Remember when Linux was comfy?

Remember when Linux was comfy?

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go be a faggot somewhere else.

Oh, I 'member!

You can still make it look like that don't cha know?

It still is


You can still arrange it like that, try ubuntu mate and look for that theme.

Just when you thought the DE wars were over, Canonical had to screw things up with Unity and Gnome had to fuck up the initial releases of Gnome 3.

You mean when it didn't just try to copy Windows theme and fail miserably? No, I don't.

i do. Those where the good ol days of ubuntu. Before the gnome devs went full retard.

Ubuntu only created Unity because the stupid gnome devs fucked up their default UI. If it werent' for that Unity may well have never been created.

still comfy imo

yeah but it will still crash, unlike 8.04

member when Linux was comfy?

Is this the neu-neu desktop thread?

>Gnome 2
>Elementary theme and icons
>Canonical put effort into wallpapers
>Focus on stability and bug fixes
>Free CDs
>Could install inside Windows
>Linux for human beings
It's all over...

why is the wifi icon so dim compared to the other indicator icons?

I miss the original GNOME 2.

RIP. You were a real trooper ;_;7

would you mind being specific? why it would crash?

you can blame the trends in modern design languages.

Every desktop environment and theme across all operating systems is cold, inhumane, flat, bright garbage, no matter whether it's linux (gnome3 and kde), os x or modern reiterations of Windows.

It is impossible to achieve the warm and comfortable feeling on such interface.

The pre-ambiance ubuntu theme was literally called "Human"

>Gnome 2
Still able to use it trough mate anyway.
>Canonical put effort into wallpapers
True but the distro ships a lot of different wallpapers each release.
>Focus on stability and bug fixes
How is this different now? what are LTS releases then?
>Free CDs
True but seems like a unnecessary expense, i would like one tho.
>Could install inside Windows
>Linux for human beings
It has improved a lot since then, i just started using it full time around 2013 and i don't feel i need windows for my personal usage.

Literally the only problem with this is the wallpaper

no need to thank me mate

I use Ubuntu with Cinnamon and it's great but yeah nothing will compare in comfyness to GNOME2

>tfw Gnome Developers irreversibly fragmented the Linux DE

It's not, the lines are just thinner.

i still use MATE. i don't think most people who use linux have the weird system fonts, light on dark edgelord desktops you see on Sup Forums

don't get me wrong, i think the cyber punk bilIy idol weird science lawnmower man desktops look cool, but I spend so much time on my computer I would become a serial killer if my shit looked like that

wow, looks great. What distro is it?

Lindows 10

this post made me switch to mate

>KDE Neon
How is that shit? More stable than Plasma?

Gnome 2/MATE is great, modern functionality yet doesn't chase any stupid fads or gimmicks.

2bright4me, also

Still comfy as fuck mate

South Park has gone the shitter these past two seasons.

tis very sad

> Remember when Linux was a mouse-oriented garbage?
It's not a surprise that they decided to ditch this garbage in gnome 3

Remember when MATE is still around

Is this B34awesome or fat fuck?

Either way: what Windows/Firefox theme?

How can u run an xwindow on Windows?

I liked it that way too

idk why everyone's so hung up on transparency, aero, bouncing windows or wiggling icons, and all the other distracting screen glitter
do they actually do work on their PC or stare at the deco?

>Fire desktop

Since you posted KDE 3

is it me or is kde trying to imitate windows at every step?

kde 3 -> win 95/98/NT4/2000
kde 4 -> windows vista/7 aero two-sided start menu
kde 5 -> whatever you posted = metro

seriously, compare your post to

it's still pretty comfy
you just have to install xfce

Neon is a distro based on LTS versions of ubuntu but that ships recent versions of both plasma and qt (including the applications because a lot of qt packages depends on the qt version frozen on kubuntu). The distro is crafted directly by the KDE developers so it's very good if you want the most recent versions of KDE software, the rest is like kubuntu 16.04.

I'm using it on the work laptop and works pretty fine, is very lightweight considering that plasma is not aimed to be light, uses less than 500mb for me on startup.

It's not that easy to change the established desktop paradigm and it may not be a good idea always. For me plasma is a much more powerful desktop environment than the one windows has and to be fair windows has implemented a lot of features that was present on other operative systems before. The important part is that is much more customizable than windows, if you don't like something you can change it easily.

You mean Ubuntu mate?

Also, try Solus. It's even more comfy.

I actually installed the GTK3 version of MATE alongside Gnome 3 just so I can switch de's when I'm feeling nostalgic. Took this screenshot for some other user who was asking an inane question.

What's wrong with that? It works and it gets the job done. You probably use a shitty GNOME tablet desktop because you think it looks "more polished".

Reminder to filter this shill

Now FreeBSD is comfy with TrueOS, and Linux is pure garbage with systemd. Boy, how the world goes round...

If only there were a way to not have systemd....

like run meme distros?

By extension, remember when windows was comfy?

>what is MATE?

That looks like shit mate

More functional that your "aesthetic" garbage

opsting my linux

you can have an aesthetic and functional desktop. the windows classic theme is barf worthy as fuck
dear god that's terrible.
>no window control buttons
>all that wasted space
>blinding color scheme
do you actually use this?

>that's terrible
>do you actually use this?
no this is what i use now

How is PCLinuxOS a meme distro?

I want Kumiko to blow on my horn. :)

autism: the post.

wow u pervert creep never reply to me again
no u

linux is comfiest if you create an entire aesthetic around your wallpaper/an image in your image viewer

otherwise it's the ugliest shit in existence
macos is the comfiest hands down, but it gets really ugly over use
windows is never comfy, is ugly, and limited

pick your poison


Being totally serious here but this is the worst, least inspired, most banal, eye-blinding cancer desktop ever to grace 4chins.

You should be ashamed.

>screen icons
>busy wallpaper
>huge taskbar and buttons


Windows hasn't been comfy since 98 and 2000 m80

>cyber punk bilIy idol weird science lawnmower man desktops

tyvm for the (You)s

>get a new piece of hardware and install some drivers for it
>X stops working

sure is comfy

Eh, the wallpaper shifts every 3 minutes to something else. I like it changing.
The stuff folder is where I dump shit throughout my day before I sort through what I'm keeping or discarding. I like it being pathed through desktop for reasons. I leave the trash cause why not
Taskbar is just the right size

This is nicer than
this, color-wise.
Looks so relaxing and comfy.

That's because it's Linux for humans

>do they actually do work on their PC or stare at the deco?
Because a reskin is cheaper than actual innovation. Real innovation takes years and costs millions of dollars.

My primary memory of early ubuntu, is ndiswrapper tomfoolery, and learning to grub.
Gnome 2 was nice though, lightyears ahead of XP.

Remember when you could make it like how you wanted and didn't have to pay a hundred dollars just for an oem copy that isn't transferable from machine to machine?

fuck your reddit shit

Remember when they used to make technology for humans?

I have to use Unity because MATE appears to ignore every single tweak I've made from fontconfig to restoring non-retarded multi-touch tap gestures

Okay, well unlike you I would like such a desktop.

Can someone please post some?


It's because they want using your computer to be an experience.

Mate has been a cluster fuck recently with the whole GTK3 stuff. I've been using it for years and suddenly it's been a huge frustration. Hopefully they straighten it out soon.

Hold on, wasn't the whole thing about it that it still uses GTK2? What's the point now? Might as well go to Cinnamon.

What does that mean? Can someone explain to me how an OS can be comfy? Or is that some abstract concept that's impossible to explain

This is so good

Would you mind posting the wallpaper?

They're "upgrading" it to GTK3.


Butthurt liberal millennial detected

I use w7 for gayming but the comfy is the last word comes in my mind.
t. linux user

I don't fucking know. I think this whole GTK3 thing is bollocks, it's ruining my comfiness levels.

98/ME was comfy. After that it was too dull or too busy.


What happened with that browser?

what do you mean???

Remember that CDE was not working on Linux until it was open sourced?

It didn't change much

It fucking went backwards