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Did you hear Russia is banning Microsoft products? Do you think Putin has been reading too much Sup Forums or is it a legitimate threat to the motherland?
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it is a legit threat to the motherland comrade

Common sense plus they are getting ready for the future of OSs

We require a more democratic operating system. absolute coincidence.

They can't put backdoors in Windows so they're going to ship out their own botnet. Makes sense.

>or is it a legitimate threat to the motherland?
IDK OP, you tell me

Of COURSE it's a threat to the motherland. Let's see, based out of USA, participates in PRISM and god-knows-fuck-whatever-it-does-with-all-this-windows-10-data. I'm sure they're deep in cahoots with NSA cahonies if you know what i mean jelly bean toodles! ;)

dont worry they will make sure to take the freedoms off in time after adaptation is done

Delayed disclosure and "privileged disclosure" agreements between 3-letters and microsoft are long known open secrets.

If that was the reason it would be pointless.
Nowadays you have backdoors almost everywhere. Webkit/Blink blackboxes, HDD Firmwares, systemd obscure implementations, you name it.

If they want you for real, they get you. Just don't be wanted and you're fine.

I'd rather be NSA botnet than FSB, thank you very much


>Not being outside the botnet world
Install Ubuntu MATE

they're banning them because the Cold War is coming back, and Russia is eliminating any dependence on Western (in particular American) products.

Any country with a shred of sense would avoid using Windows on government computers. Better to just install something like Fedora since you can have your guys comb through the code for anything suspicious rather than place blind trust in a company that is known to work with the NSA.

They want to control what is going in and out of peoples PCs, just like Yanks do with Windows.

They're banning it on any government associated comps. Anyone with common sense would've been boarded that ship. Way to go.

Does this mean hillary is going to win?

The year of Linux desktop has come

>lurk more mentioned in post
>implying this post in anything but credible

That was officially denied by the kremlin as a silly rumor. What trash do you get your stale "news" from?

Your mom's crotch, mostly

>is it a legitimate threat

>not botnet
Pick one.

does this mean more linux game support? games like league that have russian servers

Rebranded KGB.

too bad this distro doesn't have any US mirrors or i would use it as my daily OS.

The UI is actually really nice and it have lots of useful programs installed.

If this was true, he's probably trying to stop all the attacks so a real war doesn't pop off.

Russia bans Microsoft ⇒ Less Ruskies using Windows ⇒ Less Ruskies polluting online games
Russia bans Microsoft ⇒ Less Ruskies using computers ⇒ Ruskies stay contained on social networks

Good news.

league already runs on linux you dongle

Trump wants to avoid WWIII and be friends with russia. Hillary has no problem listening to her puppet masters and declare nuclear war with russia. Vote for trump if you want to live till the next election.

Jokes on you, I work in defense sector.
Hillary's just making jobs.

>Making jobs


>Trump wants to avoid WWIII
That fucker will start WWIII over twitter. What ever happened to the republican party not rolling over and playing dead for a foreign power? Absolutely no fucking backbone anymore.
The only reason Trump likes Russia so much is because he knows that if he does shit to their benefit that they'll forgive all his Russian-based debts.
What has Russia done in the past 50 years? Lost a shit ton of influence and then gained back part of Ukraine. Wow. Kudos Russia. In the mean while they created a democratic system that was cucked by some low-level mobster within the first 20 years of its implementation. Russia should not be feared or respected. If we got into a legitimate war with Russia, we would bury them.

>If we got into a legitimate war with Russia, we would bury them.
I think you're underestimating the military power of russia.

The year of linux being attacked by russian hackers has come
One of the big 3 windows bullies has moved to our playground

I think you're underestimating the military power of the US and its allies in comparison to Russia and its allies. And if you're going to bring up China, well let me just say that China needs the US to stay afloat and if given the choice between the two, they will chose us. Don't forget that we've got the Japs on our side; we don't even need to conquer any territory to start launching devastating attacks on moscow within an hour.

Why did you bring up japan of all countries? You really think a country like that is going to attack moscow just because the US said so?

>trump is mean on the internet
Wow, world war 3 confirmed.

UEFI was a mistake

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. I'm saying we would use Japan to launch our aircraft and do continuous bombing runs. What territory does Russia have near Washington D.C.?

Steam runs on linux, Dota runs on linux, CS-GO runs on linux, lel of legends probably runs on wine as it runs on any toaster.

Russkies don't play anything else

And I'm saying it's not going to be an easy 5 minute conflict like you think it would be. Russia wouldn't go down without a fight and a very bloody fight it will be if we declare war on them. Moscow is also the only city in the world with its own nuclear defense system. Declaring war on russia and making relationships go very sour is the last thing trump wants.

Russians are tough, we could side with terrorists against them and all, chase them away. But then we'd be in their position with how they're fighting the terrorists now. It would be bloody and long and last for 8 years.

>war with russia
>side with terrorists
We're talking about Trump winning

I never said it would be a 5 minute conflict, but when you lose the will of your own people it's pretty much done. Putin killed his political opponent and we can assume that there are a hell of a lot of russians waiting for the right time to take him down.
Just think about what we've got on our side. We've got all of western Europe, including the UK. We've got most (if not all) asian nations besides north korea. China will either be neutral or join our side because we have so much debt with them that it wouldn't make sense for them to turn on us; we would be able to use that as an excuse not to pay them. We've got Canada and almost all Latin American countries.
So again I have to ask: What does Russia have? We would not be looking to occupy and conquer Russia, we would be looking to empower Putin's enemies within Russia to take control. It would not be WWIII, it would be everyone vs Russia.

>Side with terrorists.
What the fuck are you even talking about. The terrorists have nothing to do with a US vs Russia conflict. What fucking allies does Russia have besides Syria right now?

Russia is not strong, because their actions have alienated them from the rest of the developed nations of the world.

What geopolitical world do you come from where everyone hates Russian and would side with America. Back to topic, Trump would not start WW3. Fighting against the infidel muslims would win brownie points with Russia who are at it alone.

If he throws a temper tantrum over pixels then it should be assumed he'll throw a temper tantrum over anything.

Hillary throws temper tantrums over the most asinine shit ever. Ever read about the shit those ex secret service guys talk/write about?

Hillary is a literal war hawk neocon. How in the fuck can you run your mind around Trump being worse for WW3 over her.

>So again I have to ask: What does Russia have? We would not be looking to occupy and conquer Russia, we would be looking to empower Putin's enemies within Russia to take control. It would not be WWIII, it would be everyone vs Russia.
So basically: world war 3. You could do a lot better with good diplomacy. Trump is great at making deals, I trust the man to improve things in russia. No country is going to declare war on russia just because the US said so. So many mens lives would be lost in the conflict. Russia still has a large stockpile of weapons from the soviet days.

Besides, you could improve things significantly with russia if trump got those cockroaches in turkey to stop funding ISIS.

Everything made since the year 2007 has been a mistake.

I suspect our Conrad in the motherland will be use the popular "Tinfoil hat" distro of OS, is very easy make with sickle and hammer.

No but seriously windows 10 is a joke when it comes to privacy in the hands of the typical user and M$ ending support for older versions periodically does not make business sense for many organizations, not just the Russian government.

That and trusting a corporation with the software used to run your military is pretty fucking dumb.

Europe should do the same thing with a foss distro.
Microsoft is cancer and is almost an arm of the us gov as this point.


Technology tends to overlap with politics

Do you hear yourself?
>trump is mean
>better stick with a career politician warmonger just to be safe
It's called brainwashed

>Russia still has a large stockpile of weapons from the soviet days.
You are aware that the Soviet Union collapsed 25 years ago, military technology has come a long way in that time, explosives have a shelf life, and some of those stockpiles are already not going to be in the best condition due to neglect.

A bold and honestly incredibly respectable move. Wish more countries would do this.

>Hilary is a career politician warmonger >Better stick with a non-career politician warmonger just to be safe

Both candidates are running on the "fuck em all to death" platform. This war is happening/continuing no matter what you do.

In every war that russia has been it was never about the technological edge, it was always about quantity over quality. There are literally fields of soviet APCs and tanks across russia ready to be thrown at the enemy, whether it will be effective is another matter.

They are banning microsoft from goverment. They aren't banning it from homes and private users.

that's good
finally a politician that sees that micro$haft is shit and evil

>Both candidates are running on the "fuck em all to death" platform
One wants to make america great again, the other wants to rape children and drink blood

Only reason they're doing this is because a domestic solution that they had more control over would be better for spying on their own subjects. Remember this is coming from the same country that requires phone companies to maintain audio recordings of all calls that pass through them for 6 months (which is beyond what the NSA was revealed to be doing in the Snowden leaks).

its the ONLY desktop

>and drink blood
it's semen and breast milk "art"

News of this made me kek.

Russians are snow-niggers who only use computers for gaming. No one in Russia uses Linux and I highly doubt any of them would find the will to install a god-tier distro like Arch.

I fucking hate russians and holy shit you are either baiting perfectly or batshit crazy.

Fuck off, poes law.

t. subhuman faggots

trying to keep the proletariat down as usual, fucking bourgies

>There are literally fields of soviet APCs and tanks across russia ready to be thrown at the enemy
Not really, a lot of those are in poor condition and would require significant work to return to service. Even in long term storage machines still need regular maintenance, and from what I've seen in the threads where this gets brought up on /k/ Russia doesn't exactly keep up with that maintenance (or even keep the equipment in good environments for long term storage for that matter).

russian here. if you are using arch then you probably using code that i wrote. i'm watching this thread.

>Russians are snow-niggers who only use computers for gaming
Russians are literally some of the best programmers in the world you absolute fucking idiot

Now i can understand why our dictator suck Trump's dick, spreading freedom is failed miserably everywhere, but supporting a coup wouldn't hurt us much.

Top tier diplomacy. Even Bush was a classy gentleman compared to him.

>devastating attacks on moscow within an hour.

wow calm down you mongrel.
do you wanna fast present over the north pole for christmas? go eat some burgers and vote whoever the fuck you want. your """""""election""""" is just a good show to the rest of the world.

tl;dr usa is a pretty sick joke desu

>it's another "retarded gaymer who thinks the shitty home version is the only version" episode
every fucking time

>i'm watching this thread.

You're forgetting that soviet tech was primitive for the most part, so it doesn't require a lot of maintenance effort. Sure some share of it may and will fail, the rest will work just fine, including all the AKs which require literally 0 maintenance.

>You're forgetting that soviet tech was primitive for the most part, so it doesn't require a lot of maintenance effort
It doesn't matter how simple and primitive a vehicle is, leave it in a field for storage for 25 years with little to no maintenance and it's not going to be in good condition.

>including all the AKs which require literally 0 maintenance.
First of all, that's wrong. Second of all, small arms are one of the few things that would be properly stored as you just need to cover them in cosmoline and throw them back into the crate they came in and they'll still be usable long after they've become obsolete (WWII era bolt action rifles and submachine guns are still readily available in storage like this and old single shot rifles can even be found like this). Small arms would be the least of most country's worries if WWIII kicked off and they needed to quickly expand their military.

russians are qt