Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
>Pull out phone and open up sick AF desktop tower pics.
>Show photos of your rig so he'll cry.
tfw I don't care if anything can play games anymore
It used to be all I cared about now I don't even enjoy playing games much and barely have the time.
tfw almost 30
>It works
>I use it to work and make money
>playing modern video games on a laptop
I've never played video games before.
>gaming is for manchildren
then see him for a spazattack
I game on my desktop
I already have a gaming laptop at home trying to get rid of. Tired of lugging around a Xbox in the form of a PC.
*having a
>place cursor over the battery icon
>10 hours remaining
>2x 2tb hdds + msata ssd
I throw my $50 shittop at his $1000+ gaymen craptop and watch him cry. Then I buy another one and install Gentoo.
>gaming is for manchildren
This just makes you look like jealous and insecure, and trying to rationalize.
Ask him when he plans to drop the class so you can bring party hats.
>close lid on ThinkPad
>crack idiot's skull open with a quick chop along the spine of the ThinkPad
>open ThinkPad and get back to work before the idiot's dead blood spewing carcass hits the floor
Heres a tip for you nerds: ignore him and just focus on your own shit, and if he continues tell him "cant you see im busy?"
This will give you the power and people will symphatize with you.
I like this solution a lot actually.
>ignore him
>tell him "cant you see im busy?"
You can't have it both ways, you have to end it from the first shit he throws at you lest you be perceived as a punk ass pussy, which based on your solution makes me already think you are, you punk ass pussy.
woah I almost fell off with that edge
"who are you?"
>oh you mean my work laptop? oh hey you're the guy with the garbage bargain acer. You do know acer is a chinese brand with underpowered shitter hardware right? what do you have in there, an nvidia integrated graphics?
Had that charged attack sound from smash bros in my head when I read that.
please get away from me
this thread is full of autism and cringe. It's the perfect example actually why I don't visti Sup Forums as much anymore.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
how about you finish the job and never come back
>cant let people think im a pussy bro
>gotta IMMEDIATELY and STRONGLY push back
>or people will think im a PUSSY, IM NO PUSSY
For some random faggot being a faggot.
How insecure do you even have to be.
Well, maybe that or making shakes with powdered testosterone pills instead of protein powder, I guess, but the insecure autist who wishes he could be like the chads seems more likely here.
yeah, I'll close this tab and crawl back into bed with my gf
i actually laughed way fucking harder than i should have.
don't let your bull hit you on the way out
Why the fuck would anyone play video games on a laptop?
This thread is actually a meme from 2011
But you're a newfag
i'd probably just start tearing up and keep asking "will you be a friend of mine" or something i dont know
Gee Bill,
Gee Bill everywhere.
I would fart really loudly on my hand, than proceed to slap him
I travel a lot, no point sinking money into a fag tower I can't use most of the month
may as well put the cash toward sik laptop grafikxs
>y-you too
Forgot to type *at first. Being alpha or superior means you have to nicely take care of betas craving for attention, he is asking for it, you are stating that you are busy and your matter is more important than him and youre making him look bad since he 'obviously' didnt see you were busy, because he is an autist. Getting angry means he has actual emotional weight on you which means you are betaing it up.
I'm too old for video games.
>turn around
>look smug as fuck
>tells him that crysis will never get him pushy
>or even ass for that matter
>show him a custom Ubuntu interface
>tells him it's Arch
>tells him it's called arch because bitches arch their backs at the instant sexual arousal at my genius
>being the gullible fuck he is since he bought into the GEYMOIN bullshit he wipes arch and cries that it's not the same
>whispers into his ear "at least I can now run crisis"
>he cries
>bites his tongue
>Sup Forums stream
>billion dollars from stream ads
>buys new laptop
>60fps crisis
>jack off knowing I made someone kill himself and made enough money to buy his chair and get said laptop only to masturbate at temporarily overcoming my crippling inferiority complex.
Autismus maximus
>gaming laptop
he played himself.
My other laptop is your mom
My ROG needs a motherboard. It's on the slow boat from China
>mfw playing even the latest video games on my ThinkPad iGPU with no trouble
There is literally nothing wrong with 480p on a 12 inch screen.
I don't understand why you would want to buy a gaming laptop unless you want to make the statement that you're so hopelessly addicted to video games that you want to play them even when you're forced to leave the house.
It's like playing your 3DS in public, only more spergy.
Really? Gaming on a laptop?
Here's my rig. This is just for leisure, faggot.
I am going to stab you
fuck I see like 3 different expressions on the right side cartoon....
I needed a laptop not a hair dryer
>teleport behind him
>Unseath thinkpad t420 from swiss gear bag
>Recompile kernel
>Heh, nothing personel kid
"Is that how you introduce yourself to strangers?"
"Fuck you, faggot."
*it was a hologram*
Why would I play video games on my laptop when I can do it at the comfort of my desktop?
My W520 is for work and school purposes.
Gamer laptops have no battery life.
>Earphones on
>Keep quiet
>Download metasploit
>Exploit his system
>delet system32
>Observe his inferiority
"I don't play video games on laptops and I bought this piece of shit because my hobby does warrant the spending of anything more than what I did spend on this piece of shit."
Decided to go with the simple and honest route. How'd I do?
I don't play games and spend my money on more expensive electronic testing equipment.
>This just makes you look like jealous and insecure
Lmoa whatever you say, faggot.
"I don't need one."
>i'm doing serious work, kid. go back to playing minecraft
>implying I bought it
ok kid
Well if you're are buying...
>gaming on laptops
>that captcha
>underage, the post.
Thank you for this post user
>Put headphones on
>Let out a slight grunt
>Bust open terminal
>run aircrack-ng
>intercept their traffic
>upload malicious 'package'
>remotely setup a few partitions..
>tar xvjpf stage3-amb64-20160830.tar.bz2
>"heh,simple geometry"
>watch as they panic in fear from having had gentoo successfully installed on their gaymen laptop
>observe their inferiority
My usual laptop had its motherboard irreparably short-circuit not long ago.
I got this piece of- very old laptop (please stop breaking down on me) from my brother, and using it as a temporary substitute.
Man child detected
hows life in the bottom of the pecking order friend?
why would i buy a gaming laptop when i can buy a gaming tower than can run at 4k?
I don't buy tech toys.
I play Halo 4 (I may play Halo 5 too, one day) and Super Smash Bros Wii U with my friends. Personal Computer is a meme. Ultra HD is a meme. You're a meme too.
Google recruits engineers with Minecraft, though (I mean qCraft)
You took an autistic post and made it even more autistic
ThinkPad Gentoo gamer reporting in.
You welcome fellow user
Is what makes this funny
>close lid
>get up
>walk somewhere else
>sit down
>open lid
>continue shitposting
>hey wanna buy a 1kW PSU? Im selling mine since its not enough for my rig
Dude fuck off... I dont care
Piss off pissphone
There's no good comeback for this because he's right. Gamer laptops offer higher performance than Stinkpads at reasonable prices.
You couldn't build your own rig so you bought a laptop for gaming? Aww bless.
>unsheath my Katana
>teleport behind him
>"nothing personal, kid.."
>install gentoo on his laptop
video games are a waste of time
Stay on your containment board Sup Forums
You forgot the part where your screen doesn't come back on after you open the lid because Linsux
Why would you buy a workstation laptop when you have desktop?
>unironically calling your PC a """rig"""
>it probably has a window and LED lights
Neo-Sup Forums everyone.
so you can make fun to neckbeards using shitpad
>gaming laptop
>reasonable price
pick one
well, some people on Sup Forums were calling their computers "rigs" already back in 2008, but they got mocked about it as well
you won't be getting sympathy if you ignore people
People were calling their desktop a box or a rig back in the 80's.