What do you think hes doing for them and how much do you think hes getting paid.
What do you think hes doing for them and how much do you think hes getting paid
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Literally could not care less about him.
This desu. Moot is an SJW fag.
He manages google+
i have no clue who this person is
probably manages the "cuck" google search results so only the best of the best cuckolding sites will appear.
He's a tastemaker, an influencer.
I've met him in the office before. He comes up with shitty G+ marketing ideas.
He makes the best coffee
>tfw we can all get jobs at google because we know moot personally
>unironically ousting yourself as a newfag by calling others that are meming newfags
Someone had to do it
oh shit i forgot all about him
hopefully he's well paid and getting laid.
It's a reminder of how fast things can change. That faggot gets hired by Google, this dump gets bought out by 2chan man.
getting data mined is not a job
Some stupid social media advisory job, making more money than 99% of Sup Forums.
Wonder just how many Google employees browse Sup Forums.
Literally who?
He's a community leader who presides over daily meetings with the Google+ team hosted in a room befitting the divine creator of the premier English language Japanese culture and animation centered internet community. It's three stories tall, has a large boulder, some fig trees, with a wall to wall artfully manicured field of clover and grass. On the boulder is a marble altar supported by two short and stout columns behind which, the legend himself stands. His white flowing silk robe drapes down over his tutu two sizes too small of the finest lavender pink tulle barely exposing striped long socks with individual toe holes. Holding two tablets, one in each arm, he delivers the ten divine revelations to the Google+ team. Afterwards he reads a few pieces of that day's fanmail and makes a lighthearted joke about how Google+ is going to make it. With his right arm, he lifts a chalice inlaid with the image of a stylized redhead. A long slow slurping sound fills the room. Heads turn to face a young feminine woman with the physique of a young man by the door wearing a t-shirt with a depiction of a light blue haired monster with viscious red eyes. Realizing her error, she turns 360 degrees and walks away in shame. The room is quiet except for the whistling wind ambient background soundtrack. The metallic clang of the chalice on marble refocuses everyone's attention to oracle at the altar. He lifts up a set of keys by a red one with a logo of a black horse on a yellow shield tightly grasped between his thumb, index and middle finger and walks out the back door. Just before the door closes, a shout of Rayashi escapes into the room. This day's meeting has been adjourned.
Judging from the amount of shills I would say quite a lot
He works as part of some internal startup incubator called "Area 120." It's like Y-combinator, but for google employees only. And moot is probably a mentor or an advisor for the people who have cool business ideas and want to use google's resources to make them.
Do you think he's read this pasta yet? I hope he still checks his Sup Forums mail.
Tell me moar about this fag.Do you make fun of him?
Is moot a Jew?
dat jawline
He's been placed by the government into a job of his choosing for cooperation with LEOs. He chose Google because they're an industry leader. He has a job doing repetitive menial tasks. Probably consults Google with know your meme level briefings as well.
Is it a dirty job?
Four yoooo