Why aren't you using Solus?

Why aren't you using Solus?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kevin is a fucking gay name

I am though.
And it's great.

why is this getting shilled everyday now?

>no games



New Shillus thread


and how good is the battery life?

Fuck off Kevin.


If its not the ubuntu user that spammed his screenfetch everywhere as gentoo.

>no games

love it, dont see what the problem with it is, i dual w/ gentoo as well

He looks like he is 12.

Kevin just do what you're told and fuck off. Post that wallpaper first though babes.

Damn, look at all 7 of those Source games.


kevin m8 how do you play music in terminal, I wanna be as edgy as you :P
fuck spotify

This is actually my current photograph



OP is underage and fat


whats up with linux and shitty names?

No wonder why normies use windows and mac

omf thanks, followed links and found the first minecraft site using material design, holy fucking shit my brain is blown
>please end my suffering

I'm not because of how often it gets shilled. Thanks for helping me steer clear, OP!

why cant it be called like "terminal-music," other examples are
>eopkg - like apt

>He's over the age of 18 and still plays video games

You could also not listen to music through your terminal too.

>Solus channel
Fucking hell Kev, get a life

>>irc ricing channel
>>has the poorest excuse for a start page


Wow thats a solid 5 minutes of html/10 dude.

because I'm already using the world's most advanced operating system

Don't forget the CSS and JS!!1!

What did you use to record your desktop op?

--57390550 (You)
>(You) count

>she doesn't keep track of her yous
just why are you even here

I would rather put up with Kevin then with you and your shilling.
India nigger.



>world's most advanced operating system
>bsd flavour

whats with the loading cursor when the software center is open

>trying to meme me
>can't even spell 'flavor'



Already using the most advanced operating system: The Universal Operating System Debian GNU/Linux etc etc.

>that stuck circle cursor

Why the fuck does it happen? Is that some gtk incompetence?
I've seen it happen many times in different DEs.

because im using antergos

pwd is literally the initials of print working directory, what the fuck would you change it too, "print-working-directory" smart ass?

What is it?

>He's over the age of 18 and still shitposts in his parents basement

>Escape The Fate
Fucking kill yourself.

Because it just werks and this is the autism board of Sup Forums :^)

>Escape the Fate

>Redundant information displayed on two large absolutely fucking useless windows
>windows out of alignment, different sizes
>posting this thread
Linux users lmao


That's why.

can i run skype on it with out issue and with out having to compile it? Spotify?


Because TempleOS is better and runs everything I currently need.

Can someone tldr me on this distro?
It looks really good, but is that just the DE or is the rest of it just as polished?

Either because its good (which it is) or the devs sent shills to increase the number of users.

I dont start the shill threads, but whenever i see one i have to post because i honestly enjoy using solus.

I dislike budgie and use solus with gnome.
Its snappy as fuck. Programs start instantly (which wasnt the case with most other distros).
There is this lack of packages, but there was everything i needed already.
Didnt have a single crash or bug in months. Everything works literally.

I'm not gay faggot.

gave her a you for you


except networking you stupid CIA nigger

Why bother? All Linux flavors are essentially the same. There is negligible performance and software compatibility differences between them.


I have no problems with my current distro, so I have no intention of switching. Also, the constant shilling makes me want to use it less.

>Google Chrome
>Google Talk Plugin

Looks great, downloading it as we speak!

>no 32bit support

I need to know the source of your pic. Little help pls?

I actually installed it once. Whole system bugged and restarted while installing first package from software center. But maybe it's just my computer?

Budgie does /look/ like the desktop environment I have been looking for all this time. How's the performance? Any bugs? DOES IT HAVE GOOD DPI SCALING FOR HIGH-RES MONITORS??? I want a combination of packages that just work. Really hard to come by that these days.
More of this. Anything else others have to say about how the entirety of Solus works out?

OPs set up is absolutely disgusting though and Kevin is a faggot.

Looks like a featureless Cinnamon with a shitty package manager to me...

pacaur -S cinnamon arc-solid-gtk-theme


Because I'm perfectly satisfied with pic related.

>not even posix compliant
The girls are laughing.

Kirino won. Stay mad loser.

Kuruneko a shit.

Ubuntu + Gnome = maximum comfiness

>not knowing her majesty's english

>Ubuntu + Gnome
= SJW + Canonical botnet
But okay, if it works for you, who cares.


>whats up with linux and shitty names?
>No wonder why normies use windows and mac

Music Player Daemon.
NCurses Music Player something-something C++ reference.

my win7 is comfy as it is ty


This. Godlike.

You don't like ubuntu/unity anymore?

>world's most advanced operating system
>can't play games

>Being a dumb Sup Forums faggot
>advanced in any way

Is it good on thinkpads?

Running it on my W530 right now. It runs great.

because your almost daily shilling for it has left me feeling disgusted at the mere notion.

It would be much better to ask "Why haven't you installed Solus for your aunt yet so you don't need to hassle with windows?".

probably a bot someone forget to turn off.

>smart enough to make a bot

X220 owner here, installed it 2 hours ago, everything runs fine.

Why wouldn't it be?
It uses the same drivers as every other distro, if you can run one on your machine, you should be able to run the other, no?

how to transparent title bars user


Literally worst girl.

1/10 Ayase is better