If you block ads and also don't donate, you are the cancer killing the web

Great websites, Youtube channels and projects are dying right now because of you. I hope you feel happy when everything decent is blocked by paywalls/subscriptions.

>in le 90s everything was freee!!1111!!

In the early web, most sites were just static plain text documents with tiny moving gifs everywhere, and were only updated once every other month. What we have today is high-quality, constantly updated content that takes a lot of time to produce, and online services people couldn't even imagine that would be possible one day.

People can only afford making such great stuff for us if we collaborate by not blocking ads or donating.

Other urls found in this thread:


I agree. People pretend they are forced to visit websites with ads.


Not my fault people are trying to make a living off a hobby.

What if I want to kill the web? It's cancer right now. It needs to die so something better can rise from the ashes.

>we have today is high-quality, constantly updated content

hahahahhahahahahahahahha top kek

>Great websites
using advertisement is understandable because they use the revenue to run their website because it's their fucking job
>Youtube channels
fucking stop. that person wanted to put up shit on the internet for fun. why should i feel bad because they can't make money off my views? fuck him.
you've got plenty of crowdfunding sites to use.

I'm not donating to or whitelisting any website that asks for it. they have more money than me, fuck them.

I'm sorry your shitty website isn't making any money. Have you considered getting a real job?

Ghe state of tracking malwertising is really whats putting me off, i cannot stand for the amount of datamining they do let alone work as malware infection vectors.

There are ways to display ads without anyone being able to block it. If websites really cared they would do so.

>I hope you feel happy

I do. I do feel happy.

Adblock users only account for a single digit percentage of traffic, and would never click on any of the ads even if they weren't blocking them (as those two demographics are the exact same).
It's irrelevant.

>the modern web
>deserving of life

>I hope you feel happy when everything decent is blocked by paywalls/subscriptions
What exactly am I going to miss when your "day of the paywall" occurs?
Shitty, biased "news" websites?
Blogs and other cancer?

>this triggers OP

I hope YouTube go bankrupt. The only website I have it disabled is 9gag, because here we have discreet ads that don't burn my eyes nor pierce my ears

The only site I would only actually pay to use is this.

If moot started asking for £10/month I'd happily pay it. It's one of the few sites on which I actually enjoy browsing.

>No intrusive ads
>No JS slowing everything down
>No popups
>Clean easy to navigate UI

As a website Sup Forums is on point.

I'll stop blocking ads when they stop being 10mb JS messes that push malware.

>In the early web, most sites were just static plain text documents
GEEEE I wonder why we couldn't just go back to a static plain text that could be handled without problems by a pentium-3 class machine instead of making every single retarded hipster startup page full to the brim with java script on a server that swallows 1/3 of the monthly budget :)

I can't wait for web downsizing to become a popular hipster trend.

> Paying Hiorshima Nagasaki
> On top of all the money he makes selling the data he farms
I seriously hope you don't do this

Suck my dick fag, try doing something about it.
>mfw being a dirty leech any nobody can stop me

i only ever donated to wikipedia.
i don't care if people starve just because my browser is not slow as fuck.


Good . I want the internet in its current state to die .

You harden my resolve

Also, we have cute lolis in the ads. This place is heaven.

Although I don't feel comfortable training Google's ai

Fuck the Web. It's mostly narcissistic social media cancer and porn anyway. If some of the biggest companies in the world weren't data harvesting marketers I might have more sympathy.

Sent from my iPhone 8

I paid for a Sup Forums pass because I am really tired of captcha.

Also I am tired of my data network on my cellphone getting blocked because the mods are inept and can't figure out how to stop someone from airplane mode spamming without just blocking the entire network.

>Youtube channels and projects are dying
Good, I don't follow a single youtuber. Its just shameless self promotion.

>People can only afford making such great stuff for us if we collaborate by not blocking ads or donating.
Ever heard of a whitelist. I whitelist sites like this one because I regularly use it and the ads are unobtrusive.
Fuck your clickbait and shitty flash riddled sites. These fuckers know exactly what they're doing, the content is secondary to the ads.

I'll collaborate when you stop putting malware and self-playing audio ads on your shitty website, friend.

And if your website happens to be one of those hacked-together JS abominations, you won't even get my traffic.

I doubt it's that profitable, but if you could use it correctly I'd go as far as to argue you could play the stock market of the back of it.

Sup Forums is the free market of the internet. No one here is moderating really, accept for illegal shit, things aren't just removed because people don't like them. The worthy content rises and the shit content gets buried, that is why the genesis of so many memes is here.

Sup Forums with captcha is like masturbation with a cheese greater

I'm actually old enough to remember the early web. It was amazing. Most people who went through the trouble of creating their own "home page" did so because they actually had something interesting to share with the world, not because they wanted to put a bunch of ads and trackers next to some clickbait shit content. Usenet was a place of amazingly intelligent discussions that wasn't owned by some data mining megacorp. Pretty much everyone was at least somewhat tech-savvy. Noone shared stupid fucking selfies or pics of their lunches and there was no fucking youtube with a bunch of irritating faggots who can't write producing videos for people who can't read. Fuck today's internet, damn normies on their smartphones and the corps out to get their money have turned it to shit.

Yeah goy-I-mean-guys, don't you have any honour? Give all your money to the Jews!

Even though the internet is faster than before and computers are too browsing has actually got slower than at it's peak about 10 years ago. I'm surprised no one is working on a shit hot browser that strips all the shit out and just gives us all what we actually want.

>if we collaborate
ill never work for the nazis.

There are those ad contracts with regular monthly income for a reason, only an idiot would do one requiring views and clicks to pay in this current year

so you mean somethingawful then

the value of ads isn't just in clicking them. Brand recognition is usually more important.

Free shit that does not try to make money in any way seems to be of higher quality in general.

I am fully in favor of pay2post. $20 a year, no shitposting because everyone shitposting will just be pass-banned and won't pay $20 every time they want to make a porn thread on a blue board, underage and newfags leave because they don't want to pay, etc.

Every board should be pay2post except for Sup Forums.

You just described something awful.
How about you go there and stay there, faggot?

Thank fuck your retard ass isn't in charge, eh?

SomethingAwful is dead for years.

Mad poorfag detected.

The funniest part is that pay2post is the only way to truly be anonymous on this website.
>Pay in Bitcoin
>Pass info sent to disposable email accessed through VPN that keeps no logs
>Banned VPN that keeps no logs is now able to post on Sup Forums
>Complete anonymity

I don't care. It's not my fault they chose that business plan.
If you let your company revolve around ads there is something very wrong with your company.
Also the web is a pull medium not a push medium, I merely decline to request ads. So ad block does not exist.
REEEE fuck normies I want web 1.0 back

Yo OP, once ads are completely unintrusive and make no attempt whatsoever to track my activity you let me know, all right? I'll disable my ad blocker then.

>willingly downloading malware

I only block ads if whinny bitches like you have a pop up screen begging me to disable my ad blocker or if the ads are anything but static images on the sides of the page. Redirects, stupid hover links, full page shit, things that make you dismiss them, or anything that makes my user experience utter garbage is unacceptable and I won't tolerate it. Make your ads static images and I'll whitelist your shit. Hell, I might even think about buying some of those products advertised if it's a good deal. Don't piss me off and everyone wins.

All the good websites, channels and projects have found ways to get funding without relying on ad networks.
Often this is through plugging products/services directly in their content which is far superior to ad networks because
a) They have some liability in the quality of what they advertise. What they support reflects on them, if they advertise shit products/services it's their reputation.
b) There's no third party domains involved that could deliver malware
c) It is often easily skipable
d) They can get paid up front for the plugging, rather than on a merit basis

Ad networks are a cancer that is finally starting to die, as seen by their desperate measures with blockadblock.com and anti-adblock shilling on many websites.
We are winning.
We are making the Internet great again.

My security is more important than some guy getting paid.

Sorry, too many ads can easily be hijacked to distribute ransomware and other bullshit. Perhaps content creators should not rely on ad money to survive.

>they have more money than me, fuck them

you know, I really can't defend this position but at the same time it's kind of how I feel about it. abloo bloo uber rich content creator can't suckle money off of this broke nigga's dick

also who fucking clicks on ads and buys shit anyway? I'd never do that even if it was something I'm interested in. I almost never buy things in the first place. because poverty

Actually, there was an exploit that bypassed most ad blockers. However, you can still manually block them.

Gelbooru did this.

Good, I hope it dies soon.

See this.


Most of the sites I visit aren't littered with ads. Ad blocker was created for a reason and I'm going to continue to use it. Is it any different if I turn the channel when a commercial is on? I'm under no obligation to watch/listen to ads.

I like you.

If you want money, use the capitalist half of your brain to think of a way, not the marxist part that thinks you're entitled to it

Maybe if advertising agencies weren't obnoxious fucking assholes I'd stop using adblock. When the ad is 3 times louder than the video you're watching it can FUCK OFF. When an ad's method of getting you to click on it is to be as bright and distracting as possible so that you decide maybe it will stop if you click on it it can FUCK OFF. "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" FUCK OFF. "Please visit one of out sponsored pages to continue" FUCK OFF!

You want to make money? PLUG THE FUCKING PRODUCT YOURSELF! You plug it. add a link, if people like it, they buy it happily.

I use Harry's razors, because a youtuber I like plugged them and I got curious. Passive ads are fucking cancer.

>if i dont expose myself to corporate brainwashing tactics im cancer

Full-page covering ads that auto-play and have sound went too far. They tried our patience and now we block ads. Now that they're blocked they'll probably never be unblocked because seeing ads that we will never ever click on serves no one

Had it out with my viewers on YouTube.
I know my videos are shit but I at least try to help people makes me sick as I said in the video people are ad blocking my sites and videos so I can't even afford hosting and paying my domains gotta take money I get from disability to keep my projects running. Problem is my audience is not a bunch of 12 year olds who possibly never heard of a good ad blocker and mostly use their phone to watch PewDiePie videos.

So let's go back to the good old days without retarded web design then. I'm all for it.

I hope the internet ad-revenue bubble pops soon, the tears will be delicious.

>copypaste code from advertising company
>copypaste content from other news websites
>copypaste video ideas and formats from other channels


>seeing ads that we will never ever click on serves no one
Do you click on billboards? Do you click on your TV?
The effectiveness of advertisement has nothing to do with clicking.

I need an adblocker because the web is broken otherwise.
I have used it on my computer for years, so I kinda forgot about how destructive this ad bullshit is until I browsed the web on my phone without adblocker.
Holy shit, the amount of random pop-ups, websites trying to make you download sketchy shit, pretending you have a virus, etc. It's just incredible.
How anyone can be AGAINST adblockers is beyond me.

>b-b-but you can whitelist certain websites
Okay, I could whitelist Sup Forums and YouTube because they don't try to trick me into getting viruses.
But honestly, Google is already rich enough, and Sup Forums is run by a chink who got exposed for selling private user data. So why should I care?

>Great websites, Youtube channels and projects are dying right now because of you.

>the early web, most sites were just static plain text documents with tiny moving gifs everywhere, and were only updated once every other month.
how I pine for those days
enough of this javascript bloat shit delivering 20 megabytes of fucking ads per pageview

For web advertising it is, for the content provider.

Advertisers pay to rent billboard space. They pay for positions in printed media. They pay for slots on TV.

On the Internet they pay for views or click throughs. It's the best situation FOR THEM because they can pay out in direct response to the effectiveness rather than shelling out up front.

Ahahahahahaha. Bite me you fuck.

Some might say it's a moral issue, but really, ads are one of the primary vectors for malware, and because ads are delivered through 3rd parties, the site can't guarantee that the ads are benign.

Also they're a fucking eyesore and make most sites take ages longer to load.

>they pay for views
>it doesn't matter if I view it because I'm not going to click

And yet it's still the best forum on the internet.

Some pay for views, some pay for clicks. You can't tell just from looking at them.

I think that view ones are generally poor earners because a view needs to transition into traffic to the advertising sites for them to make money so they'll track you and start awarding more bucks if you start acting on the advertising.

Thanks Internet. I don't even need this money, what are some good charities, Sup Forums?

Alright, but you are responsible if the Ad Agency that your website partnered with ends up serving me malware. Vet your fucking Ads and maybe we'll talk about disabling adblock, but for now, shove a rusty rake up your ass.

Make me, faggot.