The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth...

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth. Humanity has randomly chosen people to enter an underground nuclear shelter with enough food and provisions for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again, luckily you were picked.
>You are allowed to bring one piece of technology with you.

Choose wisely Sup Forums...

>>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth.

u wot?

What kind of a retarded fucking scenario is that?

A light bulb

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth.

u fokn wot m8?

how the fuck does the sun fall out of orbit and crash into the Earth?

dumbass the sun doesn't orbit anything, kill yourself

I would bring the only piece of technology worth preserving: the Apple MacBook Air™

A gun and bullets, you have to be a fucking retard to pick anything else.

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth.
You're literally retarded. Going underground will do nothing. This scenario is shit.

>taking intentionally retarded hyperbole seriously

Is there an easier test for autism than this?

ITT: Newfags unveil themselves

>the sun doesn't orbit anything.

sweet little mind

Oh, so he's posting this old pasta on every board then?

I would bring a hasmat suit so I could go outside in less then half the time and plant crops to speed up the time.

>dumbass the sun doesn't orbit anything, kill yourself

>the sun isn't orbiting the center of this galaxy

back to elementary school kid :^)

nice pasta.
I saw that thread.

A gun so i can kill my self after I realize surviving is too much of a hassle

>the sun doesn't orbit anything

Everything in the universe is orbiting something bigger retard. There are even cases when several things in the same order of magnitude orbit each other. Look up how systems with several suns work. Fag.

it was in perspective of the solar system you deft shits.

no shit the solar system orbits the fucking galaxy.

>>dumbass the sun doesn't orbit anything, kill yourself
>sun doesn't orbit anything
let me guess, you were only pretending to be retarded?

you dipshit galaxies don't orbit anything

go read a textbook retard

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit
Even if the Sun were to somehow fall out of it's orbit around the galactic center, Earth would still be orbiting the Sun. Furthermore, even if Earth and Sol were to collide, Earth would be obliterated. If I ever had to take shelter anywhere the one thing I wouldn't bring is your retarded ass.

:^) you just got pranked anonymous xD

fuck that noise, I volunteer to stay outside and watch everything die

I'll bring a radioisotope thermoelectric generator and let girls charge their iPads off it in return for sexual favors.

>guaranteed replies
well meme'd

But the sun isn't orbiting anything...

>The Sun has fallen out of orbit
Look at this geocentric model nigga.

>Ancient pasta still manages to trigger autists

Space rocket is the only answer

>get every programming book, everything
>theory, syntax, gaming, etc
>spend all day programming/learinng programming
>become a master
>program cool AI
>create a companion I can talk to so I don't go crazy

Dragon dildo, of course.

>being this new

My trusty Baofeng UV-B5!
[Spoiler] I wish I had an HF transceiver [/spoiler]

What if a sun of fire and a sun of ice collide?

an angel will get its wings

something something Poe's Law. You, them, OP. It's all serious. It's all jokes. It's all retarded.

Hitachi magic wand

are you a grill?

check your privilege mate. It's only proper barbecues here.

*tips fedora*

A ball of hydrogen and oxygen plasma collides with a ball of mostly hydrogen plasma. I think you're just going to get a bigger ball of plasma.

That is, assuming you can get the 2 to collide in the first place. Angular momentum tends to keep 2 massive objects like that from ever getting close enough to merge

>A nuclear missile is headed for your house and will explode in 2 minutes, and you need to quickly run to your neighbor's house for about 50 minutes until the nuclear explosion dissipates.
>You are allowed to bring one piece of technology with you.

Choose wisely Sup Forums...

>Deflect incoming disaster with Thinkpad.


The Nintendo switch baby

Teletorter that can beam me to another planet or at least continent

>>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth.
You're an idiot.

>the sun has fallen out of orbit

>for the next 50 years until the Earth is habitable again
>The Sun has fallen out of orbit and is going to crash into the Earth

Which is exactly why it exists as pasta. If it wasn't any good, nobody would ever cook it

>Your and idiot.

Sup Forums in a nutshell

It's orbiting the supermassive black hole in the cent of the galaxy.

my fucking sides

I'd bring the antidote.

raspberry pi3

A chinkpad running Gentoo, with a haskell compiler instal

I haven't seen this pasta in a while.

a gun so I can be alone and let humanity end

>he think the sun is not orbiting the center of the galaxy

my iPhone (with cables)

some autist will bring the generator, right?

>brings his shiny now utterly useless toy with him
humanity is doomed


you must be fun at parties

I choose to remain outside and survive the crash using the technology of Nivea suncream.

here`s the autist
you cant survive all alone

plus my iphone is more powerful and can do more than any unix workstation 25 years ago

What about adaptors

t. Herr Kröll

Ignoring the orbit mechanics, EVEN if we assume that the sun (or a sun) clashes with our Eath, it's gone for good.

While OP's scenario was dumb, the fact that the sun orbits something else, is not. It does indeed orbit

>you cant survive all alone
You can, though. It won't be comfortable, but provided that you were society at one point (even as a kid), you'd be able to apply the things you learned from them to your surroundings, even if you're alone.

My memeplus 3
>locally saved music.
>locally saved movies/vids (aka porn).
>comfy vidya

What fucking else would you need?

this guy knows whats up
