Best video player for Windows?

Not fucking memempv.


Deal with it.

Too bad faggot, mpv a best.

No. MPC-Hc the best for watching chinese anime.
Seriously? Why?

Stop deluding yourself, it isn't.

SVP? Why not, this question was never meant to be taken seriously anyway

Nope. Fucking MPV - for Linuxchild.

For watching chinese cartoons highly recommended using KCP or MPC-HC. MPv - for linux-users. VLC - fucking shit, fuck, renderer subtitles - ugly fuck.

Dual boot? MPV
Windows only? KCP
Linux? MPV

KCP is dead, faggot. Only fucking 32 bit. 2016 - 32 bit, Carl.
Not updates, please, kill you.

OK, well call me when KCP isnt better than mpv



Nice mem, faggot.
Your Pc - fuckin toaster.?

Is VLC still bad? The graphics issues everyone seems to be talking about here on Sup Forums iirc were only affecting NVIDIA users on an older version. It's supposedly fixed now. I read this on an anime forum where this very debate was happening.

Hello France.

Ugly shit.
Fuckin render subtitles. Incorrect color rendering: default - 14- 200. True - 0-200. Like so.
Fat player.
WTF man?

out of the box MPC-HC
inside of the box memepv

VLC - the bad?

PotplayerJapanese people uses only Potplayer, faggot. Watching statistick online.

>best player
>*not best player
make up your mind

MPC-HC + MadVR or only MPC-HC

This is

Potplayer - japanese? Lol

Potplayer - best video player.

it doesn't really matter what you use as long as it's one of the four or five popular players. i'd probably rank the ones i've used mpv > mpc-hc > potplayer > vlc, but they're all perfectly good.

it's mostly down to preference/particular usage cases.

though im pretty sure the actual point of this thread is to bait people into getting mad about other user's choice of software, like 99% of threads on Sup Forums successfully bait people into doing.


Why is the anime sleepy?

MPC-HC with madvr.

Don't use VLC. It has failed more times than anything else I have ever used.

i use it on mac.

I use bomi

SMPlayer with mpv