What kind of stores carry mechanical keyboards? Never tried one but I'm interested. I live in the suburbs doe

What kind of stores carry mechanical keyboards? Never tried one but I'm interested. I live in the suburbs doe.

telling us nothing about which suburbs you live in (california? midwest? pacific northwest? deep south? northeast?) makes it impossible to help you.

if you're not serious, don't post. if you are, then don't be so fucking dodgy with the details.

ive never seen a mechanical keyboard in my life
its an american capitalist meme

mechanical keyboard are for faggots.

Well I wasn't trying to ask where my closest store is, what I meant is I'm not gonna be able to find some fancy newegg computer store or wherever people go

>being this new

tech stores

tech stores are the kind of stores that carry mechanical keyboards

what the fuck else do you want us to say?

Best bet would be independent computer shops.

I doubt the national chains would, unless they have some kind boutique section to target fledgling "hardcore" computer users. And even then would likely stock some meme brand that Sup Forums shits on.

No wnder I bought three

Any place that sells PC hardware.

look any place they sell a shit corsair mech keyboard, you'll get to try it. FYI even shit chink mech keyboards will somehow be better than the corsair.

jfc this whole thread is aids.

OP, look up a "switch tester", its just a little housing with a bunch of different key switches in it that you can try out to see if you like how they work.

maxkeyboards has one. there is a larger one that massdrop is always having a drop on.

delete this thread for being stupid.

Microcenter is where I tested my switches instead of buying a switch tester. I still fell for the fucking blues meme because when I bought the board I wanted sound. Not anymore.

>delete this thread for being stupid
This thread is not stupid, and I'm not even OP. The info people contribute could come of use to someone.

I've actually heard of switch testers but not about the massdrop one... so as someone who's thinking about getting a mech kb, and not sure which switches to get, I found your tip useful, proving that this thread has value.

What the fuck is a mechanical keyboard?

Is it just a regular keyboard? Is there any other type that isn't in a laptop?

When did they stop being sold?

Last time I bought a keyboard it was the normal kind from a second-hand shop. Using it right now. It cost $3

Then literally no one sells mechanical keyboards.

>What the fuck is a mechanical keyboard?
Do you not know what Google is either?

Hey Tony, didn't know you used the interwebs, too!


What the fuck? People spend dozens or even hundreds of dollars on keyboards?



Places like best buy usually have some but they're the ricer gamer ones.

Try one.

>being so poor that you are afraid of spending $100 on something you use every day

if its so good why doesnt imac come with one?
check mate atheists


Try one what?

Apparently I've always used a mechanical keyboard and not one of them cost more than $10 and not one of them has broken.

I'm using my ideal keyboard right now, one that I would prefer over any LED shit, and it cost $3

Go support another war for Israel, Consumerist Americuck goyim

we have an SQT for this. and a MKB general.

In the UK, both Maplin and GAME sell them.

They stock Corsair, Razer and maybe Steelseries ones depending on the shop.

If you're looking for artisan-crafted organic keyboards, you'll need to buy an internet and find a shop on there.

No, you probably haven't. Remove the key caps and check. Also get out of here with your dumb Sup Forums memes, and "goyim" is plural.


Best buy in my area in michigan has a whole aisle dedicated to mechanical keyboards and switches mostly logitech and razr brand

best buy usually has cherry red and cherry blue.

Computer store that says gayman crap.

in the UK, just buy a keyboard online, our laws allow you to return the item for a full refund if you dont want it

>buy Cherry Blues because I type a ton
>can't find mechanical keyboards anymore that aren't xxGAMERxx KEYBOARD with flashing LEDs

This desu.
>typed using my Korean mechanical keyboard

The autism is really acting up.

oh no did i trigger you? sorry, trigger warning!



I just had heartiest of keks

>south korea
>not an american colony