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Technology #573
Bravo, Gookmoot
Who here set up a raid 0 array with two ssds?
Why is this allowed?
Now that Moore's Law is super fucking dead, what do you think is the future of electronics?
Browsermodifier win32/suptab
Can you be legally prosecuted for informing a local businesses of a network vulnerability that did not require you to...
Maximum comfy
You have 3 seconds to explain why ARM isn't the superior platform for watching anime and shitposting
To harsh?
YDET - Yet Another Desktop Environment Thread
Microsoft/Bing Rewards Thread
No logan
Tfw you want to drop the botnet but the features are too convenient
Best Android Emulator?
Disable javascript
There are people who don't use KDE
Sup Forums humor thread
Pixel XL VS V20
No Botnet?
Surface Phone confirmed
Can windows 7 have native ISO mounting or something?
Do monitors ever degrade in screen resolution after use over time...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Have you preordered yours yet?
I just bought this. Did I make a bad choice?
Programming music, go
Just what the fuck is going on? I updated Ubuntu from 14 to 16 and now I can't get pass this black screen
How did Sup Forums change you life?
Tech general - Sup Forums
Just attended an AI conference in Zurich
Let's make a battery thread Sup Forums!
All I see are people asking for either cheap stuff or wich macbook to choose
Sup Forums rage thread
Kek nvidia is botnet now
Which monitor brand?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Oh, hey. It's Caturday
I need to try a new Linux distro
Torrent clients
What kind of infrastucture would there be to link a mars colony to the internet back on Earth?
Where's the catch?
"Web of Trust" addon is selling your browser history
Diss cuss
/bst/ - Battlestations
Why are normans so stupid and easily impressed?
Sup Sup Forums
Why I switched to Chromium on Linux
Windows 10
If your computer was a girl, what would she look like?
Micro USB 2.0 > USB 3.1 Type C
Tired of people circumventing social media blocks, Turkey calls for VPN ban
What did you set your xp colour scheme to?
What do you think of physical home button on smartphones?
Help! This thing came off my graphics card but it still seems to be working, how fugged am I?
Youre all fucking faggots use openbsd faggots
Im retarded
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/csg/ - Get Hyped Edition
What's a good lightweight laptop with a good battery life? Finally getting around to buying a laptop for university...
£1,449.00 for the base model
/rtg/ - Ricing Tips General
Which one?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/wt/ watch thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why are you nerds so paranoid about the CIA and microsoft
Just ordered this for $1400 USD
Help lol I got a job designing websites for a small family-owned business by lying on my resume and in the interview
The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...
Post your shit desktop
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Whichever one of you recommended Slackware to me, you're an asshole
Web/Mobile Applications
Daily Programming Thread
So.. what is it?
Are you using the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of Firefox?
10 Million Android Users Switched to iPhone
Find a flaw
Uefi thread
This guy fucks your wife, what do you do?
Hi can I has identification of this motherboard please?
/friday/ - friday night thread
Things you didn't know:
Get the Thinkpad, Sup Forums
Holy shit Sup Forums. I was gifted a 2014 rmbp by a relative, for graphic design purposes...
Why aren't you using Solus?
How do I fit into IRC channels? I don't wanna be sniffed out as a sperg
Organizing music
Hey what's up nerds i just found an iphone 6 on the street but it's locked
How much ram does Sup Forums have?
Moving a full tower case with a massive heatsink, do you take it off or can I have it on?
Ok guys, give me some suggestions for Speakers for a PC
/hsg/ - Home Server General
So have they made C++ into Java yet?
Post what your desktop looks like in it's current form. Discuss various aspects of it such as: Distro, WM/DE...
The 2016 Kernel Summit group photo
Based Stallman delivers us from the botnet, what's your excuse for not switching?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
If a company put a lot of R&D into making a new crt monitor could they make one that would be competitive against...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Bose is just a meme right?
What does Sup Forums think about powershell?
Is c# a good programming language? is it a good language for someone's first language who wants to make games...
Take programming class in uni
E5 1650/2670 used vs i3 6100
Windows Phone
What audio player does Sup Forums use?
Is it elite
ITT: tech red flags
How does Sup Forums view their photos?
Why is this a thing?
If you do not use an adblocker then you only have yourself to blame
Prove me wrong Sup Forums
Nvidia BTFO
ITT: Tech design fads
What is wrong with my code
Electric Bills
Why do wincucks do this
List 5 (or so) awesome Linux-related things that 90% of Sup Forums don't know about and why they're awesome
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is anyone still using a VGA connection?
Battle Boats Are Tech
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What is the reasoning behind using a physical calculator when this exists?
/FFG/ Firefox General Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Are pajeets really stealing programmers jobs?
The botnet wants me to sign in
Post a better music player
Going mechanical for the first time
/csg/ Comfy Tech Reviews
What am I in for?
Why don't OEMs just put stock firmware on their phones...
Why is Sup Forums so paranoid about the cloud?
Dirty Pleasures - Things not ok on Sup Forums
The RX 480 continues to BTFO of the GTX 1060. How many new games has that been now...
Move out the way, computer nerd coming thru! xD
Weird things you believed about computers when you were little
What did she mean by this?
Microsoft Windows 10 Edge shows ads in taskbar now
Do hackers really look like this?
MFW Edge owns every other browser in security
Does Sup Forums find this humorous?
How do I make KDE look good?
Hey user! I think my Facebook has a virus, can you fix it for me?
Your daily reminder that buying an SSD bigger than 250gb is a waste
Now I feel safe :3
What went wrong?
X220 appreciation thread
IPhones don't have a notification LED
ITS HAPPENING 2: The Electric Boogaloo
What are some good, somewhat challenging projects one can finish in a few weeks?
Is it even a competition anymore?
What are these terms? noob here
>can install Gentoo in the Information Age
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Your selfmade shell scripts, post 'em
I have a Sup Forums pass so ads are disabled for me but I want to enable them so I can help Sup Forums even more...
Who the fuck is calle
Make totally impractical 220w CPU
I'm so mad that I didn't get this idea first ffs why did this become so popular with such a simple fucking concept I...
The first half of my MacBook Pro has arrived!
I've got a bat file that I run when windows starts makes my taskbar thinner (I have it on the side)...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ask a Bose employee anything
Why don't SSD vendors just take all the cheap nand chips they have lying around and release a 10TB 3.5" SSD?
Does anybody actually give a shit about voice assistants beyond setting timers and alarms?
He has spoken!
Is IRC still good or it's just meme?
Buy a monitor with 5ms response time
I can't stand this crap intrusive adds anymore while android using, fucking jewchink Hiroshima
Why is denial a thing?
I hate this captcha
Apparently, I'm an idiot for asking this
Got a DMCA notice. Is there anyway I can anonymously download torrents without the use of a VPN...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How often do you format and reinstall your operating system, Sup Forums?
What is your operating system?
Mozilla removes browser extension “Web of Trust”
You have a week to study for a big tech interview as best you can
Uni Thread
Apple watch free!!!!!!
What went wrong?
On the Technology board theres only 3 things to see
Lets thank EVGA for exposing NVIDIA paid shills...
What was wrong with this again?
Scrolling speed test
Lets see how much you've learned
Why does FTTN work so much better in Britbong land than it does in Ausfag territory?
Its nice that you know all of those programming languages pretty much anybody could learn and master
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Why does JPG compression even exist, Sup Forums?
Microsoft Edge is way more secure than Chrome and Firefox
When will the 23.976 fps meme die? Why aren't movies/tv shows being shot at least at 30 fps?
Not to be a shill but is anyone hyped for unity 8?
On the matter of soundcards
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
What audio player are you using these days?
There is not a single reason to be using this other than being an elitist
Why don't you use Mozilla Thunderbird
Google gets triggered
Jay responds to criticism
Anyone here using or working for a company that uses Archlinux in production servers?
Mass Converting Video Files
Let's get a humor/ylyl thread going
Does Sup Forums use the superior shoe fastening technology?
Is mpv the best player to watch japanese animación?
Flat design
Music Player
I am a CS student and I want to be developing AI interfaces for devices (like siri, alexa) in 4 years...
Guts thread
Hey Sup Forums my pc runs at a constant 95C all the time. Even at idle...
Why did they delete the beginners guide?
Should linux be taught in schools?
Mfw used clover (a Sup Forums browsing app) for a week now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How old is your current laptop?
Was six million enough?
So now that Trump is going to win what can we expect of privacy and net neutrality? Are we gonna be alright?
Who like's Opera:
What is the best Desktop Enviorment on Arch Linux, I want to rice. :)
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Those of you who actually write code as a profession, what's your workflow look like?
Encryption is for spooge ovaltine drinking fagots. I could publish my pin number. God is perfectly just...
T420 only
Go to the monitor store
Why do most people buy intel if amd cpus are usually half the price at the same performance?
Safe place to download LOIC?
So after having this thing for over 8 years, it finally shit the bed. What are some good quality mp3s players these day...
Just cooked this baby up
Hey look its another meme chart
Bought this thing for $180. How'd I do?
Woah wait
Speccy Thread
The best font
Sup Forums Malware Ads
Thoughts on yubikey?
What gtk theme do u use Sup Forums?
Jagged lines: the software
Why are there no 40" 4k monitors on the market?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Evolution of the Desktop Computer
The success of Google Chrome is proof that performance most definitely matters
B i n Sup Forums o
I started learning C++ yesterday, ask me anything!
Why haven't you gotten one yet Sup Forums?
Wtf I hate Apple now
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Chinese virus progress
/csg/ - TRUE Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will open source die with him?
Is it a honeypot?
Biometric Passports
Prove this wrong
I can't stand this man. I would forget about him if he didn't show up in literally every related video and search
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
TempleOS creator is tweeting about niggers
Looking for a serious non-meme answer to this question
Any good technology based YouTube channels? I want to learn a lot about technology
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Do you keep them or remove them?
Just bought this
Browsing Sup Forums on phone
What's going to be the next killer app?
You come home to this
What are these two holes on top for? Can't stick the multimeter's probe in there I'm curious
This is rude and disgusting
Why aren't you using sublime?
Final Solution to the systemd question
High perf SSD
When Microsoft has a monopoly of the browser market, it's a shitstorm exploit; DO NOT USE ARCHIVE.IS
I emailed AOC asking why the Agon monitors they just came out with lacked an IPS panel on the Freesync model and this...
I feel for the VB.NET meme
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why does Sup Forums hate IPv6?
Itt we pretend this is XDA
C is one of the most popular and influential programming languages in the world...
Why It's so slow and laggy?
Even the Linux creator had to bow down to the systemd overlords
A new update to Sailfish OS
Chinese kaby lake review, 1% IPC increase
MacOS is so polished! Muh fucking UNIX certified! It's free as in free beer!
Password Manager General
When are SSD prices going to half? If it's less than a year it seems worth it to wait for a poorfag
From Ruby to Python
Hello Sup Forumsentoomen, daily lurker reporting in for professional advice. :^)
Any of you guys know any reputable/trustworthy program i can use to format my 64gb flash drive to FAT32...
Itt we trigger Sup Forums
Is this worth it? I haven't heard of most of this software before
What if he installed gentoo?
What did he mean by this?
Why is it that everyone gay and hipster uses a Mac?
What do i read to learn more after finishing this?
Name a good use for one
Does Sup Forums use f-droid?
/wt/- Watch Thread
Thinkpad Recovery
/bpg/ - Backpack General
Is there an "intermediate" linux distro, for easing from ubuntu-tier to harder distros like gentoo?
When the fuck did Reddit become a normie mainstream site?
Why is it that everyone rich, intelligent, succesful, and/or a huge contributor to computer technology uses a Mac?
Chinks are after me
Let's say you were offered a custom laptop that was built precisely to your specifications but only using technology...
This kills the ad blocker
Windows 10 rant
Its cool that you know all of those programming languages anybody could learn
Has your semen ever touched any part of the computer you're using right now? How many times? Has anyone else's?
Moot in charge of Sup Forums
Daily reminder that the Macbook Air is and always will be Apple's best computer
Windows 10 hate thread
Who wants to be a
Who can you beat me?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Can someone tell a beginner where I'll see the most difference between an i5 and an i7?
Le Epic Flat Design Trend XD
Why are technical users of computers so out of touch with what normal people want?
How do I grow out of video games so I can use Linux as my main OS?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Not using analog clock in your Apple macOS taskbar
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I mean, it's not just me right? This is pretty fucking cool right?
Burning Xubuntu to a USB stick now
Sticker thread
Any Java programmers here?
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Is there even a mouse to upgrade to after this?
Why won't Google ever look this pretty, Sup Forums?
Case Thread
What is the be 2k 144hz monitor on the market right now? Also is ips a meme
Why do so many autists use TeX - LaTeX?
He pronounces it "Deebian"
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
The Morris Worm
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
For when planck length transistors
I think I like Microsoft Edge unironically
Xorg to be officially depreciated 11/08/16
Just started my malware collection with CIH, ILOVEYOU and Stuxnet, trying to decide what to pick up next
What's the point of BSD?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What's the point of Libreboot besides >muh FLOSS? Is it really worth using old processors for?
Why does Sup Forums hate Arch so much?
Who here /backto7/? This anniversary update just fucking sealed the deal for me
Emerge gcc
Ultimate dick measuring thread
Tfw wincucks cant do this
Emacs or Vim??
How does one switch from being in computer engineering/science to being a sysadmin?
Plasma Mobile: Fully Open Sores Mobile OS by KDE
How does it feel JS cucks?
Papa is back!
Mfw my $300 TN Monitor has a better picture than my $250 IPS Monitor
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Daily Programming Thread
Guts thread
CompSci major and finally looking into switching from Mac to PC after Apple shit the bed with that touch bar...
6 months old Logijew mouse
Tfw to smart for consumer technology
Who /uadial/ here. BBS & BB thread
How accurate is this my fellow Black Hats?
I'll start
So what laptop is currently the king of all laptop?
Hyper 212 Evo
Today is the 25th birthday of Vim!
Describe an internet browser
Is there a more stylish dumbphone than this?
What's your $PS1?
ITT: we post typical Sup Forums OPs. I'll start:
Why the fuck is my Xbox One lagging then? And it's not game specific (BF1, FIFA) and it's been lagging for a few weeks
Sup Forums humour thread
What email do you use, how many do you have, and for what purpose?
Sure feels good to be using a Certified UNIX operating system...
Does Sup Forums have any tips to decrease the odds of your resume being thrown in the trash?
Adobe MAX - Day One Keynote Thread
23 Samsung Executives 'Kneel' On Stage To Apologise For Galaxy Note 7
Have you ditched Google yet?
What's a good alternative to the iPod classic?
It's a gamer pretends to be an architect to justify his Windows installation episode
Just found this, it worth anything?
I am thinking of buying a Macintosh computer for software development reasons...
Sup Sup Forums what are you reading? lets make a little poll
Windows is the best OS
Pixel master race thread
I wanna see Sup Forums defend privacy rights now
Does anyone know where I can find 18650 batteries in-store in Australia?
Just bought this piece of human dogshit. How bad did I fuck up this time, Sup Forums...
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
I hope I did good or I will kill you all
/Cpp appreciation
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Literally perfection for 1080p
Why do all new phones suck?
/mpv/ - the advanced media player
I understand that buying Apple products already makes me an idiot...
"We don't use the expression IRL. We don't like that. We say AFK - Away From Keyboard...
Bypass passcode
Long time macfag sick of this TimCook faggot...
/cs/ - everything about the c# language and ecosystem
This should be the only acceptable way to install Sup Forums on your phone
Wearing earphones
Would you ditch android for this?
Are trackball mice better than a regular mouse at anything?
Can we agree that the web is dead?
Will upgrading my video card help performance?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Why aren't you using AmigaOS 4.1 on your brand new AmigaONE x5000, Sup Forums?
Implying any of your used, disgusting, bulky...
Is optical media dead? I rarely, if ever, see anyone using CDs or DVDs anymore
How would one rip an entire Youtube channel/playlist to MP3s?
Is there an ideal diet for Sup Forums?
Windows are you ok
I spent 1 hour trying to jam a cat 5 cable into an RJ-45 head before realizing it was already crimped...
Is it retarded to buy a GTX 1080 today?
What is the best computer i can buy if i don't want to be a stupid autist having to buy all my parts separately then...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Music player thread
Who told you about Linux or UNIX in the first place?
Why does the GTX 1060 have the same performance as the Rx 480 and even beat it in some games outside of DX12?
Is this still worth buying?
Post whats on your screen right now, no cheating
ITT it's the year 3000
Comcast rolls out data caps to more states in the USA
Be me
Phone screen doesn't work (cracked)
Is there any reason not to just use Adobe Reader for PDFs?
Is Sup Forums ready for THE FUTURE
How will google ever recover!?
What is the best smartphone money can buy?
Time to install Gentoo, with me luck
/pcbg/- PC Building General
So what do you use your raspberry pi for?
Win 10
Daily reminder that team gamerfood/memeware owns Sup Forums
Is it true that crossdressing makes you a better programmer?
Am brand new to linux, basically...
ITT we pretend its 2007
Share your best addons for Firefox
I just found this laptop at the thrift store, but I have a question. What the hell brand is DY?
Niece gets an apple laptop
Halt and catch fire
Russia to replace Windows
Why the fuck are OEMs and everyone else so enamoured and obsessed with pushing this button-less trackpad shit on...
Home Network Equipment /hne/
Is there a better way to waterproof your phone than a ziplock bag if you're poor?
How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Wow I hate Sup Forums now
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
ASUS Zenbook UX310UQ
Does modern technology make YOU depressed?
16 bit console music
Why is Lastpass the best password manager?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What are the main differences in a 720p display vs a 1080p display on a 6 inch screen?
Should I get a 1080 or wait for 1080 ti?
So I hear people are whining because the new macs can't have more than 16 GB of RAM
E-ink monitors when?
Sup Forums fell for the DX12/Vulkan meme
Post your're tech waifu
Be me
GTX 1080 VRM Catches Fire Caught On Camera
Sup Forumsuts guts guts
The Great Debate:
Mac Protips General
Regular OP dead again edition
I fell for the AMD meme
What Sup Forums think about awesome?
"Heh, heh. Looks like this computer in the other room that you wanted to use to check your email has not been verified...
/bst/ Battlestation Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Does Sup Forums prefer the menu bar to be at the top of the screen like MAC OS or on the top of the application like...
Screenfetch thread
Still not on the latest android version
If it has a chode, I can suck it
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
He doesn't use dark/developer themes
Updating bios stuck in %60
How come the Windows source code was never leaked?
Systemd must be destroyed
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: Your controversial Sup Forums opinions
It's time, Sup Forums
I clicked on a malicious Sup Forums add and then this shit appeard in my messages...
Forgotten Flagships
Reminder that atoms are why our phones are so thick
Is anyone else having issues with windows10 file explorer?
Sure got told?
I have an ancient computer I'm turning into a Linux box for my 60 yo mother who doesn't know shit about Linux and...
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Is this the most retarded company ever?
Why don't people want tablets anymore?
How easy is it to get a programming job?
What are some Metro-style slick-looking IRC clients?
Cell-phone culture has ruined the internet. Prove me wrong
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Humble Lifehacker Bundle
/mkg/ - hijacked edition
Can anyone teach me how to loop in C#?
GTX770 performance
Smart enough to land a rocket vertically
Is this acceptable?
There is not a SINGLE legal, legitimate reason that you need to use pic related
So now that the dust has settled
I really like the Plasma desktop but Kubuntu is a buggy piece of shit. Which distro will run it smoothly and stable?
Ugly Cases/Gore Thread
Is there any reason not to use Opera as your daily browser...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
IPhone 8 Stuff, believable?
I'm looking for a messenger bag for my laptop similar to pic related except I don't want any magnets
Is it true that Google bans rooted Android devices from using Android Pay?
Thinking about buying this thinkpad, would appreciate some feedback...
This is how iPhones are made
A Game for Linux Users
Why is 24 inches the accepted standard for dev monitors? Why not 32?or 36 even?
Mobile internet use passes desktop for the first time, study finds
Don't want to use Windows daily
Sapphire and EVGA...
Facebook is a fucking joke
Guys, I hear a lot about "u shouldn't use molex to pcie" or "its fine"
Best earphones for 20 bucks?
Oh hey bro you mind if we sit... OOHHHHHhhhh FUCK DUDE! Is that a fucking T460?! No way...
In the grand scheme of things
/HG/ Hacking General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What are the odds of getting a good paying job in programming without knowing c++?
Ruby General (technically better than Python edition)
Is there any reason to get a 144hz screen if you're not expecting to be pushing framerates that high when gaming?
Lol wut, so an Iphone 7 plus takes 2 hours longer to charge than a galaxy S7, while the battery is smaller
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
Apple's Macbook Pro will use a proprietary SSD!
Figure it out
So I found an LG G5 lying on the side of the road, I took it and wiped it...
You have 30 seconds to explain why you are not using the best torrent client in the world
LAN Party General
/python/ - everything about the python language and ecosystem
Where can I get a windows 7 iso, Sup Forums?
Dear Sup Forumsentoomen, I want to get an "it just werks"-distro
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Is owning an Apple product basically an admission of technology illiteracy?
Delayed 6 months
Yfw that fucking white screen that flashes for a millisecond when you switch to a new tab in google chrome
Who is your favorite tech youtuber and why is it Linus from LinusTechTips?
I wrote a program that generates Game of Life rules, with those rules being an array of 256 bits...
How has Sup Forums contributed to your life?
And here is user's room
Hi Sup Forums
I am making a checklist of everything I can do to maximize my security
Are laptops really necessary anymore?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: Terms that trigger Sup Forums
MacBooks 2017
AMD FX-8350/FX series and overclocking
Is it still worth it to get a T420 or should I look for a more recent model? Also is the i5 to i7 a big difference?
Recent Tech Related Purchases
Paying for software
Thoughts on this Vizio TV?
Applefags will defend this
How do I protect myself against Russian hackers/the NSA? Is the only answer to fully remove myself from "the grid"?
Is Ubuntu a meme, or is it a good choice to start with? And is it a good idea to install it side-by-side with Win7?
R8 my clock
What do you guys use linux for?
Is he /our guy/?
There are girls browsing Sup Forums right now
Let's see your homescreens Sup Forums!
There are wincucks browsing Sup Forums right now
So apple's top MBP will have a Radeon pro 460, but the new surface book will have a GTX 965m...
What the fuck is a whatsapp and why do poor people use it
Illiterate here, what does this mean?
Writing this from safemode atm
Xeon Phi
Sup Forums can't change a css theme
So after /g telling me to go six core or go home, i just picked up pic related to replace my 6700k
Tfw running GPU benchmarking software in the background just to warm up my room
/Surface Studio/
Yo Sup Forums your always acting so smart but I dont think u can explain how a cpu works without looking it up somewhere
What earbuds are you using Sup Forums?
When will there be an open source alternative as refined as MS office?
I don't want to shit on Linux but
/ptg/ - Private Trackers General
Which show is Sup Forums's show?
Post yfw at work around your colleagues
O-Onii chan, why do u have my pictures in ur computer?
New neighbors just moved right next to me
Download linux
Can someone redpill me on why debian is now associated with SJWs?
They say
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What do you do with your old tech Sup Forums?
Are there any good technology youtube channels?
What are the chances they'll release the screen panel/monitor by itself for an affordable price?
Whats the best defragging tool?
Who thought this was a good idea?
Why did the glasses-free 3d technology used in the 3DS not catch on?
Which is the best unrarer?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Galaxy S7 Edge
I've never used an Apple product but they suck
GMOs are bad
How will google ever recover!?
How do you name your drives, Sup Forums?
How do i get rid of this stupid fucking theme
Debian drops PowerPC support
What's your opinion on PIA?
Software Sup Forums shilled or still shills that is actually shit
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What went wrong?
AMD Radeon RX 485, RX 475 & RX 465 Graphics Cards Possibly In The Works
How to disable creepy dudes
"Free" software is ransonware
Pixel has no SD card and is $800
How do you turn off the spooky halloween theme? I got this far but links are still orange requires root access
What does Sup Forums think of Le Eco Le Max 2?
/ptg/ - private tracker general
Room mates have changed the wifi password and refuse to tell me it, any how idea how to reset it...
It's Halloween
Is free software communism or socialism?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming thread
Does anyone have an update on whats going on?
I just got a VPS. What should I do with it?
A thread for your desktop
Android Youtube still can't play music in the background
Give me 1 reason why you're not using the best shell UNIX has to offer
/bst/ - BattleStation General
Simply the best laptop
So spook
Which is better for watching television? 720p or 1080i? 1080 progressive scan is not a option
Is the RX 470 just a meme or an actually good card for 1080p?
Retro Tech
So ross ulbrich used ubuntu for his worldwide enterprise. agents jumped on him before he could shut it down
Now that the macbook meme is over, what is Sup Forums's recommended laptop?
A $700 graphics card can become a paperweight because of a $0.01 capacitor
Linux weebfags wish they had this player
I'm thinking about getting the new macbook pro due to its cool touch bar. thoughts?
/pcbg/- PC Building General
Admit it: Microsoft is now a braver, more innovative company than Apple
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Spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on PC hardware
ITT: The worst decisions in the history of technology
Speedtest bread
Daily reminder that 3.5mm headphone jacks are the reason why phones are so horrendously thick
Apple Thunderbolt Display killed
We need more women in tech
I'm hitting the train in two hours and I will spend 7 hours sitting on a boring-ass seat with no Internet connectivity...
Doing group project for university course not part of my main degree
How do you imagine the average Sup Forums user?
Apple Products
If you were to code an operating system from scratch in 2016, would you still use C?
Realistically speaking, will we see one of the technology giants fall during our lifetime? (Google, Microsoft, Apple..)
I don't use an anti-virus i use common sense 2016 :^)
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Do you agree?
Is programming still a viable career?
Hey Sup Forums...
Have you guys noticed that people with good taste in anime also have good taste in video games...
Post more of these
What are you currently doing with your mini PC?
Speedtest thread
Schiller's answer: Thank you for the email. It is a good question...
Why are you still using firefox?
Is it a known issue that these captchas are basically impossible to pass? Which one are you supposed to write in?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tfw I'm still waiting for zen
Late 2016 MacBook Pro
Daily reminder that if you
He spent $1000 on a graphix card but thinks the same amount of money for an iPhone is outrageous
Screenfetch thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ask a guy who thinks he might have come up with a working design for a sentient robot anything
Tim Cook
Decentralized Imageboard
Fix the new Macbook Pros
I saw someone post about this not long ago, and I was reminded of it
/wt/- Watch Thread
Post a screenshot of how productive you are rn
It's cool that you know all of those programming languages but do you dream in code?
/CGT/ Camera General Thread
What does Sup Forums think of nintendo switch?
Why does this phone trigger Sup Forums so much?
I want to move away from Lastpass, what are the best alternatives? I'm using Chromium as a browser
Buying a new Laptop
What do you think about Nintendo Switch
I'm falling for the 144hz 1ms meme
I am a young coder that is interested in hacking...
ITX is the future— and the future is now
Apple makes the macbook 1500$
Best apps available on f-droid?
Look upon my desktop, O Sup Forums, and despair!
38 mins left
What kind of stores carry mechanical keyboards? Never tried one but I'm interested. I live in the suburbs doe
/wdg/ - Web Development General
It really makes you think
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Boring Sunday Edition
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Friendly reminder that more than 4GB is perfectly useless, both for gaming and specially for office use
I'd rather get 3:2 display for maximum workspace
What apps can I use to wipe
Seriously, what are people suppose to message with on Android...
What other electronic stuff does Sup Forums collect?
Non-Meme Desktop Distros?
Tfw every application made in the last ten years down to browsers and operating systems gathers your personal data and...
Sup Forums gets triggered thread
Remember when Linux was comfy?
Fucking windows man
Happy halloween Sup Forums
Why don't you buy a square monitor?
BSD And Other Things
Root itt
So after like 4 years of using Windows Phone, I've bought a Lagdroid device. It's a shame that WP lost the war...
Post your editor, others say what they would do to it
Homescreen thread?
There will never be xperia play with fresh hardware and 5.5" screen
No more Mac startup chime
So i switched to linux
Y'know, when I saw the ad for this I kinda felt something I haven't felt in a long time...
Languages for a Stats major to learn?
Subjectively speaking, what's the best language you ever worked with and why?
What can i do with this shit? Just got it for bday but i'm to jewish to buy anything from commercezon
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...