There is literally nothing wrong with systemd

there is literally nothing wrong with systemd

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I really like it. I hope we can get a full replacement for all GNU programs.

so say we all

>triggerd, reeeee
in all seriousness, there literally IS nothing wrong with it.

>Gpl licensed, free and open source
>"Just werks"
>Faster boot process
>Eliminates bloat/meme packages

There is NO reason why one should delete systemd from his system. There is nothing systemd can't do what other init systems can.

Source is open, show where

>Not Unix
Neither is linux

So what packages did YOU make yesterda

but what makes it better than any other init system

ITT: increasingly nervous systemd shills from Red Hat.

15 rupees have been deposited in your accounts.

Reminder to sage and report.

Well, what makes other init systems better than SystemD?

SystemD is an easy to install, mature and well documented init system, but people dislike it because MUH GNU STUNDRDS DEHUHDEHEH

If you want one truly shit piece of software just look at windows

The hate for it may be somewhat overblown, but it does way more than an init system needs to or should

Faster boot, socket restarts

it actually uses mathematics (systems theory, hence the name) to control the init process instead of relying on some neckbeard to guess at it

is this an OJ brand?

no thanks, i dont want to drink the koolaide

the cake is a lie too

SystemD is a botnet though. Also it is extremely resource hungry. It is a fucking joke on anything embedded or small.

SystemD is what will drive the final nail into the Linux coffin.

>it is extremely resource hungry

citation needed

No, citation not needed. All you need to do is look at the size of the systems.

SystemD is bloated botnet horse shit.

>muh package number
>muh file size

jesus christ Sup Forums is fucking retarded

It also sucks down way more ram and CPU while running, Windows child.

Cash machines from 2002 can run XP without issue and embedded devices that are so small on memeory don't even run normal sysvinit or any GNU crap anyway, they have static hard-coded boot chain.

Meanwhile systemd is the init system used by many car manufactures for several years now. It boots my BMW's infotainment system.

This is why you're gay though. SystemD and Linus' crazy 64 bit hardon make Linux about the worst embedded OS choice at this time.

Probably why your shitty rapefugee-built car uses such a shitty init system.

>while running

You don't know what a botnet is, do you? Embarrassing display on a technology forum.

Of course I do. It's a meme.

Did they include a mail server yet?
And will Stretch beDebian GNU/systemd?

For desktops/laptops, it's fine.

For servers or clusters it is hideous, if only for the binary log files.

Kek, not compared to SysVinit it isnt

is that a new systemd component?

Here's what I like about it, listing only things that I found lacking under OpenRC
>user services
>session/seat tracking
>socket activation
>simple suspend/hibernate (pm-utils was a nightmare)
>monotonic timers / random timers
>automatic daemon restarting
>service-based process tracking and management (via cgroups)
>usable logging interface (journalctl)
>service file overrides
and more

Where did you get the idea that systemd was only an init system?

I've had plenty run ins with systemd fucking shit up. but here's a legitimate list of stuff that you objectively should consider reading.

that being said, normies won't notice sysV from systemd because they are too busy installing $PS1 shit for zsh or fish.

>Here's a mostly misguided list of complaints made by people who have a grossly warped and underinformed understanding of what systemd even *is*

The most amusing part is that they think all of systemd is in pid1, when pid1 (i.e. “init”) is literally one of the smallest components.

Yeah let's all use a high security OS and then fuck that over by presenting an adversary (read: NSA) with the largest attack space possible. :^)

Why aren't you using systemdick goyim?

Shave 500ms off your boot time so we can access your system even faster when Intel AMT fails us.