I'm so mad that I didn't get this idea first ffs why did this become so popular with such a simple fucking concept I could be a millionaire rn
I'm so mad that I didn't get this idea first ffs why did this become so popular with such a simple fucking concept I...
It was the memes and emojis.
it wasnt the idea that got them popular
it was billions of dollars worth of chinese backing
are you sure you're posting the right pic there user? it's just copying features of other chat clients and popular due to shilling, lots of shilling. not even close to an original idea or concept that wasnt done before
Memes aside they had a good strategy to get large userbase fast and once you get a huge chunk of userbase for these things more people will use it as "its what everyone is using"
Good Advertisement
Ease of Use
Feature Rich
Multi Platform
Good Advertisement is the only thing that's actually true here
boo hoo discord sucks because muh gaymen and i do't have any friends to talk too
Its not about the app, its about the smart marketing.
it sucks because i cant host a local channel
youre cucked into using their servers
But why not IRC?
I only use it because of the memey comments when you start the app..
Maybe the most accurate Jobs quote I've ever seen.
Grandpa, IRC doesn't save your conversation after you quit.
>its in the cloud :^)
you can save it locally
What is it?
Yeah, it does.
I have shit tons of IRC logs, man.
There's even plugins that'll upload it to cloud storage services, though you could also just put your log folder in dropbox.
if he is so smart then why is he dead
Discord makes literally no money. They'd be losing actually.
Ok lets not be disingenuous, its actually a solid piece of software with good features.
t. guy who doesn't know how a startup like this works
Just make something good then put the "GAMING" label on it and people will eat it up.
how do they make money
when they sell the company to Amazon or Google
He thought he was some sort of ascended being who did not have to shower if he ate vegan food and had no use for modern medicine until he was desperate and it was way too late.
Tremendous success probably didn't help his god complex.
I use the browser version. Pretty comfy desu, doesn't have all the bugs the client version has.
What bugs?
Wasn't curse before this again? But discord just stole the marked or something... ?
is there a way to save discord logs locally?
>start to load up league of manchildren match
>chat audio shits itself for 4-5 seconds
>issue doesn't happen in browser version
is there any way to view Discord user avatars in browsers or somehow save the images/avatars? I despise that shit so much that you can't even right click avatar images to reverse image search them
Seriously, the amount of data they sell on you is pretty ridiculous. Frustrating because they initially claimed e2e & local hosting, then people actually read the privacy policy.
create a bot and scrape from the channel.
what is quassel
because you can't outsmart death basement dweller
Hardware acceleration
The so called "desktop app" is chrome rendering the website. You can literally click CTRL+SHIFT+I and get the same element inspector.
Indeed, it's truly a simple concept to provide a functional cross-platform web client, yet no one fucking does it.
someone should write a decentralized irc clone
you could hash + store the clientlist for a given channel name in a dht network + store backlogs locally in a decentralized fashion so if there is at least 1 guy still on the channel you can get the history back
you could ban people by subscribing to certain clients' public keys and filtering people they filter
How are they monetizing it? The client is free and has no ads and marketshare alone brings no revenue.
Why would Amazon or Google buy them if they make no money? I mean it makes sense when the company is of the scale of Whatsapp, but this is used by neckbeards and some light normies only.
they sell user data and chatlogs to """them"""
a proprietary, "free" chat app for gaymers
They plan paid plans.
>It's got account linking features with Twitch and Youtube Gaming.
>Many popular Twitch channels have their own Discord channel just for their subscribers.
>It's slowly replacing Skype and Teamspeak.
>Has potential to be a dedicated native platform for either mentionned services, both respectively owned by Amazon and Google.
Gee, I wonder.
Who is he to talk about modern science, muh cancer