Rate/Judge my purchase

I bought this one. Did I make a good or bad pick?
My requirements: web browsing, a bit of gaming (FPS and MMORPG), accounting, web development. My hobbies often change so I wanted a 17" laptop for around the house that would be current for a few years.

HP Omen 17" Specs:
Screen Size 17.3 in
Native Screen Resolution 1920 x 1080
Processor Type Intel Core i7-6700HQ
Hard Drive 2 TB + 128 GB (Solid State)
Hard Drive Speed (Revolutions Per Minute) 5400 RPM
RAM Size 16 GB
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX965M Graphics
Dedicated Video Memory Size 4 GB
USB 2.0 Ports 1
USB 3.0 Ports 2

My insuance company paid me out for a damaged macbook pro 13 $1549.00 CAD so I grabbed this one for $1699.00 CAD (not US $)

Sup Forums - consumerism general

If you already bought it, who fucking cares? Use it and find out for yourself. Jesus Christ...what do you want us to tell you? No? It sucks, return it as soon as it's delivered?

My Bad.. -head down in shame..

Maybe some pros or cons that I may have missed and that I might not notice in the immediate future. Why so Angry? Your parents don't love you?
I think its a common human trait for people to want to be self evaluated and evaluated by peers.

Or maybe I even want to start a conversation on a technology board about a piece of tech that I just purchased.

Don't project your parental issues on me, bub. I'm just annoyed by little shits like you who don't know how to make a strong decision by themselves.

Literally every fucking laptop these days is capable of web browsing. Considering the detailed list of specs you laid out for all of us to see, it's more than capable of developing your Facebook page or whatever shit you're into. You don't even list any games you want to play on it. FPS like Counter-Strike, or FPS like Battlefield? Huge difference.

I'm sure you'll be satisfied with your purchase, and if not, return it and get something more/less powerful. What else is there to say?

Great! Now we have a useful conversation. I mentioned that I wanted it to be relevant for a few years. So, when it comes to gaming, is this thing going to be dead in the water in 3-4 years? You call me a little shit because I cant make a decision..(I bought it already). I'm not sure if I want to continue a conversation with you. You seem full of hate and it prevents you from reading and understanding my posts. I'm sure you are smarter than you come off. But the constant cursing and hostility really under sells you intellect.

>you intellect.

All right, kiddo. Be more specific with your needs next time instead of listing vague, low-level tasks like web browsing.

For a $1,700 laptop you would expect it to perform well for 3-4 years as long as you take care of it. What possible shortcomings could there be? You're stuck with your graphics and probably your processor. You can always upgrade the storage if you need more.

I'm sorry, but this thread is meaningless and comes off as "look at this laptop I bought," as other posters have mentioned. It would make slightly more sense if you created it prior to purchasing it, which takes me back to my original post...what does it matter if you already ordered it? Use it for yourself and find out. Idiot.

If I posted a vague question, then inquire for more useful information or just give a vague answer (your choice). As I posted earlier.. "Maybe some pros or cons that I may have missed and that I might not notice in the immediate future" I'm not looking for a fix to a problem. I'm just looking for problems to keep an eye open for and maybe start a discussion about this product/similar products. :)

Oh shit he broke out the condescending smiley. Truly a sign that he's an absolute madman who doesn't give a fuck.

>Sup Forums buying gaming laptops

the fuck happen to this place

Why do people buy gaymen laptops again?
I dont get this shit, with the hardware you wont even be able to run at 100% performance for 1 hour before the battery runs dry.
I get that people buy a laptop with a low end dedicated gpu that only draws a few watts but when you literally can only run it while plugged in then its clear that you dont need a laptop.

I was trying to keep my post light and positive.. oh god.. maybe i'm condescending by nature.. ahha shit

In my case, I wanted a laptop I could move around my house. Watch a movie in bed, browse the internet on my couch, work at my desk, and game once in awhile with decent graphics that wont stutter. Thus I chose a 17" gaming laptop. I think the word "gaming" and the idea of laptop being wireless is focused on to much. Not everyone wants a desktop in their house, but they still want to be fairly relevant in todays standards.

>Gaymen laptop
it's literal shit

I don't necessarily think gaming laptops are that great, but I also don't know why everyone criticizes battery life. The only reason I would get one is to take to a friend's or a LAN where it would be plugged in regardless. I'm wouldn't be trying to play the Witcher 3 on a bus or something.

He obviously didn't buy it.

This is just a way to get around the rules of consumer review threads. But that's all Sup Forums is good for anyway and should become.

you're a retard, if you actually bought it, return it. you'd literally be better off with a macbook for what you're doing than that stupid thing

I use windows and I like to game.

The new Nvidia laptop GPUs have been out for a month, ya blew it op.