You have 10 seconds to name ONE linux distro that:

You have 10 seconds to name ONE linux distro that:

>serves home, office, enterprise
>software ACTUALLY works out of the box
>drivers ACTUALLY work out of the box
>non-retarded non-minimalist clear usable GUI for most of world's population
>things that break don't require mom/dad/grandparents reading terminal output to you over the phone while you teach them CLI over the phone
>isn't maintained by one neckbeard out of his basement and distro dies if he has a heart attack
>proper, timely, and regular scheduled security updates
>proper, timely, and regular scheduled patches

PROTIP: You can't.

Pretty much all of them.

Fucking deluded macfag.

ubuntu, fedora, opensuse

>inb4 "arch does all that, it took me x time to configure it, and it works if you're not a complete retard"
Yeah, the OS shouldn't even have to be configured after being installed.

nope, nope, kek

>software ACTUALLY works out of the box

Never gonna happen.

All of those are covered by Windows, which runs Linux binaries out of the box. Sorry, OP. Microshit wins again.





>>serves home, office, enterprise
>>software ACTUALLY works out of the box
>>drivers ACTUALLY work out of the box
>>non-retarded non-minimalist clear usable GUI for most of world's population
>>things that break don't require mom/dad/grandparents reading terminal output to you over the phone while you teach them CLI over the phone
>>isn't maintained by one neckbeard out of his basement and distro dies if he has a heart attack
>>proper, timely, and regular scheduled security updates
>>proper, timely, and regular scheduled patches
You asked this already, autist

Antergos on Xfce just works™

>not an enterprise

>Facebook machine
top kek

I'm using Linux Mint 17.1, based on Ubuntu, and it does all of that. Checkmate, eh?

isn't this literally what ubuntu and mint where made for?

i knew you was not gonna agree with any answer but i think i'm right.

lad, stop insulting us poor bastards with your fancy shmancy software and hardware. let us enjoy, and perhaps even gloat a little at your expense.

I know, windows is a great OS for people who has nothing to hide.

>a computer shouldnt need me to tell it what I want

Do you know what a computer is?

>Sup Forums told me to use Ubuntu because it's good for Linux noobs
>i'm too stupid to figure out how to use Ubuntu
>fuck shit up cause i can't comprehend that it's not Windows
>better tell Sup Forums how it's all the distro's fault i'm a retard

What Mac OS versions are safe to use in the modern day? Whats the oldest I can go.

I've always wanted to check it out but never had a Mac.

>someone finally uses your OC you made two years ago
>for a 0/10 thread

thanks anyway I guess

Pick one.

>not a single qualified distro named




>Unable to read own thread


nope, *tips*, kek

file picker


file picker

file picker

file picker

file picker



Antergos with Xfce/KDE

This, now stop bitching around, just because you are to stupid to use it

>file picker
I knew mactoddlers are retarded but you seem to have completely replaced your brain matter with cum

>le kek
>le dib :DDDD
>le file picker

Mods, caught an underage faggot

>pictures take 10% of real estate
>text and white space take up 90% of real estate

Disgusting. Literally zero effort. This is why OSX/Macs can sell for thousands and no one wants loonix at all even when it's free.

>file picker?

What are you talking about user? Dolphin? Thunar? etc.?

OpenSuSE/SuSE, you troll.

lmao look at this faggot cocksucker trying to move the golapost

0/10 Go back to literal homo

Why does it matter if I'm not a home (codeword for normie facebook using gamer) or office (codeword for microsoft office user?






>thinly vailed macshill attempt
Time to cuck this shit thread


>literally begging for scat on a blue board
>somehow we're the fags
Wew laddie

Check'd w/ respekt


>there are loonix distros being distributed in 2016 that still look like this

Truly disgusting.

It's true though. Macfags are retarded homos. Even their CEO is a cock sucker

>freetards have no argument
>le macs r gay xDD

Apple abandons older versions of OS pretty fast. On an Intel Mac, I wouldn't go older than mavericks (10.9). But if you wana see what it's all about, get a Snow Leopard ISO from a torrent (or buy it, it's $30), and do a virtual hackintosh in a virtual machine.

>being this jealous that Tim won't "give you a hand"

deepin is wonderful for the casual user and it is super light weight so you can run it on shitty rigs

>mactoddler gets literally BTFO
>thinks SCAT MASTER will not shit on this thread


To anyone who is reading the thread:

Butthurt shitposting goes below:

Ah. Isn't that just GTK's fault then? Not really distro specific.



>using a picture of the smiley with a carat nose

Why are you on Sup Forums again?

>freetards will defend this

Fuck off, mactoddler

Now how many hours of running in circles digging through ancient unmaintianed wikis and terminal hacking bullshit shit did you have to do to get it that way?

how do you live with being such a huge fucking big black cock fondling faggot

Linux wishes it had spotlight search. The knock offs don't compare.

Linux or Windows wishes it could install an app this easy. It just works.

Too confusing.
The drag and drop mechanic is weird and it always asks for passwords.

In all seriousness, which file picker


>le personal computer meme
this must end somewhere. that's why smartphones are equally shit, too.

Shit, I thought I had removed the pic, I'll delete this right now.

Not mentioning it's a drag'n'drop for ./, this is ridiculous.

>an AUR package doesn't work
stupid underage blames Archlinux
>a macOS program doesn't work
stupid underage blames developer

Linux mint

are you suggesting OS X fulfills all those criteria? because it doesn't.

ubuntu is shit and you should fucking kill yourself.

What is the point of the picture?

sudo pacman -S gtk-theme-icons (etc)

now kill yourself apple cuck

It's called Rofi. But you wouldnt know :^)

elementary os you faggit

>elementary os
i kek'd

worst distro ever.

The problem is that you have different goals within the same requirements.

>home, office, enterprise
They can be very different.
Office could be either the same as a home user, with a few more accounts or it could be a a lot of servers with many clients and many services.

Now you can make a GUI that is usable for the majority of the worlds population, and that might be very suitable for the home user.
Freedombox tries to achieve this.

You can also make a GUI that makes it usable for the enterprise, controlling a lot of systems.
Opensuse tries to achieve this.

With that said, using a text based interface is a lot better for most server related tasks, as physical access is undesirable and it is a lot less data to transmit text. (which makes it better for slow internet connections, encryption etc).
>teach people over the phone.
Or you could just use ssh.
My grandmother uses ubuntu to make photoalbums and browse the internet.
She doesn't use the terminal, she doesn't even speak english.
When she has a task she wants to do, she asks me how, I write a script, add it to a menu and then it is a clickable action.
If something doesn't work, I either ssh into her computer or fix it next time I see her.
My tech support is near zero now.

As for distro maintenance, you can almost pick whatever you want here.
Debian, ubuntu, opensuse, core os, fedora, arch, gentoo and slackware are all able to fit this.

As for drivers, what is not currently working as you think they should?
Graphic cards? I mean if your server utilizes a lot of graphic cards then wouldn't it make sense to research what cards can do the job?
Or are you saying that graphic cards in general are not good enough, so you wouldn't use it on your desktop?

Either way, I don't see how OSX does any better.
There the hardware is even more limiting.
It is against their terms to install it on more powerful hardware and they never update their hardware or adjust prices.

>serves home, office, enterprise
>software ACTUALLY works out of the box
>drivers ACTUALLY work out of the box
>non-retarded non-minimalist clear usable GUI for most of world's population
you can get Plasma to not look retarded with a theme
>things that break don't require mom/dad/grandparents reading terminal output to you over the phone while you teach them CLI over the phone
>isn't maintained by one neckbeard out of his basement and distro dies if he has a heart attack
>proper, timely, and regular scheduled security updates
>proper, timely, and regular scheduled patches

Red Hat Linux


It'd take years to understand how to compile packages given the average IQ of a mactard


What do I win?



I'm guessing you're one of those fags that thinks that computers are supposed to be some kind of super secret club, and that people that use GUIs shouldn't be able to use computers. Picture related.
You can configure windows after you install it if you want to.
I just come here for the dpt.





Ubuntu fits that. You can even use GUI to install and configure a dock to make it look like a mac if you're gay.

Linux Mint; it offers everything mentioned in the OP.

You're wrong, I'm one of the people who consider anyone could use computers 3h a week.

People fap on the digital revolution, but that "revolution" is by itself a meme. It only happens because people use computers as a Facebook device. Or Sup Forums device, that's the same.

OP basically shills for shitposting being easy as a breeze while Libreoffice and LaTeX are some of the only needed productivity programs.



windows 10 is the best linux distro



>what is ubuntu LTS

also, name a Window version that does all that.

Protip: you can't

lol wat

>0.1 Rupee have been deposited to your Apple™ Pro™ account, Mr. Rasheesh
Fuck off back to starbucks with your useless facebook machine, retard.