Mac OS X's underneath code and algorithms are much better and more polished than in any other operating system...

Mac OS X's underneath code and algorithms are much better and more polished than in any other operating system. It's the reason UI graphics look and scale so good, the text is so smooth it's almost perfect. (Quartz) It's why it just werks. The programmers who created OS X clearly knew exactly what they were doing.

pic related, something I found in an image scaling library I was using

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Wrong board


I ducking hate how windows converts every wallpaper to a low quality jpeg file

where? can't find it


>linus butthurt because apple wouldn't use his GPL licensed still immature kernel at the time for the new OS X project
I don't think there's any problem with OS X's kernel t..b..h f..a....m

>applel joke engineering team that made the worst OS in modern history that crashes more than 3.1 and bomb restarts if you breath on it funny
>hamfistedly bolt together mach and next kernels together with bsd utilities using a billion lines of spaghetti code

lmao OS X never crashes

>top kernel programmer in the world says it's shit

But I'm sure some idiot on Sup Forums knows more than him.

>never crashes

>Avid Media Composer on Mac OS 9
keep dreaming

>implying linus is rational in all of his billion rants
>implying he knows more than apple's own senior kernel engineers

>implying some mactoddler on Sup Forums is rational period

>when apple's own senior kernel engineers have to make something themselves instead of stealing code

Iirc it doesn't do it to bmp inages

>camshot of a 16 year old OS
>no context wether crash is related to external software or not
>reinventing the wheel
>implying apple isn't the only maintainer of the mach 2 kernel

>>implying apple isn't the only maintainer of the mach 2 kernel
No wonder OSX is such an unstable pile of shit.

OS X is the most stable operating system whether you want it to or not



There is a reason Macs have a reputation of being stable, while Windows has a reputation of being shit.

>Iirc it doesn't do it to bmp inages
Nor PNGs

>reputation of being stable

Only a deluded mactard would consider any of the steaming piles of shit Applel has shat out over the years as stable.

unpolished rushed bloated ugly trash designed in powerpoint made to appeal to aging "enterprise" customers, chinks and indians working in call service cubicles

beautiful polished innovative software and hardware that pushes boundaries and which the other lesser companies try to copy. the product of the intelligent and succesful man


OS X is not stable though

Also, sometimes the software can break the hardware with macs.

it's true though

it's more stable than the others. Also I doubt that's anything that couldn't happen on Windows too


Does your brain have a hardwired impulse to post that everytime a thread in anyway related to Apple is posted on Sup Forums?

Does your brain have a hardwired impulse to shit in the street everytime a thread in anyway related to Apple is posted on Sup Forums?

>the only company that has never in its 40 year life as a computer company, put more than a SINGLE FUCKING BUTTON on any of its mice.

But Apple is a toy company.

>pushes boundaries
the only boundaries its pushing in is the one on your ass.

You're a little sperg, repeating everytime someone calls you out on your shit.

>three decades on a single fixed hardware platform
>yet Apple switched from 68k to PowerPC less than 10 years before that
>and 10 years before that Apple had just switched from the 6502 to the 68k

>whole video of things that never happen
Wow user, you sure showed him

You're a street shitter, street shitting everytime someone calls you out on your street shitting.

Spotted the crashoverride.

Shouldn't you be in middle school right now?

>he actually believes that i'm indian
yfw I'm upper middle class citizen of northern europe

Keep sperging aspargus

You're still memeing that bullshit? Top kek. Also that wasn't me. This is though. And I'm not crashoverride. That was just what the worst tripfaggot on Sup Forums decided to call me one day. Do you really want to associate yourself with the worst tripfaggot on Sup Forums?

How do your teachers feel about you shitting in the streets crashoverride?

Wouldn't know, I've been out of school for years and am not Indian. I see you're enjoying your last day of shitposting before you start middle school.

>mfw the anti apple Sup Forums elite try to force another anti apple meme
>mfw they fail again for the 5000th time
I think it's because they're so socially misadjusted they literally don't know what socially works or not

Found the 31337 apple hax0r. You tell your mommy you're hacking the FBI from your Macbook crashoverrride?

Could you at least try? Your posts are hilariously pathetic.

Oh wait, that probably was you trying.

>mfw crashoverride is still damage controlling this hard after being outed

I believe he's talking about OS IX (nine, if you don't speak Latin), the very broken predecessor to OS X. There was so much wrong they adopted the Mach kernel for the new version and rebuilt everything.

Now if only they released an OS XI with a gnu/Linux base....

You can't just call someone a random name and claim you've outed them, dumbass.
>damage control
Nah, this is nothing more than getting you to reply as many times as I can and reporting you with every post you make.

>highest quality thumbnail generation
Tell that to quicklook

>The programmers who created OS X clearly knew exactly what they were doing.
Tell that to HFS, and finder (crashed today famalam)

>I see you're enjoying your last day of shitposting before you start middle school.
It's him alright.

You buttbuddies with Nef crash override? You and him would make the ultimate l33t hacker team.



Please no. GNU made one good OS and one good program, and that OS is emacs and that program is wget. The rest is horrible crap.

>Now if only they released an OS XI with a gnu/Linux base....
Disgusting. The existing Unix base is vastly superior.

>name yourself after 1337 hax0r movie character
>b-b-but that snot me

literally made 15 years before OS X and due to be replace by apfs

>high quality indexed search takes literally 0.01s to search entire hdd
name a single flaw

Double fug

just kill me now

>trusting a toy company that made the worst filesystem in the history of computing to make another filesystem

xDDD u sure got me

I didn't name myself crashoverride. The worst tripfag on Sup Forums decided to call me that and then this turbo-autist thought it'd be hilarious to call anyone who posted pro Apple crashoverride

It's fucking retarded.

How buttblasted were you when your teacher told you you're not a l33t hacker crashoverride? Did you get his IP and hack him from your macbook?

>tfw can't install OS X on UFS partitions anymore

> worst filesystem in the history of computing
that's not even true, it's not good but it's not nearly the worst.
APFS will be engineered with superior precision to anything else

Why so upset crash override?

I'd need to be in school to have a teacher. I graduated years ago.

You won't quit shitposting. It's alright though, the more you do it the more I get to report you.


Second worst filesystem in the history of computing incoming.

windows plebs wish they had something like this

Poor adherence to apple HIG in sidebar/toolbar visibility preference (toolbar visiblity switches finder to the classic multi-window UI)
Fucking folder metadata, apple only uses it because they couldn't figure out how to use a single database
._resourceforks are created for files that don't need them at all
It crashes a lot

It's so bad that I use rover and UNIX shell for file management and finder just for searching and looking at anime porn

APFS will be a fucking joke and you know it

>mactard thinks anyone wants a crippled pile of shit like finder than makes file navigation such a clusterfuck that it's easier to use a file search

apple fags wish they had a better image scaling algorithm

APFS will be the superior file system and using a single database would be fucking retarded

Finder file navigation is based as fuck

mac has the best scaling algo

Christ OSX is fucking shit. How can anyone use this trash unironically?

Nice jaggies on those stockings faggot.

Quicklook is the most convenient way to preview 90% of your files. Prove me wrong.

it does to png, at least 7 did
if I want to cycle through my wallpaper collection you have to use a third party program that automates the conversion when changing the wallpaper

Quicklook is the most hideous way to preview 90% of your files. Prove me wrong.




>posting a disgusting blurred jpeg image
yeah nice comparison faggot

Wasn't Windows Photo Viewer made in 2000 for XP?

>applel joke tier """"""""engineers""""""" in 2016 can't even handle basic shit like aliasing

>jpg on wangblows still infinitely smoother than the steaming pile of jagged shit on mactoddlerOS

It wouldn't be fucking retarded, or as retarded as polluting the filesystem with .DS_store, if apple could program for shit.

And let's not forget the pointless resource forks on non-HFS filesystems. Apple has some legacy code to take care of.

>mac has the best scaling algo
lol k

sucks for image slideshows, as does preview (arrange files, select them all, wait a while....)

Want quality software? Install pretty much anything that wasn't written by an apple employee.

lmao look at these pixels
lunix does better than this

ok senpai

mpv's image rescaler is better


post the unedited raw image

>The programmers who created OS X clearly had no idea what they were doing.


do your crossdressing pictures also look pixelated?

The macfag posted it in and then deleted it.

macfag, next image in folder?)

You can't have unecessary anime here

Saved for future keks.

>comparing windows' photo viewer to quicklook, not preview which is mac's native photo viewer
jesus christ faggots, if you care more about anti aliasing then convenience then at least use

oh and it looks way better than Windows' native shit too

>b-b-b-b-but it's only a broken piece of shit in one part of the system

Preview can't view more than one image per instance unless you open every image you want to view at once

Windows' viewer and third party viewers for HomO SX can

Oh and yeah, xee looks subjectively more vivid

it's porn

call me when Windows has anything as nearly as convenient as quick looking at videos/images/text/code/properties/anything by selecting it and pressing space.

Don't be too hard on crashoverride, he only gets paid in rupees.

Daily reminder that mactoddlerOS in 2016 can't even handle a basic function other OSs perfected last century.

What if you only want images in a mixed folder?

>sort by type
>select all images
>wait for preview to try its hardest to not shit itself
>bloated slideshow UI or fullscreen

Been using multiple monitors in OS X for years and never had a single issue with it.


>(better than GIMP Lanczos3 and Windows 7).
Someone needs to look at ImageMagick.

We are not comparing image viewers. We have been discussing thumbnail generation since the OP.

>t. crashoverride

2 rupees have been deposited in your Apple evangelism account.

>It's another OS X gets BTFO by its own users thread