Best Linux Distro?
Thoughts? What is your recommended Linux distro and why.

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went from Mint to Fedora.

Been a nice change so far.

Just werks.
Doesn't look like shit.
Easy to troubleshoot because it's so popular.

enjoy the tearing
>inb4 compton

Debian: stable build between builds


>USE flags
>compile everything from source which lowers risk of botnet
>makes you a linux wizard
>minimal like arch but the community isn't pure cancer

tl;dr: install Gentoo

Tons of preinstalled shit though

All the nice parts of arch without the headache of installing it from scratch.

But you don't get that shitposting swag

screenfetch -D arch
Sure you do

shit just werks for me

Any without systemd cancer included
So not Fedora for sure

>screen tearing
>xfeces eye cancer
>doesn't look like shit
I tried this last week, it's actually not shit. It still has systemd though..

Can you explain what's actually wrong with systemd in layman terms?

systemd discussions never go anywhere, I was just stating what I didn't like about antergos.

Does your CPU show 4.2 with screenfetch? I have my mb set to all 4 cores synchronized to 4.2, but it's an h170 board so I don't know if it's actually overclocking.

ubuntu mate

Deepin + Pink Anime Wallpaper + Dragon Dildo

>Can you explain what's actually wrong with systemd in layman terms?
huge complex system presenting an attack surface that the NSA would adore whose entire purpose is to shave 50ms from the boot time.

It's cancer.


Debian, for all it's flaws, is the only distro I can recommend anyone with at least basic linux knowledge. For true newbs, Ubuntu will always be the go-to first, but soon after they should migrate up-stream to Testing.


It's Arch Linux, but way fucking easier to install

What about arch-anywhere? It seems to be much better/cleaner!

I had no idea this even existed. WIll be firing up a VM!


is there a Sup Forums aprroved guide to gentoo? i would move off of fedora if i wasnt so intimidated by gentoo.

All distros is a same shit!

So what? Compile yourself?

Slackware. No faggots and no children.

The official guide should be good enough.

Bedrock Linux.

what the fuck


AUR/other benefits of Arch (pacman, makepkg, rolling release, fourms/wiki) without the fucking around. Packages are tested more before being released every week or so. The community is also really good.

I switched from Xubuntu to Fedora on my T420. It's a lot better considering I kept having problems with 16.04 like my cursor disappearing on unlock, wireless not working after wake from suspend among other things.

the official gentoo handbook literally holds your hand through the entire process

of course if you fuck shit up you better know your way around linux so you can fix it

don't get me wrong, I like gentoo but it's not without its faults.
One of the biggest being the longer you use it, the less stable it gets.
you also need to put a lot time and effort into maintaining it

and while there's a novelty in compiling everything, you really do miss being able to just have some simple thing up and done with in less than a minute, rather than waiting 5 for the package and its 7 deps to compile

I know people will say "BUT BUT BUT MUH ANECDOTES" but that just tells me your time is worth nothing

lots of things other prog do in one "package" including init(how your sys starts up), this GOES AGAINST Unix/Linux philosophy "Do one thing. Do it well."
No Bueno.

this too but less paranoia (just new attack vectors with higher chances of breach and tampering)

I unironically like PCLinuxOS

The most neutral answer is that it screws with modularity and is harder to audit than the old way of doing things

The less neutral answers are the above and about how Pottering is a jerk, or worry that he's going to fuck everything up/a conspiracy theory that he's being paid by the government to compromise linux itself because he's Red Hat



The iso for arch anywhere is smaller than the iso for arch... How is that possible?



>arch linux is hard to install
literally how retarded can you be


> Headache of installing it from scratch
Stop giving bad advice pleb

If systemd is default it goes in the trash.

Ubuntu or a Red Hat derivative, such as Scientific Linux and CentOS. Everything else is "yet another distribution".

This, Antergos is pretty good.

I like Fedora alot. IMO strikes the middle ground between being stable but being fairly up to date.

Goddamn nerds. Arch isn't hard to install. It IS however fucking annoying. 90% of it is menial shit, the last 10% is pretty useful to know how to do

It's not hard, but if you follow a guide it isn't that far off from just using antergos or manjaro and deleting some bloat you don't like

If it's not hard then why install antergos ?

Quickie: Ubuntu or Mint, considering MATE for both? "Just werks" is the main priority.

>Fedora 24 is very near the best Linux distro release I've used

>goes on naming all the catastrophic bugs on it

The same reason that I use python or java instead of writing shit in C. I'm more interested in being productive than jerking off at how I can copy and paste a list of steps

Both of them do
There are slight differences that don't matter for "it just werks"

Go Mint. Both just werk. But Mint has less shit to uninstall


Hm. Very nice. Controversial combination. But very nice.

If you really want to be productive you wrote a script to back things up and deploy if you need to reinstall aka stage4.
Tbh it's all bs about being more productive because if you install a system correctly you never have to do a reinstall

Sure I could easily write some scripts that auto deploy Arch.I would also have set it up so that I can parameter what I want to mount and where, and maybe have a few checkboxes that allow me to choose if I want to install some packages or configure a TWM.

That almost sounds like A FUCKING INSTALLER.



It does. I have a Z170 motherboard. The 4.2 GHZ isn't really an overclock though. That's just the CPU constantly running on the turboboost.

>there are faggots who use rolling release distros for reasons other than zero day patches


It goes without saying.

>when you just stop giving a fuck


because I have to justify wasting 2 days of configurations and post installations problems.

Arch or Gentoo obviously
Or LFS if I'll ever have the courage to install that shit.

I use Antergos to test software in a VM, it's OK except for the gagillions of updates it wants every single day being a rolling release. If I go away for the weekend I come back to "Plz install these 282 updates"

>Doesn't look like shit

>I know people will say "BUT BUT BUT MUH ANECDOTES"
>One of the biggest being the longer you use it, the less stable it gets
Piss off. Stable keyworded is stable AF and as long as you read the news after --sync like it tells you to do if there is something new and browse through the summary.log after update the system doesn't just break itself out of nowhere.

Thanks for clearing up screenfetch.

>The 4.2 GHZ isn't really an overclock though.
It is a little based on what my stock bios gives me. The turbo boost is 4.2 for 1 core, 4.1 for 1 and 2 cores I think, and 4.0 for all 4. So I set it for 4.2 for all 4.

I guess I'll try linpack with stock and 4.2 synchronized settings and check my Gflops for each.

xubuntu on my laptop, gentoo on my server