB PNG I got from the web. I will make a static webm from it and then a JPG of similar size for comparison.
static webm related is 80KB
jpg related is 80KB of course
What about a static webm that moves like a movie?
I know webm is intended to be used for video but the whole point of static webms is to be pseudo WebPs since Sup Forums won't allow the real thing.
Looks way better than , but ever so slightly blurrier than
Here is the ffmpeg parameters I used for anyone interested.
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i input.jpg -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 output.web
True but it's like 1/10th the file size of the PNG. I know VP8 does not support lossless compression so I gave up trying to make it look 99.99999% of the original image and settled for a "good enough" look. Anyway the most important thing is it shows how fucking outdated JPG is. Sup Forums would save billions on hosting if they allowed Webp and it's open sores so all the freetards here won't sperg out. Sadly years have gone by and it doesn't look like Sup Forums will support webp for whatever reason.
Sorry about that.
testing please ignore
Holy hell the webm is 32k and the original PNG is 624k what is this magic
Actually just noticed it's losing some high frequency data. Look at the sleeves on their jackets
So transparancy fucks it up
not this shit again
Looks like this to me
Still nowhere near as bad a 32KB JPG variant of that image.
>unironically using firecocks
Why aren't you using Chrome or Opera like a normal human being?
true I suppose
Well if you're talking about the rendering, I think it's a library thing because it looks the exact same in mpv. I switched to firefox after seeing some google history overview page or something where it could fucking pinpoint the sites I was on and their categories, like "you browsed cyberpunk literature from 12:01 to 12:23". No way they aren't selling that shit along with my IP/fingerprint to advertisers. I don't wanna become part of the botnet. Probably going to switch to chromium when I have the time
Enjoy the botnet
Literally who?
>Anonymous 08/30/16(Tue)23:54:25 No.56349687 ▶
>Enjoy the cocknet