4.6" FHD

>4.6" FHD

Finally a reason to move on from the Z3C

Other urls found in this thread:


Screen is too small.

>having a 4.6" screen

LOL way too small.
literally cant use anything smaller than 5 inch now

is the camera as good as a G4 or better than it?

also the screen is kind of small, rip



instead of answering a question you choose to reply with a shitpost

this place is garbage

i am not op

my cock is well above average, but thanks for that link

Resolution is too high.

afraid about battery desu

Here's hoping Sony doesn't fuck up the formula

Too small.
Missing 372MB RAM.

>housefire 820

What's with the ram?
My autism prevents me from using anything that has an amount of ram that's not a power of 2.
Or is that actually 4gb and 300mb are reserved for the system or something?

is this over $200?
if yes I don't care

Probably the formated size, but advertised as 4GB of ram

Probably just like moto G has 888MB RAM, the system reserves the rest.

That's the xperia x you retard

I can't fucking wait for support to end two days after release

t. Z3C owner

You mean besides the shit build quality, useless technical support and tiny screen? After I bought my Z3C I'll never buy a Sony phone again.

S810 and 808 were housefire.
820 is just a bushfire. Still not as good as Apple's SoC or Exynos, but at least not terrible.

>That's the xperia x you retard
Not OP but you really lack reading comprehension. You are not in a position to call others a retard.
I'll buy it if it's waterproof. If not, I'll get the s7 when it drops in price.

>Xperia Z3
>US, still waiting on marshmallow
>no dev support

God damn it Sony, I tried with you.

>no altimeter

there are some roms for it on xda

whats with the shit build quality meme? sony have the lowest return rate at my company (national figures) but keep spreading this meme clumsy fucks

The Z3 got it last year.
If you're refering to the T-Mobile branded Z3, you're shit out of luck as T-Mo dropped support for the phone and will never give you 6.0

I was stoked af for the release, I even pre ordered the thing. Less than 2 months in I drop it from knee height onto carpet, screen was rendered entirely useless, I had to back it up using an OTG cable, it took them 6 weeks to return it to me, they claimed they had no replacement screens in their warehouse (this is direct from Sony) but I forked out £110 anyway to get it replaced. I was left in the dark for the entire process, I had to call them three times to even get that bs answer.
Almost a year passes and I wake up to an unresponsive screen, tiny hairline crack down the entire thing, either I knocked it in my pocket or something or it found a way to commit suicide. I decided to cancel my contract there and then and got an m9 instead, this thing feels actually sturdy and not cheaply built. My brother had the regular Z3 and he had to return it after the antenna stopped working entirely, 3 weeks to get it back.

Like it or not, you'd expect any other phone manufacturer to handle it better, honestly I expected Sony to be decent but I was left utterly disappointed, can you imagine a HTC, Apple or Samsung to take 6 weeks to return a broken phone? No wonder they were losing money by the fistful.