>bend pin on mobo
>you're fucked

>bend pin on cpu
>unbend it with a knife or credit card

Remind me again why LGA is so popular?

Install gentoo

>CPUs cheaper than motherboards
btw I'm sorry you fucked up

Who is this fitness fuck toy?

LGA is supposed to have some minor advantages in signal integrity. Its an utterly inane difference though. The only issue with PGA is that as you add more pins to a package they have to utilize a progressively finer pitch, and they subsequently become weaker. Placing pins socket side reduces the chances of a pint being bent during installation.

What? You'd rather buy a new 80 dollar mobo instead of taking 10 seconds to unbend a pin?

>bending pins

Parkinson's is rough


>>you're fucked
You can bend them back. I know from experience.

It's almost impossible to bend or otherwise damage LGA pins because LGA processors are installed using a load clamp.

I did it today. I got it set on the pins nice and neat. When I brought the clamp down, one of the ones near the center didn't just bend, it snapped right off

LGA is shit

I'd like her to unbend my pin


How do you fuck up installing a CPU on LGA socket? Like what's your secret? Fucking up PGA I can understand, it's kinda hard to install compared to LGA, but fucking up LGA I just don't get it.

>choosing CPU because of socket pin
You have wierd priorities

Install Arch

If the pin broke the way he described it was simply a manufacturing defect.

Have you tried not breaking it?

I don't know man. Bad luck? But notice how the only bent one is in the middle of all that shit. It's not like there were a ton on the side. I'm considering trying to RMA the mobo that pin must've come in off.

Even though I'm somewhat convinced it isn't my fault I'm still embarrassed.

Where is the bent pin?

In my trousers

Sorry. My camera phone isn't the best

9000000% this

Im still not seeing it. Can you do a different angle?

Are you blind or trolling the poor bastard?

Sauce me

If I do it again it'll look like there's a blank spot. I went in there with a pair of tweezers and almost got it just so, but with a second clamp that motherfucker snapped right off. I don't own a soldering iron small enough to fit in there so I think it's game over for this project until they deliver my next mobo

It woulf really help me see the problem if you did a side angle honestly

See Also the link in the fucking image.

It's Tanya aka vladmodel y157 aka Tatiana George aka Tatiana Georgieva

Former child porn star becoming fitness model and running a model agency

>Former child porn star
t-t-thanks Sup Forums

Time to wipe my hard drives again.

At one point in time, you could actually look at a motherboard as an investment that could last through a CPU upgrade, since CPUs would actually have meaningful performance gains in a 2 year window.

Because you have to be completely fucking retarded to bend a pin on the mobo.
PGA pins can be bend on CPU removal.

You can even snap them off on CPU removal.

Im still not seeing this bent pin

it's really, really easy to break pins on LGA sockets even when you install them the proper way. if the CPU wiggles at all from an unsteady hand or too much air moving under as it's being inserted then you will almost certainly be fucked.

Most motherboards come with foolproof seating mechanisms now a days. You people...

Tanya became a 10/10 grown woman.

Goddammit, where has the time gone?

How in the hell are you bending pins in the first place? Are you trying to install your CPU with a goddamn wrench or something.

I've bent lga pins just from putting it in.

Never had that problem with pga or bga though

who cares it's just one pin. Still works

Dude, the pins aren't made of noodles.

I like noodles :(

>I've bent lga pins by not putting it in correctly the right way the first time because I'm a fucking klutz with technology.


why she never looks in the camera?

AMD hasn't released a competitive CPU in years.

how the fuck can you screw up this bad?

It's lga, built to be fucked up