So tell me, how often do you ever use AskJeeves today?
It's like this now. We have all these OSes, OSX, Windows 7, Windows 10, GNU/LINUX, 1000 ditributions of GNU/Linux, Android, .... and it's a mess.
The proof that it's a mess is that you constantly makes threads about which OS you should install...
It's like in the old days when we had AltaVista and AskJeeves.
Now Fuchsia OS comes. Google makes an OS. From scratch. No more legacy, outdated GNU code. This is code written with "2016" in mind. Devices and PCs are so fast today that programmers agree we would all benefit if an OS was written from scratch with the power of today's machines in mind.
GNU/Windows/... the base code for these was written when the most powerful PC was multitudes slower than an average "chink shit" smart phone today.
So Google realized they have to write something from scratch.
This is like all over again
In 5 years, you'll all be usuing Fuchsia OS and we will be making threads like "dude remember "GNU" ? Hahahhah install Gentoo!! remember Getnoo?? LOLL... and remember you had to use Microsoft Windows for games? bahahahah"
>inb4 "shill" , "botnet" comments by paranoid neckbeards who don't shower often enough
Wyatt Turner
>more like FuckOS screencap this
Colton Harris
(are) (a) (faggot) Found the shill. >posting on a website full of neckbeards What did you expect, Kikebook 2.0: Electric Boogaloo?
Jose Gonzalez
Google is kill
Charles Rogers
People might switch if Fuchsia brings any improvement over existing Os. Which it won't. It will only bring incompatibility with existing software.
Daniel Gutierrez
I hope you are right OP.
John Foster
its going to be shit
>made by google, so more botnet than all other OSs combined >based on a memecrokernel which was designed for embedded systems >designed for both mobile and desktop, so will have the same awkward interface as windows 8
look at android, the only reason its the best mobile OS is because its competing with lagOS, which is only available on apple phones, and windows phone, which nobody ever took seriously
and look at chrome OS, the only reason that was successful is because they put it on chromebooks, anyone who knows anything uses real linux on a chromebook anyway
Ethan Miller
Heads up: better start learning DART now...
You know, it will be the main language of Fuchsia apps
Don't tell me "b...b.....but user, how could I know dart would be so big? I'm out of a job now" in 5 years
Don't tell me I didn't warn you
Charles Phillips
Wirth's law: The OS
Logan Taylor
>implying they won't write a complier for every mainstream language >implying a programming language has anything to do with the OS
Tyler Gray
Another huge failure OP, screencap this. In 5 years we will have a laugh what a faggot OP was.
Hudson Peterson
Why wait 5 years we're already laughing at what a faggot they are now.
Jaxon Phillips
>1000 distributions of GNU/Linux >all replaced by 1 open source OS so instead it'll be 1000 "Fuchsia" distributions?
Aaron Walker
Remember Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat... Then Google+ came
Jayden Brooks
>Fuckasia Edgy
Eli Ward
Nothing with a name as gay as fuchsia is going to be successful
Logan Baker
>>gnu/linux fanatics would change to a google OS to keep up with the times We literally have a general dedicated to buying old business laptops you cock monger. Fuck off to
Sebastian Gutierrez
>implying any competent programmer couldn't easily pick up a new language in a couple weeks Are you fucking retarded? Also you write like a shill.
Zachary Rivera
> All those OSes - its a clusterfuck. > Lets make another one! Screencap this.
Samuel Cox
Every software powerhouse on the planet. Every high end engineering software that won't even keep up with windows releases for the sake of stability.
They are just going to do a full rewrite? For an os likely *nix based?
What are you a naive five year old?
Daniel Edwards
>For an os likely *nix based? It's not Unix based you troglodyte.
Jaxson Hall
Rob Pike and Ken Thompson are involved in the project.
Jonathan Green
THAT Ken Thomspson? > Thompson designed and implemented the original Unix operating system. Source ?
Dylan Smith
Maybe it will be a Lisp Machine.
Colton Young
let's look at this differently. fucksia os could good could be bad, it doesn't matter.
but now, microsoft will have some serious competition for windows. so, maybe, hopefully, windows will stop being shit. maybe we can even get a new windows xp-tier os out of microsoft
Ryan Lewis
We don't want a better Windows. We want Microsoft to die.
Adrian Bailey
>microsoft will have some serious competition My sides
Luis Rodriguez
>android >best mobile os
Hudson Moore
Oh even better. It is something noone is familiar with. Now that is way more convenient.
Asher Myers
>lagOS is the best mobile os when did you come out to your parents user?
Jason Howard
>something as complex as an operating system is being developed and some feminist is already in charge of naming it Oh I'm having a laff right now, OP, don't worry
Dylan Murphy
I think this is a bit of a stretch. Google also made ChromeOS and that was a mistake.
Hudson Rodriguez
>This is code written with "2016" in mind.
So, aesthetics before functionality, absolute lack of user control, constant spying and DRM.
This is not an argument in Fuschia's favor.
Lucas Sanders
>GNU/Windows/... the base code for these was written when the most powerful PC was multitudes slower than an average "chink shit" smart phone today.
..and while there are disadvantages, it also meant that code couldn't afford to be a bloated piece of shit that uses a megabyte where it should only need a kilobyte.
Eli Evans
>pinkcolor >by google are they just taking credit for littlekernel now? > like they did with aosp? >slap branding & botnet on top of it >made by google
Xavier Thomas
MeeGO is still unrivaled. Also if you're going by currently in development OS then BB10 is the best. Android sucks dick in more ways than you can count.
Brody Sanchez
He starred the Git.
Christian Parker
>no legacy GNU code So they can hardcode their shit into the OS and aren't bound by shitty obligations to the FOS-community. They saw what kind of unlubed customer-rapery Apple and Microsoft could get away with and wanted in on the action. That simple.
Landon Watson
Ken also worked in Go. He's been at Google for several years now.
Jaxson Robinson
ken didn't just work in go, ken came up with go (well, him, pike and griesemer) pretty much the entire language was spec'd by them
Sebastian Bell
The electrojews at Google won't allow this, for maximum shekel collecting. DAILY REMINDER >embrace >extend >extinguish
Kevin Peterson
The difference between OS and >Yahoo, AltaVista, Lycos, Infoseek, WebCrawler, AskJeeves is Microsoft has the absolute monopoly. Windows is the of operating systems. No, is the Windows of search engines.
Bentley Rogers
Nicholas Ward
>this is actually going be open source even 40% because google would actually allow you to say, disable parts that spy on you. ya lol no, but if it turns out not to be a massive NSA turd then cool
Julian Howard
>Literally just an embedded-OS project >OP thinks it'll be the new OS for everything
Colton Brown
>This is code written with "2016" in mind.
aka needs 8 cores and 4GB of ram just to boot
Carter Cox
ChromeOS isn't that horrible how was it a mistake
Dominic Parker
I actually don't remember any of those. Google was my first search engine and the only one I used.
Michael Morris
isn't ios the most optimized or something?
Gabriel King
This is an 18+ board...
Gabriel Lee
Horrible fucking language and it will have even worse driver problems than Linux.
Robert Garcia
>MacOS >Apple ecosystem >"a mess"
Nice try.
Jaxson Hernandez
this... unless it's targetted at phones, and Google itself moves all their shit to their new OS. if that happens, it will be a problem for the users that want to customize their shit and leave the botnet...
Dominic Watson
Oh hey look another non-unix compatible kernel
Adrian Carter
>can't properly spell >can't form coherent sentences
Something tells me OP is an underage Sup Forumsermin.
Leo Bailey
>ask Jeeves
John Clark
Your point? Are you implying you started going on Internet as soon as you were born? Google was just the only search engine used here.
Joseph Cook
kill yourself
screencap this
Aaron Adams
>not using askjolene
Jace Nelson
include me in the screencap
James Wilson
Remember Symbian, Windows Mobile, iOS Then Android came. iOS still exists and WinMo too albeit with a different name along. Symbian died only because Nokia was stupid.
Justin Thomas
Why are they writing it in 20 different languages?
Landon Barnes
Here you go. I agree.
Ian Jones
yeah this is what they said about chromeOS and i've only ever seen one chromebook in my life
Logan Howard
found the sweaty neckbeard
go take a shower
Alexander Wilson
We'll be using 8k displays by then.
Isaiah Cox
not even Google can save those that "need" legacy anything
Bentley Morris
where do you think you are? go back to Facebook dude
Ryder Watson
But I like my minimal arch install op.
Bentley Flores
Google material design on desktop actually isn't awkward it's just the implementation by microcock